Testing capacity stepped up / Cynyddu capasiti profi


Coronavirus testing capacity is being stepped-up in west Wales as work begins this weekend on a new drive-through testing unit for key workers on the showground site in Carmarthen.

The unit, which will be operational by Thursday (30 April), will support testing facilities already providing tests for NHS staff and key workers such as those from police, fire and ambulance services; care homes and other critical local authority staff.

Other testing facilities are available across the west Wales area in Aberystwyth, Cardigan, Haverfordwest and Llanelli, and consideration is also being taken as to how testing capacity may further be strengthened in Ceredigion, Pembrokeshire and Powys.

Executive Director of Therapies and Health Science for Hywel Dda University Health Board Alison Shakeshaft explained: “This is the next phase of our testing response supporting our key workers in critical areas of public service.

“We have testing capacity in all three counties of our patch, as well as provision of home testing where individuals are unable to access a testing unit e.g. for care home residents. We serve a rural community and are doing everything we can to make testing as accessible as possible. We will continue to work with other health boards in regards to mutual aid and supporting people who live or work across our boundaries.”

This latest testing unit has been delivered following a partnership between the UK Government and Deloitte to deliver the UK-wide coronavirus testing of key workers. Key partners on the west Wales facility also include the Welsh Government, Public Health Wales, Carmarthenshire Council and other partners on the Local Resilience Forum.

The facility, in addition to other testing units and alternatives being explored by the Welsh Government, could potentially support future expansion of community testing.

Currently tests for key workers in west Wales are managed through Hywel Dda University Health Board’s local command centre where symptomatic workers are provided an appointment slot for themselves, and/or if appropriate, members of their household. They are provided with specific instruction on when and how to attend the different testing facilities.

People are asked not to attend any testing facilities without prior arrangement with the health board, as this could adversely affect their ability to provide tests to those who need them.

Testing units do not pose a risk to the public as stringent infection prevention measures are in place to protect people, staff and the wider community.

Alison said: “We are grateful for the partnership working established in our area and also to our communities for their co-operation and continued support during this pandemic.”

For the latest news and updates from Hywel Dda University Health Board visit www.hduhb.wales.nhs.uk

Cynyddu capasiti profi

Rydym yn cynyddu ein capasiti profi coronafirws yng ngorllewin Cymru wrth i’r gwaith ddechrau y penwythnos hwn ar uned brofi gyrru drwodd newydd ar gyfer gweithwyr allweddol ar safle maes y sioe yng Nghaerfyrddin.

Bydd yr uned, a fydd yn weithredol erbyn dydd Iau (30 Ebrill), yn cefnogi cyfleusterau profi sydd eisoes yn darparu profion i staff y GIG a gweithwyr allweddol fel y rheini gan yr heddlu, gwasanaethau tân ac ambiwlans; cartrefi gofal a staff critigol eraill yr awdurdod lleol.

Mae cyfleusterau profi eraill ar gael ledled ardal gorllewin Cymru yn Aberystwyth, Aberteifi, Hwlffordd a Llanelli, ac mae ystyriaeth hefyd yn cael ei roi i gryfhau capasiti profi ymhellach yng Ngheredigion, Sir Benfro a Powys.

Esboniodd Cyfarwyddwr Gweithredol Therapïau a Gwyddor Iechyd ar gyfer Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Hywel Dda, Alison Shakeshaft: “Dyma gam nesaf ein hymateb i brofi  a chefnogi ein gweithwyr allweddol mewn meysydd hanfodol o wasanaeth cyhoeddus.

“Mae gennym ni allu profi ym mhob un o dair sir ein dalgylch, yn ogystal â darparu profion cartref lle nad yw unigolion yn gallu cyrchu uned brofi e.e. ar gyfer preswylwyr cartrefi gofal. Rydym yn gwasanaethu cymuned wledig ac yn gwneud popeth o fewn ein gallu i wneud profion mor hygyrch â phosibl. Byddwn yn parhau i weithio gyda byrddau iechyd eraill o ran cyd-gymorth a chefnogi pobl sy’n byw neu’n gweithio ar draws ein ffiniau.”

Cyflwynwyd yr uned brofi ddiweddaraf hon yn dilyn partneriaeth rhwng Llywodraeth y DU a Deloitte i ddarparu profion coronafirws ledled y DU ar gyfer gweithwyr allweddol. Mae partneriaid allweddol ar gyfleuster gorllewin Cymru hefyd yn cynnwys Llywodraeth Cymru, Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru, Cyngor Sir Gaerfyrddin a phartneriaid eraill ar y Fforwm Gwydnwch Lleol.

Gallai’r cyfleuster, yn ogystal ag unedau profi eraill a dewisiadau amgen sy’n cael eu harchwilio gan Lywodraeth Cymru, gefnogi ehangu profion cymunedol yn y dyfodol.

Ar hyn o bryd, rheolir profion ar gyfer gweithwyr allweddol yng ngorllewin Cymru trwy ganolfan orchymyn leol Prifysgol Hywel Dda lle darperir slot apwyntiad i weithwyr symptomatig ar gyfer eu hunain, a / neu os yw’n briodol, aelodau o’u cartrefi. Rhoddir cyfarwyddyd penodol iddynt ar pryd a sut i fynychu’r gwahanol gyfleusterau profi.

Gofynnir i bobl beidio â mynychu unrhyw gyfleusterau profi heb drefniant ymlaen llaw gyda’r bwrdd iechyd, oherwydd gallai hyn effeithio’n andwyol ar eu gallu i ddarparu profion i’r rhai sydd eu hangen.

Nid yw unedau profi yn peri risg i’r cyhoedd gan fod mesurau llym i atal heintiau ar waith i amddiffyn pobl, staff a’r gymuned ehangach.

Dywedodd Alison: “Rydym yn ddiolchgar am y bartneriaeth a sefydlwyd yn ein hardal a hefyd i’n cymunedau am eu cydweithrediad a’u cefnogaeth barhaus yn ystod y pandemig hwn.”

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