We Can Make A Difference


Racism in any form is unacceptable whether it is here in Llanelli or anywhere else.

The Black Lives Matter campaign has highlighted attitudes that need to be erased, not just in the US, but all around the world.  We must not stop in our efforts to defeat racism, wherever it raises its ugly head, whether it be in the US, UK or elsewhere around the world.

We need real action, not just words. The last few weeks have to be the turning point on racism, discrimination and injustice and not just something that fades away after the initial burst of energy and headline grabbing promises.

I recently held an online Zoom call with local people who share that commitment to a better future. I heard painful, personal experiences of racism and inequality with examples stretching across different backgrounds, situations and scenarios. It would be foolishly complacent to think that the fight against racism is anywhere near won. There is still so much to do but I am heartened by the determination, energy and sheer guts of everyone I have spoken to who wants to create lasting change on this issue.

Every single one of us can make a difference.

As individuals we can be more alert to what is happening in our communities, workplaces and social circles and call out this abhorrent form of hate wherever it emerges.

Governments, businesses and other organisations can also act on a local, national and international basis to bring their influence to bear and tackle the problem head on.

On this, I pay tribute to Cllr Fozia Akhtar who has led discussions with community leaders and Race Council Cymru regarding racial equality and support for the BAME community in Carmarthenshire. She has been pressing the Carmarthenshire County Council Cabinet Member for Equalities and I am pleased to see that the Council has now pledged to work cross-party to address these issues.

Similarly, the Welsh Labour Government has not been afraid to take action. As it became clear that COVID-19 disproportionately affected the BAME community, First Minister, Mark Drakeford, acted swiftly whilst the UK Government dithered and delayed. In April he set up an urgent investigation to understand the reasons for the higher risk, consisting of two subgroups, one focusing on the risk assessment and a second looking at the socio-economic factors which may influence poorer coronavirus outcomes. Welsh Health Minister Vaughan Gething launched the COVID-19 Workforce Risk Assessment Tool on 26th May which will help allay anxieties particularly amongst the BAME staff, empower them and keep them safe from Covid-19.

I have also spoken to the First Minister about measures to deliver change at grassroots level. One of the most important is the teaching of BAME history in Wales in our schools so that our children and young people benefit from a greater understanding and I am glad to see that the Welsh Government is committing support to the production of teaching materials to make this a reality.

There is no simple, quick solution to the cancer of racism. Only by working together and making changes that are sustainable and deep rooted in all parts of our society can we hope to achieve the sort of results that we are all looking for.

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