Beginner’s Guide to Online Bingo


Raise your hand if you don’t know bingo, one of the simplest, oldest and most popular games in the world. But how do you play bingo online? What are the rules of online bingo? Is playing bingo online just as easy?

Let’s proceed in order. Bingo, in its most common version, is played with one or more numbered cards, usually divided into three lines of 9 boxes each (but with only 5 numbers per line, for a total of 15). In bingo, there is an auctioneer who randomly draws one number at a time: to win you must complete a sequence of numbers on the same line, or fill the entire card.

These are broadly the rules of bingo, which can vary not only from room to room, but also from country to country: the bingo that is played in Italy is different from the bingo in Great Britain, which in turn is different from bingo. most common in the United States of America.

The basic rules of online bingo

Let us now try to better understand how to play bingo online. The software allows you to buy one or more cards, depending on the type of game you want to access, which contain a random series of numbers.

Clearly, since it is online bingo, there is no real auctioneer: the numbers are always drawn randomly by the game software, which uses the so-called Random Number Generator, ie the random number generator.

Understanding how to play on no deposit bingo site is extremely easy, since with the help of the software the player can also simply buy the cards and act as a spectator, selecting the option of automatic recognition and marking of the drawn numbers.

There are different types of online bingo, which we will briefly analyze in this ‘pocket’ guide to online bingo:

90 Ball Bingo: This is classic bingo, the one most played in both land-based bingo halls and online bingo rooms.

· 75 ball bingo: faster, faster-paced bingo for games that last less and customers who need to finish quickly.

Progressive Jackpot Bingo: In this type of bingo, there is a side prize pool which is usually released if the player bingo within a certain number of calls.

Curiosity: How was Bingo born?

Perhaps not everyone knows that bingo is a game invented in Italy. In fact, in 1530, a sort of lottery called “The Italian Lotto Game” was played for the first time. From there, bingo moved to France, where some rules were added, such as the drawing of numbers on call.

At the beginning of the 20th century, bingo even became an educational game: in Germany, teachers used it to teach children animal names and times tables. Also at the beginning of the last century, bingo also landed in the United States of America, where Hugh J. Ward wrote a book in which he codified the official rules.

Origins of Bingo, from America to Europe

 Bingo immediately liked the Americans, so much so that the game spread very quickly in the States and soon reached Europe. From the initial version with 25 numbers per card, Bingo has gone over time to have only 15 numbers per card. The draw remained unchanged in the United States, where it is done between 75 issues, while in Europe a series of 90 numbers was opted for.

American Bingo, unlike the Italian one, has maintained the extraction based on 75 numbers, while in the Bel Paese, the numbers have been increased to 90, to meet the tradition of our local bingo and not to overturn the habits of the players. In our country, as well as in the rest of Europe, the real Bingo boom took place in the mid-1950s. It was the era of the greatest export of American cinema to the Old Continent. The imaginary of the United States was penetrating ever deeper into our habits and there was a moment when in cinemas the projections were alternated with game sessions.

In the new millennium, thanks to the advent of the internet and mobile devices, even Bingo has seen its transfer to digital gaming platforms.

The turnout is really important, also given that the many virtual rooms to which you can register offer a variety of prize pools and very wide registration costs.

All this allows players, from the most experienced to those who are approaching Bingo for the first time, to be able to choose the virtual experience that suits them best.

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