Virtual catch ups between schools and Estyn should be “temporarily scrapped” says Plaid Cymru


Plaid Cymru Shadow Minister for Education, Sian Gwenllian MS has called on the Welsh Government to end meetings between schools and Estyn in order to avoid further pressure on teachers

Sian Gwenllian MS says the virtual meetings between schools and Wales’ education and training inspectorate should be scrapped for the time being.

Ms Gwenllian has noted that these meetings are due to take place from October but she believes continuing with them at this stage would be counterproductive, adding unnecessary pressure to a teacher’s role.

Estyn have also noted on their page that they are also hoping to restart face to face visits later in the term.

Plaid Cymru Shadow Minister for Education, Sian Gwenllian MS said,

“Teachers have enough on their plates at the moment with covid – they are going above and beyond in making sure children and young people have access to education, and are putting themselves at risk in the process.

“Adding an unnecessary pressure is not productive and won’t benefit pupils nor teachers.

“Schools are running as best they can during these stressful times, delivering education and support to pupils despite multiple setbacks, and aiding teachers in continuing to facilitate this should be the main focus.

“I’ve heard from headteachers who are already overwhelmed by the additional challenges and workload covid has brought; they are constantly updating risk assessments, ensuring social distancing is maintained, keeping up with ever-changing guidelines, and so much more, and are doing so within the context of five years of budget cuts to schools.

“Unless meetings with Estyn are deemed necessary or beneficial by schools, they should be deferred until a mutually agreeable time.”

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