Dear Editor: The loss of our heritage


Dear reader,

The loss of our heritage

Taking your life into your own hands springs to mind when you

attempt to stop developments destroying our natural and historical

environment: My brakes being cut, death threats etc…

When you start saying no, the majority of the people

of the Vale of Glamorgan people agree with these new developments,

arguing that it is in the aim of progress. The mantra can be usually thus,

‘we need more houses, we need more roads, we need my cycle tracks’

and so on. But in reality we don’t need any of these now, leaving Europe

we don’t need the housing stock, we don’t need more roads as more

people work from home and so on.

But the minority of us who are saying NO to more development, sadly

without the support of the majority of residents and politicians in the

Vale of Glamorgan we stand little chance of making a change.

There is little support in stopping the developments at Porthkerry and

Cosmeston. So few were there to support us in preventing the damage

to our once rich heritage at the 5 mile lane; we even saw nationally

protected monuments levelled, and hedges and woodland destroyed;

irreplaceable. What happened to the archaeology at Cowbridge, why

was nothing found in close proximity to a Roman town, Prehistoric

hill-fort and deserted Medieval Village. Where were the protests to stop

the levelling of a once diverse landscape west of Cowbridge, most of the

housing will no longer be built; no foresight there then with our planners.

So as we look at one of the last, Second World War Prisoner of War camp

building in the Vale of Glamorgan due to be demolished at Sycamore

Cross: and we have no heritage to pass onto our children, and more

of our wildlife eradicated, are you then going to be happy that you did


Yours sincerely,

Karl-James Langford

Gwlad Welsh Parliament candidate

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