Following news that EDF has stated that they will carry out an Environmental Impact Assessment before carrying out any dumping of sediment from Hinkley Point nuclear power station, campaigners have expressed alarm at its lack of independence.

Neil McEvoy MS, Leader of the Welsh National Party (WNP) said,

“Any assessment must be independent, Scientists who have raised concerns must be involved in the process. I have no confidence in anything EDF, Natural Resources Wales, or the Welsh Government do in relation to Hinkley’s nuclear mud. It was the campaigners who proved that plutonium has leaked from Hinkley Point for decades,  yet in 2018 NRW allowed 80,000 tonnes of the material was dumped on Wales without it being tested for plutonium. There are so many questions to answer. The assessment must be independent. Nothing else is acceptable.

Cllr Peter Read, the Chair of Pwllheli Marina said,

” The whole of Wales want assurances that any assessment undertaken can be trusted. If the mud is dumped,  it will be washed all around the Welsh. It must be thoroughly tested and we must have transparency.  780,000 tonnes of sediment is a huge amount to dig up and dump, I cannot understand why it has to be dumped on Wales. It is time the Labour Welsh Government started acting in our national interest.

The row began in 2018, once it was revealed the Labour-led Government had approved plans for the dumping of 300,000 tonnes of sediment from outside the Hinkley Point nuclear station.

Professor Keith Barnham of Imperial College London and Richard Bramhall of the Low-Level Radiation Campaign set out their fears about any further dredging off the coast of Cardiff in May in a long discussion with Neil McEvoy MS here –


Yn dilyn cyhoeddiad gan EDF yn cadarnhau y byddant yn cynnal Asesiad Effaith Amgylcheddol cyn carthu a rhyddhau gwaddod o orsaf ynni niwclear Hinkley Point, mae ymgyrchwyr wedi mynegi pryderon ynghylch y ffaith na fydd y profion hynny’n annibynnol.
Dywedodd Neil McEvoy AS, Arweinydd y Blaid Genedlaethol,
“Rhaid i unrhyw asesiad fod yn annibynnol. Rhaid i wyddonwyr sydd wedi codi pryderon fod yn rhan o’r broses. Nid oes gennyf unrhyw hyder mewn unrhyw beth y mae EDF, Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru (CNC), na Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei wneud mewn perthynas â mwd niwclear Hinkley. Yr ymgyrchwyr a brofodd fod plwtoniwm wedi bod yn gollwng o Hinkley Point ers degawdau, ac eto yn 2018 caniataodd CNC i 80,000 tunnell o’r deunydd gael ei waredu yng Nghymru heb iddo gael ei brofi am blwtoniwm. Mae cymaint o gwestiynau i’w hateb. Rhaid i’r asesiad fod yn annibynnol. Nid oes unrhyw beth arall yn dderbyniol.
Dywedodd y Cynghorydd Peter Read, Cadeirydd Marina Pwllheli,
“Mae Cymru gyfan eisiau sicrwydd y gellir ymddiried yn unrhyw asesiad â wneir. Os caiff y mwd ei garthu, bydd yn cael ei olchi o amgylch arfordir Cymru. Rhaid ei brofi’n drylwyr a rhaid inni gael tryloywder. Mae 780,000 tunnell o waddod yn swm enfawr i’w gloddio a’i waredu, ac ni allaf ddeall pam bod rhaid gwneud hynny yng Nghymru. Mae’n hen bryd i Lywodraeth Llafur Cymru ddechrau gweithredu er lles ein buddiannau cenedlaethol.
Dechreuodd y ffrae yn 2018, unwaith y datgelwyd bod y Llywodraeth, dan arweiniad Llafur, wedi cymeradwyo cynlluniau ar gyfer dympio 300,000 tunnell o waddod o’r tu allan i orsaf niwclear Hinkley Point.
Nododd yr Athro Keith Barnham o Goleg Imperealaidd Llundain a Richard Bramhall o’r Ymgyrch Ymbelydredd Lefel Isel eu hofnau ynghylch unrhyw garthu pellach oddi ar arfordir Caerdydd ym mis Mai mewn trafodaeth hir gyda Neil McEvoy AS yma –

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