Dear Editor – The loss of our identity.

Dear Editor,
The Loss of our identity,
In April 2018 I issued a film and a statement to the media, about the deliberate
destruction of our Archaeological and natural Heritage resource, at the
A4226 (also known as the 5 Mile Lane) link road changes between the A48 and
Barry. The major ‘Scheduled Protected; by CADW Welsh Historic Monuments,
from destruction in perpetuity’, Roman site at Whitton was bulldozed and flattened
alongside more than 500 burials being placed into boxes and dumped in a locked
room, and many remains of prehistoric buildings etc being eradicated for no real
reason at all.
It later turned out that the destruction of all of this heritage; our identity, was
completely un necessary, as the re-direction of part of the modern road was
constructed metres above the archaeology. In other words, the Whitton Roman
site, which was of national important, could have remained in the ground
untouched. As for the burials, they could have been investigated; and then remained
in the ground relatively untouched, and without the grave robbing of the
archaeologists involved. These so-called professional archaeologists who removed
thousands of artefacts, that will never be re-united with the owners.
Where did all the artefacts go too from the excavations, we are told that they
will eventually be placed on display; but in 2018 the Vale of Glamorgan Council
promised a display – and access to the site by members of the public, which
never happened.
Without our heritage; which is being lost at a phenomenal rate, we have no
identity, and without that we have no country, and no understanding of who
we are. Wales has such a diverse cosmopolitan culture, from the first of our
ancestors that arrived here, all the way to the first Somali sailor that arrived
and through to the windrush generation. But this is all being erased. Why?
Karl-James Langford
Gwlad Welsh Independence Party
Vale of Glamorgan

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