Pembrey Parish Churches, St. Illtyd and Llandyry


From the Vicar

Saturday morning, 21st March. The sound of silence has descended on a nation. It is a sobering experience. For some, those who are used to being alone and those confined to their homes because of age or illness, it’s ‘business as usual’. For the majority, used to freedom of movement and social activities, it’s more of a challenge. In our usually busy world we are no longer experienced in handling solitude and silence. On television we see images of deserted city centres; London or Cardiff. The roads are quiet and, next week, school playgrounds will be hushed.

It is a sharp reminder as to how much we take for granted, in a way our forebears did not. We have become the culture that ‘Knows the cost of everything and the value of nothing’. So, this enforced period of social distancing might be a good time for reflection. This is particularly true in this season of Lent. We might like to contemplate the mystery of the universe and of our planet which seems to manage and carry on perfectly well without us. Birds go about their business of nest-building oblivious to the crisis humans are now engaged with.

In all of this, we might reflect on the very profound mystery of the creation in which we are set and use some of our time to think of the many blessings in our lives; perhaps small but significant ones and offer thanks to God for them. It is an astonishing thought that one tiny, invisible, micro-particle has had the ability to bring the whole world to almost a standstill. This week, let’s try to be positive; count our Blessings and cultivate a sense of gratitude for the little things in life that have inestimable worth.

Prayers for our Times:

Loving Creator, you have set us in a world charged with your grandeur
But we so often fail to see or appreciate it.
We have busied ourselves and become so absorbed in ourselves
That we have become deaf to your presence in the silent moments.
Give us patience at this time, that in recognising a new way of being
We may also become aware of your Being
And put all things in a proper perspective,
Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

We offer our Prayers for the people of Italy, Spain and Europe
Together with the Middle and Far East; for South Africa and
All who are affected by the current crisis.
Be close to those who suffer and those who are dying; the bereaved
And whose hearts now break because of the pain of loss.
In our darkness and confusion bring the strength of Hope
And by your Grace grant us courage and humility for the facing of our days. Amen.

Canon Dewi Davies

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