Creative Wales – British School at Rome Fellowship 2019

Holly Davey

Holly Davey, a multi-media artist living and working in Cardiff is this year’s recipient of the Creative Wales – British School at Rome Fellowship.

 The Fellowship, funded by Arts Council of Wales, provides a valuable opportunity for an artist at a significant juncture of their career, who lives in Wales, to undertake a three-month residency in Rome. The Fellowship is open to exceptional, ambitious and imaginative creative individuals, working within the visual arts art form. It will provide an exceptional opportunity for career development for the artists selected, increase Wales’s artistic profile internationally, and make an invaluable contribution to creative Wales

 Holly Davey’s practice involves working closely with ideas around memory, place and archival collections both public and private. She is interested in the heritage of a location or collection and its lost and largely forgotten social history. She researches and develops ideas that explore notions of fact and fiction, blurring the boundaries and making the audience question what is real. Her work includes site-specific commissions and explores the relationship between photography and sculpture.

 During her time at BSR, Davey plans to research and explore the film sets at one of Europe’s largest film studio’s – Cinecitta, look at the work of architect Carlo Scarpa and delve into the photographic collection within the British School’s Library. Using these rich areas of research, she aims to create a series of new sculptural works that explore the relationship between photography and sculpture.

 Since graduating from Goldsmith College, London, Davey has exhibited across the UK and internationally. Recent exhibitions in 2018 include The Conversation, at g39, Cardiff and The Hardwick Gallery, Cheltenham Spa; Charcoal is the Colour of Absence, The Newbridge Project, Newcastle as well as The Conversation book launch at French Riviera, London.

Recent commissions include (2016 – 18) Here Is Where We Came From at Plymouth Arts Centre, Plymouth; There Is No There, A La Ronde, National Trust, Exeter; Here Is Where We Meet, a Situations Commission for Bath and Bristol Weekender and The Nameless Grace, The Holburne Museum, Bath; Nothing Is What It Is Because Everything Is What It Isn’t, Colwinston Trust Commission, National Museum Wales.

Holly’s residence period runs from 26 September to 20 December 2019.

Enillydd Cymru Greadigol   – Cymrodoriaeth Ysgol Prydain yn Rhufain 2019

Mae’r artist aml-gyfrwng Holly Davey, sy’n byw ac yn gweithio yng Nghaerdydd, wedi derbyn gwobr Cymru Greadigol – Cymrodoriaeth Ysgol Prydain yn Rhufain (British School in Rome).

Cyfle yw hwn i artist o Gymru dreulio 3 mis gydag Ysgol Prydain yn Rhufain. Mae’r Gymrodoriaeth, sy’n cael ei hariannu gan Gyngor y Celfyddydau, yn agored i unigolion creadigol eithriadol, uchelgeisiol a dychmygus, sydd yn gweithio ym maes y celfyddydau gweledol. Bydd yn rhoi cyfle arbennig i ddatblygu gyrfayr artist, yn cynyddu proffil artistig o Gymru yn rhyngwladol, ac yn gwneud cyfraniad amhrisiadwy i’r celfyddydau gweledol yng Nghymru.

Mae Holly Davey yn gweithio’n agos gyda syniadau ynghylch y cof, lle ac archifau cyhoeddus a phreifat. Mae ganddi ddiddordeb arbennig yn yr hanes tu ôl i leoliad neu gasgliad a’i hanes cymdeithasol cudd ac anghofiedig. Mae hi’n ymchwilio ac yn datblygu syniadau sy’n archwilio syniadau o ffaith a ffuglen, gan gymylu’r ffiniau a gwneud i’r gynulleidfa gwestiynu beth sy’n real. Mae ei gwaith yn cynnwys comisiynau penodol i leoliadau ac yn archwilio’r berthynas rhwng ffotograffiaeth a cherflunwaith.

Yn ystod ei hamser yn y Ysgol Prydain yn Rhufain, mae Holly yn bwriadu ymchwilio ac archwilio’r golygfeydd set yn un o stiwdios ffilm mwyaf Ewrop – Cinecitta, edrych ar waith y pensaer Carlo Scarpa yn ogystal ag ymchwilio i’r casgliad ffotograffig yn Llyfrgell yr Ysgol. Gan ddefnyddio’r meysydd ymchwil cyfoethog hyn, ei nod yw creu cyfres o weithiau cerfluniol newydd sy’n archwilio’r berthynas rhwng ffotograffiaeth a cherflunwaith.

Ers graddio yng Ngholeg Goldsmith, Llundain, mae Holly wedi arddangos ledled y DU ac yn rhyngwladol. Yn 2018 roedd arddangosfeydd yn The Conversation, g39, Caerdydd ac Oriel Hardwick, Cheltenham Spa; Charcoal is the Colour of Absence, The Newbridge Project, Newcastle a lansiad y llyfr The Conversation yn y French Riviera, Llundain.

Mae comisiynau diweddar (2016 – 18) yn cynnwys Here Is Where We Came From yng Nghanolfan Gelf Plymouth; There Is No There There, A La Ronde, National Trust,Caerwysg; Here Is Where We Meet, Comisiwn ‘Situations’ar gyfer Bath and Bristol Weekender a The Nameless Grace, Amgueddfa Holburne, Bath; Nothing Is What It Is Because Everything Is What It Isn’t, Comisiwn gan Ymddireiodlaeth Colwinston, Amgueddfa Cymru.

Bydd Holly yn gweithio yn yr Ysgol rhwng 26 Medi a 20 Rhagfyr 2019.

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