Welsh Government has unveiled its latest TV advertising campaign during Organ Donation Week (2nd-8th September) in a bid to encourage more people to sign the Organ Donor Register.

This is the third advert from the Welsh Government and evolves from last year’s hard-hitting campaign urging people to have the organ donation conversation but also to make a decision, tell their family and then register it online.

Figures from NHS Blood and Transplant show that nearly half of people in Wales have now registered their organ donation decision on the Organ Donor Register.

In 2015, Wales adopted a soft-opt out system of consent, where if a person has not registered any organ donation decision, then their consent can be deemed.  Deemed consent means that a person is assumed to have no objection to organ donation unless they have stated otherwise.  Moving to the new system has helped increase the consent rate in Wales to the highest in the UK.  However, the ability to opt in on the Organ Donor Register has always been there and is something we want to encourage people to do.

The new advertising campaign plays on famous guessing games such as charades to playfully but powerfully communicate the message that families are more likely to support a decision if they know what their relative wanted.

Specialist Nurse for Organ Donation, Sarah Crosby, whose job it is to have the conversation with the families of those who donate and receive organs, said: “Because of the soft opt out law in Wales, we can assume consent unless a person has said otherwise.  This is really helpful when having conversations with families, but we do find some relatives are still unsure in these situations.  This is why, if you feel passionately about being an organ donor and want your family to be sure of what you want, then I would encourage you to go online and opt in.”

“Last year 24 people in Wales died waiting for an organ, so it’s an important message to get across that joining the Organ Donor Register and telling your loved ones is the best way of making everyone aware of your decision,” Sarah added.

The new campaign follows the award- winning ‘Talk About Organ Donation’ television campaign which centred on family members overriding the decision of an organ donor.

Creative Director at Golley Slater behind the campaign, Paul Williams said: “The new campaign is an exciting step for Organ Donation Wales.

“We’ve established the need for people to have the chat with their loved ones in previous campaigns but now we’re pushing for people to take action and sign the register. Using the theme of family games reiterates the importance of having this conversation with those closest to us to avoid confusion in the future.”

Health Secretary Vaughan Gething said: “It’s encouraging to see that Wales has paved the way in organ donation legislation and both England and Scotland have followed our lead with opt-out legislation coming into force in 2020. Despite many people being aware of the legislation in Wales, we must continually think of new ways to ensure as many people as possible are doing all they can to make their decision clear to their friends and family.

“There are certain times in our lives when we are prompted to think about organ donation, like when we renew our driving licenses, or when visiting the doctors.  We want to create as many opportunities as possible for people to reflect on and talk about their decision, and if they want, to register that on the Organ Donor Register.  We hope this advertising campaign will do just that. We’re extremely proud of the campaign and we’re looking forward to seeing it on our TVs, social media and in print making sure as many people as possible start chatting about organ donation.”

The advert will be shown for the first time tonight (2.09.19) in the break in Coronation Street on ITV Wales and S4C.

If you want to donate your organs, it’s important to make a decision, register it by calling 0300 123 23 23 or visiting and have the organ donation chat with your loved ones.


Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi cyhoeddi ei hymgyrch deledu ddiweddaraf yn ystod Wyrthnos Rhoi Organau (2-8 Medi) er mwyn ceisio annog mwy ohonom i roi’n henwau ar y Gofrestr Rhoi Organau.

Dyma’r trydydd hysbyseb gan Lywodraeth Cymru sy’n deillio o ymgyrch bwerus y llynedd a oedd yn annog pobl i siarad am roi organau, ond hefyd i wneud penderfyniad ar ymater, dweud wrth eu teulu a chofrestru ar-lein wedyn.

Mae ffigurau Gwaed a Thrawsblaniadau’r GIG yn dangos bod bron i hanner pobl Cymru wedi cofrestru eu penderfyniad rhoi organau ar y Gofrestr Rhoi Organau erbyn hyn.

Yn 2015, fe wnaeth Cymru fabwysiadu system feddal o optio allan, a olygai os nad oedd unigolyn wedi cofrestru unrhyw benderfyniad rhoi organau, yna gellir ei ystyried yn gydsyniad tybiedig. Mae cydsyniad tybiedig yn cymryd nad oedd gan ungiolyn unrhyw wrthwynebiad i roi organau oni bai ei fod wedi dweud fel arall. Mae symud i system newydd wedi helpu i gynyddu’r gyfradd gydsynio yng Nghymru, a dyma’r gyfradd uchaf yn y DU. Fodd bynnag, mae’r gallu i optio i mewn i’r Gofrestr Rhoi Organau wedi bod yno erioed, ac yn rhywbeth yr ydym yn annog pobl i’w wneud.

Mae’r ymgyrch hysbysebu newydd yn chwarae ar gemau dyfalu enwog fel ‘charades’ er mwyn cyfleu’r neges mewn ffordd chwareus ond pwerus fod teuluoedd yn fwy tebygol o gefnogi penderfyniad os ydyn nhw’n gwybod mai dyna oedd dymunad eu perthynas.

Meddai’r Nyrs Arbenigol Rhoi Organau, Sarah Crosby, sy’n siarad â theuluoedd y rhai sydd wedi rhoi a derbyn organau fel rhan o’i gwaith: “Oherwydd y ddeddfwriaeth system feddal o optio allan sydd gennym yng Nghymru, gallwn dybio bod rhywun wedi cydsynio oni bai iddo dweud fel arall. Mae’n fuddiol iawn wrth sgwrsio gyda theuluoedd, ond mae rhai perthnasau’n dal yn ansicr yn y sefyllfaoedd hyn. Dyna pam, os ydych chi’n teimlo’n angerddol dros roi organau ac am i’ch teulu fod yn siŵr am eich penderfyniad, y dylech chi fynd ar-lein i optio i mewn.”

“Y llynedd, bu farw 24 o bobl yng Nghymru wrth ddisgwyl am organau, felly mae’n neges bwysig i’w chyfleu, sef mai ymuno â’r Gofrestr Rhoi Organau a dweud wrth eich anwyliaid yw’r ffordd orau o sicrhau bod pawb yn ymwybodol o’ch penderfyniad,” ychwanegodd Sarah.

Mae’r ymgyrch newydd yn dilyn ymgyrch deledu o fri ‘Siarad am roi organau’ oedd yn canolbwyntio ar aelodau’r teulu yn gwyrdroi penderfyniad rhoddwr organau.

Yn ôl Paul Williams, Cyfarwyddwr Creadigol Golley Slater sy’n gyfrifol am yr ymgyrch: “Mae’r ymgyrch newydd yn gam cyffrous i gynllun Rhoi Organau Cymru.

“Mewn ymgyrchoedd blaenorol, rydym wedi sefydlu’r angen i bobl siarad â’u hanwyliaid, a nawr rydyn ni’n annog pobl i gymryd y cam o lofnodi’r gofrestr. Mae defnyddio’r thema gemau teuluoel yn pwysleisio pwysigrwydd cael y sgwrs bwysig hon gyda’n hanwyliaid er mwyn osgoi dryswch yn y dyfodol.”

Meddai’r Ysgrifennydd Iechyd Vaughan Gething: “Mae’n braf gweld Cymru ar flaen y gad gyda deddfwriaeth rhoi organau, ac mae’r Alban a Lloegr wedi dilyn ein hesiampl ni gyda deddfwriaeth optio allan a fydd yn dod i rym yn 2020. Er bod llawer yn ymwybodol o’r ddeddfwriaeth yma yng Nghymru, rhaid inni feddwl am ffyrdd newydd parhaus o sicrhau bod cymaint o bobl ag sy’n bosib yn gwneud popeth posib i egluro eu penderfyniad wrth eu ffrindiau a’u teuluoedd.

“Mae adegau penodol yn ein bywydau lle rydym yn cael ein cymell i feddwl am roi organau, fel wrth adnewyddu ein trwydded yrru neu wrth fynd at y meddyg. Hoffem greu cymaint ag sy’n bosib o gyfleoedd i bobl ystyried a siarad am eu penderfyniad, ac os ydyn nhw eisiau, cofrestru hynny ar y Gofrestr Rhoi Organau. Gobeithio mai dyna fydd yr ymgyrch hysbysebu hon yn ei wneud. Rydyn ni’n hynod falch o’r ymgyrch ac yn edrych ymlaen at ei gweld ar y teledu, y cyfryngau cymdeithasol ac mewn print, gan sicrhau bod cymaint ag sy’n bosib ohonom yn dechrau siarad am roi organau.”

Fe fydd yr hysbyseb i’w weld am y tro cyntaf heno (2.09.19) yn ystod egwyl Coronation Street ar ITV Cymru ac ar S4C.

Os ydych chi am roi organau, mae’n bwysig penderfynu a chofrestru hynny trwy ffonio 0300 123 23 23 neu fynd i a siarad â’ch anwyliaid am roi organau.

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