International Dog Day: The six most destructive dog breeds revealed

  • With International Dog Day coming up on the 26th of August, GoodMove has revealed the six most destructive dog breeds that’ll wreak havoc in your home
  • Labradors take the top spot as the most calamitous canine
  • Plus, some hilarious puparazzi pics of pets caught in the act

Dogs aren’t just animals, they’re part of the family! No matter what happens with family, we always have their backs…. even after they’ve dug up our prized petunias.

With International Dog Day fast approaching, regulated property buyers at GoodMove have investigated the breeds that cause the most destruction at home. Speaking with owners across the country, GoodMove’s research reveals the ‘naughtiest’ breeds.2

According to owners, the six most destructive dog breeds are:

  • Labrador dog
  • Border Collie dog
  • Beagle dog
  • Cocker Spaniel dog
  • Staffordshire Bull Terrier dog
  • English Springer Spaniel dog

And the damage these little calamitous canines have caused is as follows:

  • Dug up flowers/grass in the garden (35%)
  • Ripped furnishings including sofas, chairs, and cushions (29%)
  • Urinated/pooed on furnishings including sofas, beds, and carpets (28%)
  • Scratched furnishings including doors and cabinets (28%)
  • Chewed their owner’s favourite shoes and clothes (26%)

From ripping wallpaper off walls, chewing wood panelling and opening the kiddies Christmas presents, the nation’s pawrents have revealed some hilarious mishaps.

Following the research, Good Move put a call out for the pet puparazzi to send in images of their four-legged friends caught in the act. Here is a selection of the funniest entries:



Caption: Mario, Cavachon, destroyed his mum’s plants and got mucky paw prints everywhere

Caption: Darcy, Boxer, stole her human sisters bedding off her bed and made a snowstorm

Caption: Bear, Malinois, literally tearing apart everything he can get his paws on

Commenting on the research findings, Nima Ghasri, Director at Good Move, says: “The love for our dogs holds no bounds, despite our research revealing the destruction they can cause to our homes!

“If you’re looking to purchase one of the slightly ‘naughtier’ pet breeds, be sure to keep valuable items out of their way to ensure nothing gets damaged. When a dog acts out, it can often be because they’re bored. So, take them for a walk, or grab their favourite toy to play with. After all, you don’t want your brand-new sofa or freshly laid carpet to bear the brunt of their mischievous behaviour!”

For more information on the research and for Good Move’s advice on selling your home, go to:

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