Hywel Dda Health Board: Accessing urgent healthcare on holiday /Gofal iechyd brys tra ar wyliau


Healthcare professionals across mid and west Wales have produced guidance for visitors to the region to advise them on how to access urgent health services while on holiday.

With thousands of visitors expected to the area over the next two months, Hywel Dda University Health Board is continuing to work with primary care contractors to ensure that essential and urgent healthcare is available for both residents and visitors.

A campaign informing those visiting Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion and Pembrokeshire, recently launched by the health board, includes leaflets in accommodation packs, posters for display in visitor accommodation and radio adverts across local stations.

Hywel Dda University Health Board’s Director of Public Health, Ros Jervis said: “We are extremely proud of our staff and primary care contractors in Hywel Dda who continue to work hard to protect the health of our communities in response to COVID-19.

“We continue to work with our partners in local authority to implement our planned response and stringent infection control measures.

“We are grateful for the co-operation of visitors to the area, and ask that people familiarise themselves with the information on how to access urgent care while on holiday.

“Everyone can take simple steps to stay well by washing your hands regularly, using hot water and soap or hand sanitiser, and adhering to good social distancing.”

Social distancing is in place across GP surgeries, pharmacies, dental practices and optometrists for the safety of patients and staff. Healthcare professionals seeing patients face-to-face to assess or provide treatment will be using the appropriate PPE and screens are in place at some counters and reception areas.

Services are operating in a different way during this pandemic and many practices are utilising new technology to triage and consult with their patients including the use of video calls.

Dr Sion James, Deputy Medical Director for Hywel Dda University Health Board added: “Now the tourism sector is welcoming people back to our beautiful region, it is important that visitors know how to access urgent healthcare should they fall ill whilst on holiday.

“We would like to thank our contractors in primary care who continue to work hard to offer essential and urgent services to their patients and visitors during this difficult time.”

Information for those visiting the three counties includes:

COVID-19 symptoms

For COVID-19 related advice, please call 111. If you develop symptoms (a new continuous cough, high temperature, or a loss or change in sense of smell or taste) you, and anyone travelling with you, must return home as quickly as possible if well enough to do so, and book a test via https://gov.wales/apply-coronavirus-test or call 119. You must not use public transport.  If you are too unwell to return home straightaway, and require a test locally, please go to https://hduhb.nhs.wales/healthcare/tourist-and-visitor-information/

Urgent care

Always call 999 for emergencies or visit your nearest A&E. For minor injuries you can attend a minor injuries unit.

Paediatric care

If your child becomes ill, please dial 999 if it is an emergency. If it is not urgent but you need support, contact 111 who will know where your local services are. Please note not all our hospitals have a full range of paediatric services.

General Practice care

Urgent care: You should call a local practice covering the address where you are staying. Please do not visit the surgery in person; practices have strict measures in place. If the practice thinks you need face-to-face treatment, the practice will tell you what you need to do. Practices are not able to offer non-essential care. Non-urgent care: Contact your own surgery to receive advice over phone or online.

Pharmacy care

If you need repeat medication, you should contact the GP practice you are registered with to get a prescription. An emergency supply of medication may be provided, without a prescription, if specific criteria is met. Please phone ahead before visiting the pharmacy. You may be asked to wait outside.

Dental and eye care

If you have an urgent dental or eye problem which cannot wait until you get home, please call 111 to access an emergency appointment. Please note if you have bleeding that won’t stop following an extraction, severe facial swelling or swelling that is making it difficult to breathe, you need to go to A&E.

For a full range of FAQs, and for contact details of local healthcare services, please visit: https://hduhb.nhs.wales/healthcare/services-and-teams/primary-care/ For general advice call 111.


Mae gweithwyr gofal iechyd proffesiynol ledled canolbarth a gorllewin Cymru wedi cynhyrchu arweiniad i ymwelwyr â’r rhanbarth i’w cynghori ar sut i gael mynediad at wasanaethau iechyd brys tra ar wyliau.

Gyda’r disgwyl i filoedd o ymwelwyr ddod i’r ardal dros y ddau fis nesaf, mae Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Hywel Dda yn parhau i weithio gyda chontractwyr gofal sylfaenol i sicrhau bod gofal iechyd hanfodol a brys ar gael i breswylwyr ac ymwelwyr.

Mae ymgyrch sy’n hysbysu’r rhai sy’n ymweld â Sir Gaerfyrddin, Ceredigion a Sir Benfro, a lansiwyd yn ddiweddar gan y bwrdd iechyd, yn cynnwys taflenni mewn pecynnau llety, posteri i’w harddangos mewn llety i ymwelwyr a hysbysebion radio ar draws gorsafoedd lleol.

Dywedodd Cyfarwyddwr Iechyd Cyhoeddus Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Hywel Dda, Ros Jervis: “Rydym yn hynod falch o’n staff a’n contractwyr gofal sylfaenol yn Hywel Dda sy’n parhau i weithio’n galed i amddiffyn iechyd ein cymunedau mewn ymateb i COVID-19.

“Rydym yn parhau i weithio gyda’n partneriaid o fewn awdurdodau lleol i weithredu ein hymateb cynlluniedig a’n mesurau rheoli heintiau llym.

“Rydym yn ddiolchgar am gydweithrediad ymwelwyr â’r ardal, ac yn gofyn i bobl ymgyfarwyddo â’r wybodaeth ar sut i gael gafael ar ofal brys tra ar wyliau.

“Gall pawb gymryd camau syml i aros yn iach trwy olchi eich dwylo yn rheolaidd, defnyddio dŵr poeth a sebon neu lanweithydd dwylo, a chadw at bellter cymdeithasol da.”

Mae pellter cymdeithasol ar waith ar draws meddygfeydd, fferyllfeydd, practisau deintyddol ac optometryddion ar gyfer diogelwch cleifion a staff. Bydd gweithwyr proffesiynol gofal iechyd sy’n gweld cleifion wyneb yn wyneb i asesu neu ddarparu triniaeth yn defnyddio’r PPE priodol ac mae sgriniau ar waith mewn rhai cownteri a derbynfeydd.

Mae gwasanaethau’n gweithredu mewn ffordd wahanol yn ystod y pandemig hwn ac mae llawer o bractisau’n defnyddio technoleg newydd i frysbennu ac ymgynghori â’u cleifion gan gynnwys defnyddio galwadau fideo.

Ychwanegodd Dr Sion James, Dirprwy Gyfarwyddwr Meddygol Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Hywel Dda: “Nawr bod y sector twristiaeth yn croesawu pobl yn ôl i’n rhanbarth hardd, mae’n bwysig bod ymwelwyr yn gwybod sut i gael gafael ar ofal iechyd brys pe baent yn mynd yn sâl tra ar wyliau.

“Hoffem ddiolch i’n contractwyr mewn gofal sylfaenol sy’n parhau i weithio’n galed i gynnig gwasanaethau hanfodol a brys i’w cleifion a’u hymwelwyr yn ystod yr amser anodd hwn.”

Mae gwybodaeth i’r rhai sy’n ymweld â’r tair sir yn cynnwys:

Symptomau COVID-19

I gael cyngor cysylltiedig â COVID-19, ffoniwch 111. Os ydych chi’n datblygu symptomau (peswch parhaus newydd, tymheredd uchel, neu golled neu newid mewn ymdeimlad o arogl neu flas) rhaid i chi, ac unrhyw un sy’n teithio gyda chi, ddychwelyd adref cyn gynted â yn bosibl os yn ddigon da i wneud hynny, ac archebu prawf trwy https://llyw.cymru/gwneud-cais-i-gael-prawf-coronafeirws?_ga=2.150433526.1126342428.1596531908-1785464897.1583924604 neu ffonio 119. Rhaid i chi beidio â defnyddio trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus. Os ydych chi’n rhy sâl i ddychwelyd adref ar unwaith, a bod angen prawf yn lleol, ewch i https://biphdd.gig.cymru/gofal-iechyd/gwybodaeth-i-twristiaid-ac-ymwelwyr/

Gofal brys

Ffoniwch 999 bob amser am argyfyngau neu ymwelwch â’ch Adran Damweiniau ac Achosion Brys agosaf. Ar gyfer mân anafiadau gallwch fynd i uned mân anafiadau.

Gofal Pediatreg

Os bydd eich plentyn yn mynd yn sâl, ffoniwch 999 os yw’n argyfwng. Os nad yw’n fater brys ond mae angen cefnogaeth arnoch chi, cysylltwch â 111 a fydd yn gwybod ble mae’ch gwasanaethau lleol. Sylwch nad oes gan bob un o’n hysbytai ystod lawn o wasanaethau pediatreg.

Gofal Sylfaenol

Gofal Brys: Dylech ffonio practis lleol sy’n cwmpasu’r cyfeiriad lle’r ydych chi’n aros. Peidiwch ag ymweld â’r feddygfa yn bersonol; mae gan bractis fesurau llym ar waith. Os yw’r practis o’r farn bod angen triniaeth wyneb yn wyneb arnoch chi, bydd y practis yn dweud wrthych beth sydd angen i chi ei wneud. Nid yw meddygfeydd yn gallu cynnig gofal nad yw’n hanfodol.Gofal nad yw’n frys: Cysylltwch â’ch meddygfa eich hun i dderbyn cyngor dros y ffôn neu ar-lein.

Gofal Fferyllol

Os oes angen meddyginiaeth ailadroddus arnoch, dylech gysylltu â’r practis meddyg teulu yr ydych wedi cofrestru ag ef i gael presgripsiwn. Gellir darparu cyflenwad brys o feddyginiaeth, heb bresgripsiwn, os bodlonir meini prawf penodol. Ffoniwch ymlaen llaw cyn ymweld â’r fferyllfa. Efallai y gofynnir i chi aros y tu allan.

Gofal Deintyddol a llygaid

Os oes gennych broblem ddeintyddol neu lygaid brys na all aros nes i chi gyrraedd adref, ffoniwch 111 i gael mynediad at apwyntiad brys. Sylwch os oes gennych waedu nad yw wedi stopio yn dilyn echdynnu, chwyddo difrifol yn yr wyneb neu chwyddo sy’n ei gwneud hi’n anodd anadlu, mae angen i chi fynd i’r Adran Damweiniau ac Achosion Brys.

I weld ystod lawn o Gwestiynau Cyffredin, ac i gael manylion cyswllt gwasanaethau gofal iechyd lleol, ewch i: https://biphdd.gig.cymru/gofal-iechyd/gwasanaethau-a-thimau/gofal-sylfaenol/ Am gyngor cyffredinol ffoniwch 111.

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