Exploring health, care and well-being in the Amman Valley | Archwilio iechyd, gofal a llesiant yn Nyffryn Aman


Hywel Dda University Health Board and the communities in the Amman Valley and Gwendraeth are continuing to explore how Amman Valley Hospital should be developed alongside other health and well-being services in the community.

Engagement events between the communities, the health board and Carmarthenshire Council will be held in January (2020), following previous events in Autumn 2019. It’s part of the health board’s commitment in its health and care strategy to work with communities to transform health and care for the benefit of current and future generations.

The events are being used to gather information on the strengths of the community in relation to health, care and well-being, and to explore if they can be expanded or further supported; as well as considering any gaps or concerns.

Council, health board and primary care and community staff supporting the events have been able to provide information about ongoing community developments in the areas. For example, social prescribing is being used by healthcare professionals to support people with different aspects of their life that affect health and well-being.

A clear message, which has been heard is the need for beds in Amman Valley Hospital to support local people. Beds are currently used as step down from needing care in a main hospital or when people need more health and care treatment than can be provided at home but do not need to be in a main hospital.

Hywel Dda University Health Board’s Interim County Director for Carmarthenshire Rhian Dawson explained: “We are so grateful to local people who continue to give us their time to provide us with an insight into the strengths of the community itself, direct experiences of health and care, and ideas on what is needed now and in the future to help keep people well and happy.”

“We agree there is a need for beds in Amman Valley Hospital and we want to work with staff and the community to look at how we best use beds to meet the right level of need. We also know that people are staying in the hospital for too long without a clear plan to get them home or to longer term settings. This is something we want to improve. We want to look at how we can make best use of the site to perhaps provide additional services to the local community such as outpatient appointments, clinics or tests and we are continuing to explore this with the community so we can bring some suggestions back to them.”

Other themes raised by several people include the desire for a minor injuries unit and diagnostic services at Amman Valley Hospital; a need to refurbish the hospital; and to make better use of technology for care. People have also been sharing their experiences of having difficulties with transport and isolation.

Another strong theme in discussions has been acknowledgement of the contribution the League of Friends has made to Amman Valley Hospital. Mrs Dawson said: “We are incredibly grateful to the League of Friends who remain key people for us to work with, providing an enormously valuable contribution not just in terms of money, but in support and experience. We are really keen to continue to talk with all interested people about what their views are, as well as to consider new ideas, challenges and consider alternatives and different scenarios, where relevant.”

Further ‘drop-in’ events to map out community services, groups, strengths or ‘assets’ will be held as follows and all are welcome:

  • Wednesday, 22 January, 3 to 6pm, Tumble Hall
  • Tuesday, 28 January, 3 to 6pm, Cwmaman Community Centre

Archwilio iechyd, gofal a llesiant yn Nyffryn Aman

Mae Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Hywel Dda a’r cymunedau yn Nyffryn Aman a Cwm Gwendraeth yn parhau i archwilio sut y dylid datblygu Ysbyty Dyffryn Aman ochr yn ochr â gwasanaethau iechyd a llesiant eraill yn y gymuned.

Bydd digwyddiadau ymgysylltu rhwng y cymunedau, y bwrdd iechyd a Chyngor Sir Gaerfyrddin yn cael eu cynnal ym mis Ionawr (2020), yn dilyn digwyddiadau blaenorol yn Hydref 2019. Mae’n rhan o ymrwymiad y bwrdd iechyd yn ei strategaeth iechyd a gofal i weithio gyda chymunedau i drawsnewid iechyd a gofal er budd cenedlaethau’r presennol a’r dyfodol.

Defnyddir y digwyddiadau i gasglu gwybodaeth am gryfderau’r gymuned mewn perthynas ag iechyd, gofal a llesiant, ac i archwilio a ellir eu ehangu neu eu cefnogi ymhellach; yn ogystal ag ystyried unrhyw fylchau neu bryderon.

Mae staff y cyngor, y bwrdd iechyd a gofal sylfaenol a chymunedol sy’n cefnogi’r digwyddiadau wedi gallu darparu gwybodaeth am ddatblygiadau cymunedol parhaus yn yr ardaloedd. Er enghraifft, mae rhagnodi cymdeithasol yn cael ei ddefnyddio gan weithwyr gofal iechyd proffesiynol i gefnogi pobl â gwahanol agweddau ar eu bywyd sy’n effeithio ar iechyd a llesiant.

Neges glir a glywyd yw’r angen am welyau yn Ysbyty Dyffryn Aman i gefnogi pobl leol. Ar hyn o bryd mae gwelyau’n cael eu defnyddio fel cam yn îs o fod angen gofal mewn prif ysbyty neu pan fydd pobl angen mwy o driniaeth iechyd a gofal nag y gellir ei ddarparu gartref ond nid oes angen iddynt fod mewn prif ysbyty.

Esboniodd Cyfarwyddwr Sirol Dros Dro Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Hywel Dda ar gyfer Sir Gaerfyrddin, Rhian Dawson: “Rydyn ni mor ddiolchgar i bobl leol sy’n parhau i roi o’u hamser i roi cipolwg inni o gryfderau’r gymuned ei hun, profiadau uniongyrchol o iechyd a gofal, a syniadau ar yr hyn sydd ei angen nawr ac yn y dyfodol i helpu i gadw pobl yn iach ac yn hapus.”

“Rydyn ni’n cytuno bod angen gwelyau yn Ysbyty Dyffryn Aman ac rydyn ni eisiau gweithio gyda staff a’r gymuned i edrych ar y ffordd orau i ni ddefnyddio gwelyau i ddiwallu’r lefel gywir o angen. Rydym hefyd yn gwybod bod pobl yn aros yn yr ysbyty am gyfnod rhy hir heb gynllun clir i’w cael adref neu i leoliadau hir dymor. Mae hyn yn rhywbeth rydyn ni am ei wella. Rydym am edrych ar sut y gallwn wneud y defnydd gorau o’r wefan i ddarparu gwasanaethau ychwanegol efallai i’r gymuned leol fel apwyntiadau cleifion allanol, clinigau neu brofion ac rydym yn parhau i archwilio hyn gyda’r gymuned fel y gallwn ddod â rhai awgrymiadau yn ôl iddynt ”

Ymhlith y themâu eraill a godwyd gan sawl person mae’r awydd am uned mân anafiadau a gwasanaethau diagnostig yn Ysbyty Dyffryn Aman; angen i adnewyddu’r ysbyty; ac i wneud gwell defnydd o dechnoleg ar gyfer gofal. Mae pobl hefyd wedi bod yn rhannu eu profiadau o gael anawsterau gyda chludiant a’u bod yn teimlo yn ynysig”

Thema gref arall mewn trafodaethau fu cydnabod y cyfraniad y mae Cynghrair y Cyfeillion wedi’i wneud i Ysbyty Dyffryn Aman. Dywedodd Mrs Dawson: “Rydym yn hynod ddiolchgar i Gynghrair y Cyfeillion sy’n parhau i fod yn allweddol inni weithio gyda nhw, gan ddarparu cyfraniad hynod werthfawr nid yn unig yn ariannol, ond o ran cefnogaeth a phrofiad. Rydym yn wirioneddol awyddus i barhau i siarad â’r holl bobl sydd â diddordeb am eu barn, yn ogystal ag ystyried syniadau, heriau newydd ac ystyried dewisiadau amgen a gwahanol senarios, lle bo hynny’n berthnasol.”

Bydd digwyddiadau ‘galw heibio’ pellach i fapio gwasanaethau cymunedol, grwpiau, cryfderau neu ‘asedau’ yn cael eu cynnal fel a ganlyn ac mae croeso i bawb:

  • Dydd Mercher, 22 Ionawr, 3 i 6pm, Neuadd y Tymbl
  • Dydd Mawrth, 28 Ionawr, 3 i 6pm, Canolfan Gymunedol Cwmaman

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