Llanelli Veterans take part in the 75th anniversary of the liberation of ‘sHertogenbosch


Llanelli Veterans Association, under the very able leadership of Lt Col David Mathias, did Llanelli proud when they paraded the standards on four separate occasions during a weekend of events in the Dutch city of ‘sHertogenbosch, to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the city from the Nazis on 27th October 1944, in which the 53rd Welsh Division played the major role. Also taking part in the commemorative events were Brecon Male Voice Choir, the Regimental Band of the Royal Welsh and soprano Llio Evans.

Following two concerts on the Friday with the Dutch Marines Band, the Regimental Band of the Royal Welsh, a choir from ‘sHertogenbosch and soprano Llio Evans, Saturday started with a very warm welcome to the Welsh visitors at the Town Hall by the Mayor of ‘s-Hertogenbosch and a fitting response by First Minister Mark Drakeford. This was also an opportunity to meet the four surviving veteran soldiers from the 53rd Welsh Division who were part of the liberating force. Then there was a presentation to the town of a portrait of General Robert Ross, who was in charge of the liberation operation, by his grandchildren and great grandchildren.

Later that morning, the visitors attended an ecumenical memorial service in the Cathedral during which the names were read out of the 146 men from the 53rd Welsh Division who lost their lives during the liberation.

Next came a military parade in which the Llanelli Veterans proudly carried the standards, and the march past was followed by a procession of veteran military vehicles from the period.

In the afternoon, coaches took all the visitors to a wreath-laying ceremony at the memorial to the 53rd Welsh Division, with the first wreath being laid by two young children from ‘sHertogenbosch, to emphasize the importance of passing on the history of the liberation to the next generation.

On Saturday evening, the Dutch put on a dramatic representation of what life had been like under the Nazi occupation, and showed film footage of the liberation itself. On Sunday, the visitors went to Uden War Cemetery, where in addition to the wreath laying ceremony, army cadets and visitors placed crosses at the graves of individual soldiers.

Nia Griffith MP, who also attended the events, commented, “It was a real privilege to be with the Llanelli Veterans on this very special 75th anniversary, and a real lesson to us that all these years on the citizens of ‘s-Hertogenbosch never take their freedom for granted and continue to express their gratitude to the Welsh for their role in the liberation.

“There were many very moving moments during the beautiful events we took part in. I would like to thank Lt Col David Mathias for all his work in co-ordinating the musical events with the Dutch, organising the participation by the Llanelli Veterans and kindly allowing me to join them.”

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