5 Side Hustles for College Students


College students have weird schedules and a lot to do. However, it is possible to shoehorn in a few activities that can help you make some money. You can even find ways to double up on your own activities and turn those into money-makers.

Get Paid to Buy Groceries and Delivery Packages

We all need to buy groceries, so carry two bags and shop for someone else, or pick up your own groceries when driving for Postmates. Once you get a good reputation on Postmates, you may find that you’re delivering files, toiletries, and school supplies as well. When working out how to make some extra money, don’t forget that all you need to have as a delivery person in some areas is a good pair of walking shoes. You don’t have to have a car to get a delivery job; in some cities, a gig as a bicycle courier can mean both cash and fitness. If you utilize MyFlexBot, an app that uses advanced technology, you can increase your productivity and simplify your block handling tasks.

Get Paid to Exercise

You should be learning. You should also be eating well and exercising, so a job as a dog walker is actually a pretty healthy choice. You can beat stress by petting the dogs who need a little cuddling, catch some fresh air and sun, and clear your head while your clients get a break from over-excited pets. Be sure to keep a detailed log of any behavioral changes. For example, if a dog has a limp or some skin irritation, let the owner know. They’ll appreciate your observations and may even tip you. If dogs aren’t available, sign up to babysit your neighbor’s children and wear them out at the local park.

Get Paid to Build Confidence

If you’re a history major, try to get on as a tour guide at the local history museum. Every field needs people who can speak to the public with confidence. You may even get to synthesize certain fields if you find a gig outside your area of study. For example, if you’re studying biology and the museum you’re working at has antique furniture, you can share information on the difference in forest growth, wood production, and how some old furniture can stand up for centuries. You can dig into the chemistry of the pieces and talk about antique finishes and glue. Not only could such a side hustle help you build confidence in presenting what you know, but you’d get really good at thinking on your feet and getting interrupted.

Get Paid to Eat Right

If you’re looking for a restaurant job to both supplement income and put a little more food in your budget, look for a waitressing or waiting job at a high-end restaurant. A place that only serves fried foods will leave you smelling like a French fry and hungry for all the salt and fat you can hold. Volunteer to be part of the closing crew and keep an eye out for rejects. Someone else’s overdone steak can be a great stew for you and your roommate for the coming week, with an old baked potato and some veggies off the salad bar. If they need someone to come in early and sous chef, volunteer and look for cooking tips. A great chef can be a wonderful teacher.

Get Paid to Learn

You’re at college to learn, so step up and support an instructor or a department in a completely different field. If you’re studying music, support the business school. Review the syllabi and look for book recommendations. Being smart about business doesn’t mean you’re not still an artist, but it may mean you can find work when music gigs run short. Anyone studying history would probably enjoy supporting the engineering school and someone with a focus on mathematics would really learn a lot from supporting the dance department. Seek out connections with other departments and study the margins where the fields mix.

Side hustles don’t have to take a huge chunk of your day. They also don’t have to be completely off your chosen path. Every job can teach you a lot about yourself and about dealing with people. These life skills will serve you no matter the field that’s listed on your degree. Look for those who work with passion as well as expertise, then learn all you can from them.

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