Spreading the kindness shown /Rhannu caredigrwydd


Hywel Dda University Health Board has been so overwhelmed by offers of help and donations from the local community that it is providing guidance on giving and also encouraging the community to consider donations to other good causes and those in need.

There has been an out-pouring of support for the NHS from communities in west Wales, and across the UK, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

This has resulted in the following gestures of goodwill:

  • 2,000 donated items with a net worth of more than £18,000 for our patients through our Amazon wish list – you can donate through https://tinyurl.com/ydafmec7
  • more than £62,000 in charitable donations to a dedicated appeal to support the welfare and wellbeing of our staff and volunteers. Donations are being spent in line with the wishes of our staff to fund items such as refreshments and snacks for staff rest and recovery rooms; staff welfare bags with a range of toiletries to freshen up during and after a shift, and other items– you can donate through www.justgiving.com/campaign/HywelDdaNHSCOVID19
  • dozens of inspirational individuals and groups undertaking their own fundraising feats
  • donations of Personal Protective Equipment from local businesses, schools and further education providers
  • the sewing community providing beautiful handmade items
  • donations of food, baked goods, chocolates and other items
  • displays of artwork locally and sending videos, pictures and messages of support via social media

Director of Nursing, Quality and Experience Mandy Rayani said: “It has been overwhelming to see the generosity and desire by the community to support its local NHS. The single best way our communities can support the NHS remains to follow the government guidance and stay at home, this will help us to save lives.

“However, we understand this is a whole community response and we are so grateful to all the support we are receiving. We can maximise this kindness through a centralised approach, which ensures the safety of everybody and gets items to where they are needed most.”

The health board is now providing some guidance on what items are being sought and others that are not needed at this time. The easiest and safest way for people to support health board staff and patients is to donate to our Amazon patient wish list or the JustGiving staff and volunteer appeal (links above).

However if you wish to use a skill and/or donate gifts in kind, please call our enquiries lines on 0300 303 8322 or email covidenquiries.hdd@wales.nhs.uk  Members of the public are being asked strictly not to attend any health board sites and facilities without prior arrangement.


Personal protective equipment –  the health board is not currently seeking further local suppliers of for visors, masks, gowns and hand sanitiser as it is already working with established supply chains and new approved local suppliers, whose items have been quality assured to keep staff and patients safe. If a business did want to discuss provision of PPE with the health board, they are asked to contact the enquiries line or Life Sciences Hub Wales through the www.lshubwales.com website.

Handmade items – the health board is in communication with several local sewing communities whilst awaiting delivery of a stock of scrubs. If you wish to help with this supply, please speak to the enquiries team first to agree quantities. The health board is also grateful for laundry bags and cotton headbands, which need to be colourfast and washable at 60 degrees. Specifications for these items are available online https://hduhb.nhs.wales/healthcare/covid-19-information/covid-19-documents/guidance-for-donated-handmade-items/ – please email covidenquiries.hdd@wales.nhs.uk for quantities and delivery arrangements before you start sewing. The health board is not accepting cotton masks or any knitted items due to infection risk.

Food – our staff continue to be well served by our loyal and skilled teams in hospital restaurants, where free tea and coffee for all NHS staff is currently being provided. To ensure the safety of our staff the health board is not accepting baked goods or hot food from individuals. The health board is however working with a number of local businesses and initiatives such as Feed the NHS Wales to co-ordinate the distribution of freshly cooked meals from pre-approved suppliers who are so generously supporting the NHS at this time. We ask that all local companies wishing to support the NHS in this way please contact our enquiries line to discuss your generous offers of support. Please do not attend health board sites and facilities without prior arrangement.

The health board is encouraging the public to also consider other potential good causes from food banks to individual friends, family and neighbours who may appreciate a gift in kind such as donated items, or a home cooked meal at home.

Speaking on behalf of local nurses James Sheldon, clinical lead nurse for unscheduled care at Withybush Hospital said: “The generosity from the public and their encouragement and support for the NHS has been incredible. Whilst we are grateful for the donations, we are now on a mission to help and support the local community – many of whom are in greater need.

“Many of our teams have been passing on donations and food parcels to local food banks. We would please ask people to consider giving donations or gifts to food banks or friends, family, and neighbours, particularly the vulnerable.”

Rhannu caredigrwydd

Mae Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Hywel Dda wedi cael ei lethu gan gynigion o gymorth a rhoddion gan y gymuned leol fel ei fod yn darparu arweiniad ar roi a hefyd annog y gymuned i ystyried rhoddion at achosion da eraill a’r rhai mewn angen.

Cafwyd cefnogaeth, mewn ymateb i’r pandemig COVID-1 i’r GIG gan gymunedau yng ngorllewin Cymru, a ledled y DU.

Mae hyn wedi arwain at yr ymderchion ewyllys da canlynol:

  • 2,000 o eitemau wedi’u rhoi gyda gwerth net o fwy na £18,000 i’n cleifion trwy ein rhestr ddymuniadau Amazon – gallwch gyfrannu trwy https://tinyurl.com/ydafmec7
  • mwy na £62,000 mewn rhoddion elusennol i apêl bwrpasol i gefnogi llesiant ein staff a’n gwirfoddolwyr. Mae rhoddion yn cael eu gwario yn unol â dymuniadau ein staff i ariannu eitemau fel lluniaeth a byrbrydau ar gyfer ystafelloedd gorffwys ac adfer staff; bagiau llesiant staff gydag ystod o bethau ymolchi i’w cadw yn ffres yn ystod ac ar ôl shifft, ac eitemau eraill – gallwch gyfrannu trwy: www.justgiving.com/campaign/HywelDdaNHSCOVID19
  • dwsinau o unigolion a grwpiau ysbrydoledig yn ymgymryd â’u campau codi arian eu hunain
  • rhoddion o Offer Amddiffynnol Personol gan fusnesau lleol, ysgolion a darparwyr addysg bellach
  • y gymuned gwnïo yn darparu eitemau hardd wedi’u gwneud â llaw
  • rhoddion o fwyd, nwyddau wedi’u pobi, siocledi ac eitemau eraill
  • arddangosfeydd o waith celf yn lleol ac anfon fideos, lluniau a negeseuon o gefnogaeth trwy’r cyfryngau cymdeithasol

Dywedodd y Cyfarwyddwr Nyrsio, Ansawdd a Phrofiad Mandy Rayani: “Mae wedi bod yn ysgubol gweld haelioni ac awydd y gymuned i gefnogi ei GIG lleol. Y ffordd orau y gall ein cymunedau gefnogi’r GIG o hyd yw dilyn arweiniad y llywodraeth ac aros gartref, bydd hyn yn ein helpu i achub bywydau.

“Fodd bynnag, rydym yn deall bod hwn yn ymateb cymunedol ac rydym mor ddiolchgar am yr holl gefnogaeth yr ydym yn ei derbyn. Gallwn wneud y mwyaf o’r caredigrwydd hwn trwy ddull canolog, sy’n sicrhau diogelwch pawb ac yn cael eitemau i’r man lle mae eu hangen fwyaf.”

Mae’r bwrdd iechyd bellach yn darparu rhywfaint o arweiniad ar ba eitemau sydd eu hangen ac eraill nad oes eu hangen ar hyn o bryd. Y ffordd hawsaf a mwyaf diogel i bobl gefnogi staff a chleifion bwrdd iechyd yw rhoi i’n rhestr ddymuniadau cleifion Amazon neu apêl staff a gwirfoddolwyr JustGiving (dolenni uchod).

Fodd bynnag, os ydych yn dymuno defnyddio sgil a / neu roi rhoddion mewn nwyddau, ffoniwch ein llinell ymholiadau ar 0300 303 8322 neu e-bostiwch covidenquiries.hdd@wales.nhs.uk .Gofynnir yn llwyr i aelodau’r cyhoedd beidio â mynychu unrhyw safleoedd a chyfleusterau’r Bwrdd Iechyd heb drefniant ymlaen llaw.

Yn benodol;

Offer amddiffyn personol – nid yw’r bwrdd iechyd ar hyn o bryd yn chwilio am gyflenwyr lleol ar gyfer fisorau, masgiau, gynau a glanweithydd dwylo gan ei fod eisoes yn gweithio gyda chadwyni cyflenwi sefydledig a chyflenwyr lleol cymeradwy newydd, y mae eu heitemau wedi’u sicrhau ansawdd i gadw staff a chleifion yn ddiogel. Os oedd busnes am drafod darparu PPE gyda’r bwrdd iechyd, gofynnir iddynt gysylltu â’r llinell ymholiadau neu Hyb Gwyddorau Bywyd Cymru trwy wefan www.lshubwales.com.

Eitemau wedi’u gwneud â llaw – mae’r bwrdd iechyd yn cyfathrebu â sawl cymuned gwnïo leol wrth aros i stoc o dillad priodol (Scrubs) gael eu danfon. Os ydych chi am helpu gyda’r cyflenwad hwn, siaradwch â’r tîm ymholiadau yn gyntaf i gytuno ar feintiau. Mae’r bwrdd iechyd hefyd yn ddiolchgar am fagiau golchi dillad a bandiau pen cotwm, y mae angen iddynt fod yn lliwgar ac yn olchadwy ar 60 gradd. Mae manylebau ar gyfer yr eitemau hyn ar gael ar-lein  https://hduhb.nhs.wales/healthcare/covid-19-information/covid-19-documents/guidance-for-donated-handmade-items/ – e-bostiwch covidenquiries.hdd@wales.nhs.uk i gael meintiau a threfniadau dosbarthu cyn i chi ddechrau gwnïo. Nid yw’r bwrdd iechyd yn derbyn masgiau cotwm nac unrhyw eitemau wedi’u gwau oherwydd risg haint.

Bwyd – mae ein staff yn parhau i gael eu gwasanaethu’n dda gan ein timau ffyddlon a medrus mewn bwytai ysbyty, lle mae te a choffi am ddim i holl staff y GIG yn cael eu darparu ar hyn o bryd. Er mwyn sicrhau diogelwch ein staff, nid yw’r bwrdd iechyd yn derbyn nwyddau wedi’u pobi na bwyd poeth gan unigolion. Fodd bynnag, mae’r bwrdd iechyd yn gweithio gyda nifer o fusnesau a mentrau lleol fel Bwydo’r GIG Cymru i gydlynu dosbarthiad prydau wedi’u coginio’n ffres gan gyflenwyr a gymeradwywyd ymlaen llaw sydd mor hael yn cefnogi’r GIG ar yr adeg hon. Gofynnwn i bob cwmni lleol sy’n dymuno cefnogi’r GIG fel hyn gysylltu â’n llinell ymholiadau i drafod eich cynigion hael o gefnogaeth. Peidiwch â mynychu safleoedd a chyfleusterau’r bwrdd iechyd heb drefniant ymlaen llaw.

Mae’r bwrdd iechyd yn annog y cyhoedd i ystyried achosion da posibl eraill o fanciau bwyd i ffrindiau, teulu a chymdogion unigol a allai werthfawrogi anrheg ar ffurf nwyddau fel eitemau neu bryd o fwyd wedi’i goginio gartref.

Wrth siarad ar ran y nyrsys lleol, dywedodd James Sheldon, Prif Nyrs Glinigol ar gyfer gofal heb ei drefnu yn Ysbyty Llwynhelyg: “Mae haelioni’r cyhoedd a’u hanogaeth a’u cefnogaeth i’r GIG wedi bod yn anhygoel. Er ein bod yn ddiolchgar am y rhoddion, rydym bellach ar genhadaeth i helpu a chefnogi’r gymuned leol – y mae llawer ohonynt mewn mwy o angen.

“Mae llawer o’n timau wedi bod yn trosglwyddo rhoddion a pharseli bwyd i fanciau bwyd lleol. Byddem yn gofyn i bobl ystyried rhoi rhoddion i fanciau bwyd neu ffrindiau, teulu, a chymdogion, yn enwedig y rhai sy’n agored i niwed. “

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