Welsh sport will “wither on the vine” without fans in sporting events

Adam Price - Plaid Cymru Leader

Plaid Cymru leader Adam Price has warned that Sports clubs in Wales will  “wither on the vine” if a limited number of fans are locked out of events.

Mr Price said that sport was quickly becoming the “poor relation” in any consideration of easing restrictions.

As the traditional climax of the rugby and football seasons comes ever closer, Adam Price said that the prevailing conditions could “accelerate the prospect of a limited number of fans in stadiums.”

Plaid Cymru Leader Adam Price said:


“As an avid rugby follower, I know only too well how much sport means to us as a nation and how much we miss watching it live with friends and family.


“Many of our grassroots clubs face the ongoing prospect of little or no income as a result of fans being locked out of attending events. Many will wither on the vine if this continues.


“With restrictions on hospitality easing, sport is fast becoming the poor relation when it comes to reopening.


“Organisers of sporting events are crying out for certainty on when fans will be allowed to watch live sport again. I fully support calls for the Welsh leg of the British rally championship this summer to be watched by rally fans safely in the beautiful Welsh outdoors.


“With the prevailing Covid conditions as they are, we face scoring an own goal if the sport shut out continues much longer, and risk undoing years of progress and development in the sporting field.”

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