Wales TUC statement on First Minister’s recent announcement

Shavanah Taj, Wales TUC General Secretary

Wales TUC General Secretary Shavanah Taj has made the following statement in response to the First Minister’s announcement of a £500 bonus to be paid to every social care worker in Wales.

“We welcome the Welsh Government’s commitment to give social care workers in Wales an extra £500 payment. This is an important way to recognise the absolutely invaluable role they’re playing in this crisis. It further proves the point that it is often the lowest paid – which sadly covers many different key worker roles – that must be protected and recognised for the work they do.

“We remain committed to Fair Work, including sectoral collective bargaining in social care, as the best way to determine fair pay, better health and safety, equality and progression opportunities for all workers in Wales.  Particularly in this crisis, the risks faced by many care workers and other key workers who are only eligible for Statutory Sick Pay have been highlighted by both trade unions and academics.”

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