Tips for Making Employee Trainings Fun and Engaging

Photo by fauxels from Pexels

Training your employees can be a daunting task. Engaging your newest group of employees requires a powerful training plan, powerful content, and a solid approach that ensures they learn what they need to know before joining the team. Most companies take the traditional and yet simple route, but in this day and age, you want to entice your new task force. You want them to be motivated, excited, and ready to work for your company. You can only do this when you have a solid training program that guarantees they succeed.

Choose your Training Staff Carefully

The people who welcome your new employees into the company will be the driving force for keeping people entertained. Choosing a task force of upbeat, aspirational, and generally happy people is key for generating particularly engaging training that keeps new employees motivated to keep listening. Your training staff will set a joyful tone or leave a sour note on your new team members, so be sure who you choose to educate your new staff.


Consider creating a training staff team that handles all of your training days. These people should be passionate about their job within the company, inspired to continue growing, and have an outgoing personality that fits the vibe you want your company to share.

Get Rid of Unnecessary Content

Narrow down your training. If you have an eight-hour training day that can be summed up in two hours, shave it down and make it quick and painless. You want your team to be motivated and not burnt out with an overkill of unnecessary information. If there is information they don’t need to know, don’t worry about teaching it. Every employee is also going to be different depending on the department they join in, so have a plan of action on what you want each type of employee to learn.

Video Animation

Using videos as a part of your training is a great way to keep trainees engaged. Information is just a lot easier to digest in video form. Whiteboard animation specifically is so much fun because they generally move fast and give people something visually intriguing to keep them focused. Whiteboard animation is very popular in today’s digital world for advertisements, but they are great training tools specifically because of their perceived simplicity. They are difficult to make by hand, but there is software that allows for the creation of these videos to be done within minutes. Just add in audio for the different training audios and you have an entertaining video to share with your new team.

Short and Sweet

While it’s perfectly acceptable to have full eight-hour days of training, try to make training days as short and as direct to the point as possible. This ties back to the removal of unnecessary information, but another important key to remember is to consider having short and sweet sessions. Provide several breaks throughout the day to give them a chance to breathe and regroup.

Interactive Games

There are numerous games you can try implementing into your training groups to keep them engaged. Simulating different situations and getting people on their feet is a solid way to bring everyone together. Bring together all the major problems that may arise in their new jobs, and then bring them to the forefront in different fun games that maintain energy, gets people focused, and provides an interactive connection between everybody. Team building exercises are great for improving morale and creating a sense of oneness around the room.


Employee training does not have to be boring and long to get your point across. If you want people to listen and be engaged, you need to find ways to provide them the answers to their questions. Whiteboard animation is a solid way to keep people entertained throughout all levels of training because of their all-purpose usage. Employee training should be fun, entertaining, and an exciting time for people to be brought into the company. Think of it as your introduction to how their time with the company will go. Make it a fun time, and surely people will bring that energy into the workforce when they are off on their own.


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