Social care should be free at the point of need a landmark commission into social care in Wales has found.

Plaid Cymru’s Care Commission, established to test the viability of developing a National Care Service for Wales in parallel with the National Health Service, has published its findings in the report, Developing a vision for social care in Wales. The report will be launched today at the Temple of Peace in Cardiff.

The Care Commission recommends social care in Wales be free at the point of need and funded from general taxation.  It also believes there needs to parity of pay between Health and Social Care and that workers in social care should be moved onto NHS pay scales.

Further recommendations include investment in early intervention and preventative health and care services, transforming care into a person centred service, with a fully bilingual workforce and government investment in technology.

The proposal will now be considered by Plaid Cymru as policy for the Senedd elections in 2021.

Dr Dai Lloyd AM, Plaid Cymru’s Shadow Minister for Local Government, Care and Public Services and member of the Care Commission said,

“This is the first stage of the Care Commission’s work. We are excited by the challenge to present a radical workable solution for social care for the people of Wales and the National Care Service working hand in glove with the NHS will be central to the Plaid Cymru Government in 2021.

“Aneurin Bevan is rightly celebrated for being the architect of the NHS in the teeth of vocal opposition and vested interests. The challenge to radically reform social care along the same lines as health care is one Plaid Cymru is determined to achieve – finishing Aneurin Bevan’s work – Gorffen gwaith Nye.

Helen Mary Jones AM, Plaid Cymru’s Shadow Minister for Health and Social Services welcomed the recommendations and said that the policy will ‘correct the injustices’ of people with dementia having to sell their homes to pay for bills. Ms Jones noted that the existing system is ‘inefficient, unsustainable and creates the wrong incentives for providers’.

Helen Mary Jones AM, Plaid Cymru’s Shadow Minister for Health and Social Services said,

“Plaid Cymru has long stated that social care should be free at the point of need and funded from general taxation, in the same way that the NHS is funded and I fully welcome the commission’s recommendations today.

“We often hear of the desperate stories of individuals from across Wales who are not receiving the social care that they need such as people with dementia having to sell their homes to pay for care bills.  

“Social care and social care workers must be given parity of esteem, status and pay within the health and social care system. The existing system is inefficient, unsustainable and creates the wrong incentives for providers. Plaid Cymru’s vision for Social Care in Wales will be radical, nationally led, and delivered across Wales to tackle the pressures on our social services in Wales.

“Changes in social care alone will not deal with the inbuilt unfairness in the system. If we keep a fully funded National Care Service separate from the NHS there will still be arguments about which budget pays for what.

“We will need to go further. That is why the Care Commission has recommended the creation of a single National Health and Care Service for Wales, planned and funded nationally and delivered locally. The implications of this recommendation are far reaching, and there is more work to do but it makes no sense to perpetuate the artificial divide between health and social care that has led to so much inequity for so long.


Dylai gofal cymdeithasol fod yn rhad ac am ddim yn ôl yr angen mae comisiwn mewn i ofal cymdeithasol yng Nghymru wedi’i ddarganfod.

Mae Comisiwn Gofal Plaid Cymru, a sefydlwyd i brofi pa mor bosibl fyddai datblygu Gwasanaeth Gofal Cenedlaethol i Gymru ochr yn ochr â’r Gwasanaeth Iechyd Gwladol, wedi cyhoeddi ei ganfyddiadau yn yr adroddiad Datblygu gweledigaeth am ofal cymdeithasol yng Nghymru. Bydd yr adroddiad yn cael ei lansio heddiw yn y Deml Heddwch yng Nghaerdydd.

Mae’r Comisiwn Gofal yn argymell bod gofal cymdeithasol yng Nghymru ar gael yn rhad ac am ddim ac yn cael ei ariannu o drethiant cyffredinol. Credai hefyd bod angen cydraddoldeb cyflog rhwng Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol ac y dylid symud gweithwyr mewn gofal cymdeithasol i raddfeydd cyflog y GIG.

Mae argymhellion pellach yn cynnwys buddsoddi mewn ymyrraeth gynnar a gwasanaethau iechyd a gofal ataliol, trawsnewid gofal i fod yn wasanaeth sy’n canolbwyntio ar yr unigolyn, gyda gweithlu cwbl ddwyieithog ac i’r llywodraeth fuddsoddi mewn technoleg.

Bydd y cynnig nawr yn cael ei ystyried gan Plaid Cymru fel polisi ar gyfer etholiadau’r Senedd yn 2021.

 Meddai Dr Dai Lloyd AC, Gweinidog Cysgodol Plaid Cymru dros Lywodraeth Leol, Gofal a Gwasanaethau Cyhoeddus ac aelod o’r Comisiwn Gofal,

 “Dyma gam cyntaf gwaith y Comisiwn Gofal. Rydym wedi’n cyffroi gan yr her i gyflwyno datrysiad radical ac ymarferol ar gyfer gofal cymdeithasol i bobl Cymru a bydd y Gwasanaeth Gofal Cenedlaethol yn gweithio law yn llaw â’r GIG fel rhan ganolog o Lywodraeth Plaid Cymru yn 2021.

 “Mae Aneurin Bevan yn cael ei gofio am fod yn bensaer y GIG yng ngwyneb gwrthwynebiad llym.  Mae’r her i ddiwygio gofal cymdeithasol yn yr un modd â gofal iechyd yn un mae Plaid Cymru yn benderfynol o’i gyflawni – gan orffen gwaith Aneurin Bevan.

Croesawodd Helen Mary Jones AC, Gweinidog Cysgodol Plaid Cymru dros Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol yr argymhellion gan nodi y bydd y polisi yn ‘cywiro anghyfiawnderau’ pobl â dementia sy’n gorfod gwerthu eu cartrefi i dalu am filiau. Nododd Ms Jones fod y system bresennol yn ‘aneffeithlon, anghynaliadwy ac yn creu’r cymhellion anghywir i ddarparwyr’.

 Meddai Helen Mary Jones AC, Gweinidog Cysgodol Plaid Cymru dros Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol,

 “Mae Plaid Cymru wedi nodi ers amser maith y dylai gofal cymdeithasol fod yn rhad ac am ddim ar y pwynt o’i angen ac wedi ei ariannu o drethiant cyffredinol, yn yr un ffordd ag y mae’r GIG yn cael ei ariannu. Rwyf felly yn croesawu argymhellion y comisiwn heddiw.

 “Rydyn ni’n aml yn clywed am straeon enbyd unigolion o bob rhan o Gymru nad ydyn nhw’n derbyn y gofal cymdeithasol sydd ei angen arnyn nhw megis pobl â dementia sy’n gorfod gwerthu eu cartrefi i dalu am filiau gofal.

 “Rhaid i weithwyr gofal cymdeithasol a gofal cymdeithasol gael parch, statws a chyflog o fewn y system iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol. Mae’r system bresennol yn aneffeithlon, yn anghynaladwy ac yn creu’r cymhellion anghywir i ddarparwyr. Bydd gweledigaeth Plaid Cymru ar gyfer Gofal Cymdeithasol yng Nghymru yn radical, yn cael ei harwain yn genedlaethol, ac yn cael ei darparu ledled Cymru er mwyn mynd i’r afael â’r pwysau ar ein gwasanaethau cymdeithasol yng Nghymru.

 “Ni fydd newidiadau mewn gofal cymdeithasol yn unig yn delio â’r annhegwch o fewn y system. Os ydym yn cadw Gwasanaeth Gofal Cenedlaethol a ariennir yn llawn ar wahân i’r GIG bydd dadleuon o hyd ynghylch pa gyllideb sy’n talu am bethau.

 “Bydd angen i ni fynd ymhellach. Dyna pam mae’r Comisiwn Gofal wedi argymell creu un Gwasanaeth Iechyd a Gofal Cenedlaethol ar gyfer Cymru, wedi’i gynllunio a’i ariannu’n genedlaethol a’i ddarparu’n lleol. Mae goblygiadau’r argymhelliad hwn yn bellgyrhaeddol, ac mae mwy o waith i’w wneud ond nid yw’n gwneud unrhyw synnwyr i barhau’r rhaniad artiffisial rhwng iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol sydd wedi arwain at gymaint o annhegwch cyhyd.


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