Wales TUC: Employers must continue to support workers through new restrictions on the hospitality industry

Shavanah Taj, Wales TUC General Secretary

Responding to plans for new restrictions on the hospitality industry, Wales TUC General Secretary Shavanah Taj said:

“We support further restrictions on the hospitality industry to limit the spread of the virus and stop our hospitals from being overwhelmed.  Our NHS workforce has worked tremendously hard throughout this pandemic, and we can’t let our efforts slip now that a vaccine is on the horizon.

“But the restrictions will mean workers having their hours and shifts cut right before Christmas. The Job Retention Scheme is there to minimise income loss when restrictions like this are in place. Employers must urgently consider how to use this scheme to the utmost –  furloughing workers for any lost hours so that their income is protected as much as possible.

“And if you’re worried about your job or income now that new restrictions are coming in, please speak to your trade union about what your options and rights are.”

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