Children’s Services update – a special COVID-19 message / Diweddariad Gwasanaethau plant – neges arbennig COVID -19


When your child is ill or injured, it is very difficult to decide if/when to call your child’s GP, NHS 111 or go to the Emergency Department. With travel restrictions being relaxed in Wales, we anticipate that there will be an increase in the tourist population in Pembrokeshire, Carmarthenshire and Ceredigion.

Here is some guidance on accessing children’s services within our three counties:

  • Do not delay in seeking advice and treatment if your child is unwell or injured.
  • As part of our response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Paediatric Ambulatory Care Unit (PACU) at Withybush General Hospital has been converted into an Adult Urgent Care Assessment area for the duration of the pandemic.
  • Children with minor injuries will still be able to access care at Withybush but parents of children with unknown symptoms are asked to either contact their local GP, out of hours services via NHS 111, or take their child directly to Glangwili Hospital. For children with emergency conditions, parents are asked to dial 999.
  • To help keep you and your child safe at Glangwili Hospital, we have set up a new temporary Paediatric Assessment Area adjacent to the Emergency Department that will assess children in a separate facility to Adults. This area is for children who attend from General Practitioners, Out of Hours, Welsh Ambulance and walk in admissions and will see children with illnesses. For injury, your child will be directed via minor injuries or Emergency Department. Once an assessment has been made, if your child requires admission staff will explain that one parent can be resident on the ward, due to restrictions that we have imposed as part of our COVID-19 response.
  • At Bronglais Hospital in Aberystwyth, we will continue to see children in the emergency department or direct to the children assessment area. Once assessed if your child requires admission the staff will direct you to the ward.

Most children who become unwell at this time won’t need to visit hospital and if your child’s physical or mental health is worrying you, your GP practice or 111 NHS Wales are also available to help. Remember that all of these services are still providing the care that you need, but in different ways to help keep you and your child safe.

The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health has produced a helpful guide for parents to understand when to seek advice and treatment for their child.

Mrs Paula Evans, Head of Nursing for Paediatrics and Neonates as said that: “We understand that families will be anxious at this time if their child becomes unwell or injured. COVID-19 is worrying but there may be other reasons why your child might be unwell and it is important not to delay in getting care and treatment.”

GP services, health visitors and immunisations

Your GP surgery can provide telephone triage and most have also introduced, or are in the process of introducing, an online consultation service called e-Consult. You can access this service by visiting your GP surgery’s website; follow the link to e-Consult then choose the “I want help for my child” option.

Our Health Visiting teams are also continuing to support families and new babies. If you are unable to reach your usual health visitor, please contact your local hub, Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm:

  • Ceredigion – 07970 501609
  • Pembrokeshire – 07766 992316
  • Llanelli – 01554 742447
  • Amman/Gwendraeth & Carmarthen – 01554 899070

It is also important to keep up-to-date with your child’s vaccinations during this time. Parents with children under 5 years of age who are due their childhood immunisations should continue to attend appointments, as it is important to protect them from other diseases that may be circulating.

Mental health and wellbeing

Welsh mental health charity Hafal has developed resources for parents and carers to support conversations with young people about resilience and mental health. The Bloom Resource Library is available on their website:

There are many helpful websites for parents/carers, children and young people, here a few:

  • Meic can listen to you if you’re feeling worried and help you to feel better. You can call them or chat to them online


Pan fydd eich plentyn yn sâl neu wedi’i anafu, mae’n anodd iawn penderfynu a ddylid / pryd i ffonio meddyg teulu, GIG 111 eich plentyn neu fynd i’r Adran Achosion Brys. Oherwydd bod y cyfyngiadau teithio yn cael eu llacio ar hyn o bryd rhagwelir y bydd cynnydd yn y boblogaeth twristiaeth yn Sir Benfro, Sir Gaerfyrddin a Ceredigion.

Dyma ychydig o ganllawiau ar gael mynediad i wasanaethau plant yn ein tair sir:

Peidiwch ag oedi cyn ceisio cyngor a thriniaeth os yw’ch plentyn yn sâl neu wedi’i anafu. 

Mewn ymateb i COVID-19 yn Ysbyty Llwynhelyg, Hwlffordd, mae’r Uned Gofal Pediatreg (PACU) wedi cael ei droi’n ardal Asesu Gofal Brys i Oedolion trwy gydol y pandemig.

Bydd plant â mân anafiadau yn dal i allu cael gafael ar ofal yn Llwynhelyg ond gofynnir i rieni plant sydd â symptomau anhysbys naill ai gysylltu â’u Meddyg Teulu lleol, gwasanaethau y tu allan i oriau, neu fynd â’u plentyn yn uniongyrchol i Ysbyty Glangwili. Ar gyfer plant â chyflyrau brys, gofynnir i rieni ddeialu 999.

Er mwyn helpu i’ch cadw chi a’ch plentyn yn ddiogel yn Ysbyty Glangwili, rydym wedi sefydlu Ardal Asesu Pediatreg dros dro newydd ger yr Adran Achosion Brys a fydd yn asesu plant mewn cyfleuster ar wahân i Oedolion. Mae’r ardal hon ar gyfer plant sy’n mynychu trwy Feddygon Teulu, Allan o Oriau, Ambiwlans Cymru ac yn cerdded i mewn a bydd yn gweld plant sy’n sâl. Ar gyfer anafiadau, bydd eich plentyn yn cael ei gyfeirio trwy i’r uned mân anafiadau neu’r adran Achosion Brys. Unwaith y bydd asesiad yn cael ei wneud, os bydd angen derbyn ar eich plentyn, bydd staff yn egluro y gall un rhiant fod yn aros yn y ward, oherwydd y pandemig COVID cyfredol.

Yn Ysbyty Bronglais yn Aberystwyth, byddwn yn parhau i weld plant yn yr adran achosion brys neu’n uniongyrchol yn yr ardal asesu plant. Ar ôl cael eich asesu os oes angen derbyn eich plentyn, bydd y staff yn eich cyfeirio at y ward.

Yn yr hinsawdd gyfredol hon o Covid 19 gall fod yn ddryslyd gwybod beth i’w wneud pan fydd eich plentyn yn sâl neu wedi’i anafu ar yr adeg hon. Cofiwch fod 111 GIG Cymru, meddygon teulu ac ysbytai yn dal i ddarparu’r gofal sydd ei angen arnoch ond mewn gwahanol ffyrdd i helpu i’ch cadw chi a’ch plentyn yn ddiogel.

Mae’r Coleg Brenhinol Pediatreg ac Iechyd Plant wedi cynhyrchu canllaw defnyddiol i rieni ddeall pryd i ofyn am gyngor a thriniaeth i’w plentyn.

Dywedodd Mrs Paula Evans, Pennaeth Nyrsio Pediatreg a Newyddanedig: “Rydym yn deall y bydd teuluoedd yn bryderus ar yr adeg hon os bydd eu plentyn yn mynd yn sâl neu wedi’i anafu. Mae COVID-19 yn peri pryder ond gall fod rhesymau eraill pam y gallai eich plentyn fod yn sâl ac mae’n bwysig peidio ag oedi cyn cael gofal a thriniaeth.

Nid oes angen i’r mwyafrif o blant sy’n mynd yn sâl ar yr adeg hon ymweld â’r ysbyty ac os yw iechyd corfforol neu feddyliol eich plentyn yn eich poeni, mae eich meddygfa neu 111 GIG Cymru hefyd ar gael i helpu.

Gwasanaethau meddygon teulu, ymwelwyr iechyd ac imiwneiddiadau

Gall eich meddygfa ddarparu brysbennu ffôn ac mae’r mwyafrif hefyd wedi cyflwyno, neu wrthi’n cyflwyno, gwasanaeth ymgynghori ar-lein o’r enw e-Consult. Gallwch gyrchu’r gwasanaeth hwn trwy ymweld â gwefan eich meddygfa; dilynwch y ddolen i e-conslt yna dewiswch yr opsiwn “Rydw i eisiau help ar gyfer fy mhlentyn”.

Mae ein timau Ymweld Iechyd hefyd yn parhau i gefnogi teuluoedd a babanod newydd. Os na allwch gyrraedd eich ymwelydd iechyd arferol, cysylltwch â’ch canolfan leol, o ddydd Llun i ddydd Gwener rhwng 9am a 5pm:

  • Ceredigion – 07970 501609
  • Sir Benfro– 07766 992316
  • Llanelli – 01554 742447
  • Aman/Gwendraeth a Sir Gaerfyrddin – 01554 899070

Mae hefyd yn bwysig cael y wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am frechiadau eich plentyn yn ystod yr amser hwn. Dylai rhieni â phlant o dan 5 oed sydd i fod i gael eu himiwneiddio plentyndod barhau i fynychu apwyntiadau, gan ei bod yn bwysig eu hamddiffyn rhag afiechydon eraill a allai fod yn cylchredeg.

Iechyd Meddwl a Llesiant

Mae elusen iechyd meddwl Cymru Hafal wedi datblygu adnoddau i rieni a gofalwyr gefnogi sgyrsiau gyda phobl ifanc am wytnwch ac iechyd meddwl. Mae’r Llyfrgell Adnoddau Bloom ar gael ar eu gwefan:

Mae yna lawer o wefannau defnyddiol ar gyfer rhieni / gofalwyr, plant a phobl ifanc, dyma ychydig:

  • Hyb gwybodaeth cynhwysfawr ar gyfer plant, pobl ifanc, a theuluoedd yng Nghymru
  • Gall Meic wrando arnoch chi os ydych chi’n teimlo’n bryderus a’ch helpu chi i deimlo’n well. Gallwch eu ffonio neu sgwrsio â nhw ar-lein
  • Gwiriwr symptomau GIG Cymru

Fy Mhasbort Iechyd – lawrlwythiad am ddim ar gael. Ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc ag anableddau dysgu a / neu anghenion iechyd cymhleth, nawr yw’r amser perffaith i gael Pasbort Iechyd. Mae hwn ar gael i’w lawrlwytho am ddim yn Saesneg neu Gymraeg o i helpu i rannu gwybodaeth bwysig amdanynt eu hunain wrth gyrchu gofal.


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