Energy saving solar lighting columns subjected to vandalism and theft

Left hand 6m column batteries gone_small

Neath Port Talbot Council and South Wales Police are looking for thieves who vandalised and stole batteries plus a solar panel from three trial solar lighting columns.

The attacks on the experimental energy saving lighting columns were discovered at Helios Drive on the Baglan Energy Park on Wednesday, November 6th.

Right column cut sollar pannels gone +batteries_small

It is understood the theft and vandalism took place recently, and certainly over the past few weeks.

One of the metal lighting columns was cut off “at the neck” and batteries were stripped from storage boxes on all three lighting columns while a solar panel was also cut off and taken away.

A Council spokesman said: “It’s very disappointing to say the least to see these trial solar lighting columns broken up in this way. They were intended to save money and help the environment but our evaluation of them has been stopped and we will have to incur costs.”

The Council and South Wales Police are keen to hear from anyone who may have seen the attacks or seen anyone acting suspiciously around the lighting columns recently.

Anyone with information about this should contact 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 quoting occurrence: 1900409403

Right column cut sollar pannels gone +batteries_small
Stripped out battery box 6m_small

Goleuadau solar sy’n arbed ynni yn cael eu fandaleiddio a’u dwyn

Mae Cyngor Castell-nedd Port Talbot a Heddlu De Cymru’n chwilio am ladron wnaeth fandaleiddio a dwyn batris a phanel solar oddi ar dair colofn golau solar arbrofol.

Darganfuwyd nos Fercher, Tachwedd 6, fod yr ymosodiadau wedi digwydd ar y colofnau golau arbrofol sy’n arbed ynni yn Rhodfa Helios ar Barc Ynni Baglan.

Deellir fod y lladrad a’r fandaliaeth wedi digwydd yn ddiweddar, ac yn bendant dros yr wythnosau diwethaf.

Right hand column cut down_small

Cafodd un o’r colofnau golau metel ei dorri i ffwrdd ‘yn y gwddf’ a thynnwyd batris o flychau storio ar bob un o’r tair colofn, tra bo panel solar hefyd wedi cael ei dorri i ffwrdd a’i gymryd.

Yn ôl llefarydd ar ran y Cyngor: “Mae’n siomedig a dweud y lleiaf i weld y colofnau golau solar arbrofol hyn wedi cael eu torri fel yma. Eu bwriad oedd arbed arian a helpu’r amgylchedd, ond bu’n rhaid rhoi’r gorau i’n gwerthusiad ohonyn nhw a bydd yn rhaid i ni ysgwyddo’r costau.”

Mae’r Cyngor a Heddlu De Cymru’n awyddus i glywed oddi wrth unrhyw un a allai fod wedi gweld yr ymosodiadau, neu a welodd unrhyw un yn ymddwyn yn amheus yn ardal y colofnau golau’n ddiweddar.

Dylai unrhyw un sydd â gwybodaeth am hyn gysylltu â 101 neu Crimestoppers ar 0800 555 111 gan ddyfynnu rhif digwyddiad: 1900409403


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