LGA responds to Prime Minister’s announcement on variant of concern originating in India


Responding to the Prime Minister’s announcement this evening on the variant of concern originating in India, Cllr James Jamieson, Chairman of the Local Government Association, said:

“As the Prime Minister said at his press conference this evening, the new variant is a worrying development and we all need to play our part in ensuring we limit any further transmission.

“Councils and their communities, local NHS colleagues and national Government have worked hard to get us to this point and I would urge everyone to listen to local advice to ensure we all do the right things to keep our local communities safe.

“We all want to keep the roadmap on course for the eventual lifting of all restrictions, and the best way to do this is by letting councils get on with local infection control. Councils have Local Outbreak Management Plans in place, and I urge Government to let us get on with implementing them so we can play our part in the national effort.

“Councils need local flexibility to deploy all the tools available, which may mean that we need to move to more targeted vaccinations. I would ask that Government lets us do whatever we need to in local areas to protect our communities.

“Allowing councils, working closely with their NHS partners, to be able to get on with the job will help us to defeat this terrible virus, in all its variants and get life back to normal for all of us.”

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