Paul Haarman Explains How Neurofeedback is a Safe and Effective Way of Finding Relief From Anxiety, Depression, and Insomnia During COVID-19


Countless patients are suffering from anxiety, depression, insomnia that rely on medications to cure their condition. Although these medications reduce the symptoms, they do not remove them permanently, and of course, there are side effects of these medications. There is a better way to find relief from the aforesaid conditions, which is neurofeedback. What is it?

Paul Haarman explains why Neurofeedback could be the best treatment for your mental health during the pandemic time

Although this biofeedback technique has been around for many, many years, it has become popular only recently due to advances in science and technology. What neurofeedback does is that it observes and measures a patient’s brain waves in real-time. It achieves this by using a computer, and whatever information is obtained, a functional medicine practitioner uses that information to bring changes in brainwave activity. Since the conditions mentioned in the introductory paragraph are affected by abnormal brainwave activity, the goal of neurofeedback is to bring brainwaves into normal, healthy ranges. So, if you’re looking to get the best anxiety treatment or depression or insomnia treatment, make sure you get in touch with a functional medicine practitioner for neurofeedback.

What are the benefits of neurofeedback? Let’s find out:

After many studies and tests, it is now clear that bigger brains are better brains. The bigger a brain is, the healthier it is considered. Likewise, a shrinking or smaller brain is linked with memory loss and other similar complications. Studies have found a connection between neurofeedback training and subsequent growth in the grey and white matter of the brain. Neuroplasticity is the term that is used to denote the ability of the brain to grow and change.

Neurofeedback is also known for improving sleep. Paul Haarman says that, generally, difficulty in sleeping is linked with dysregulation of slow-moving delta waves. Those that have problems sleeping at night usually do not have enough slow-moving waves, but they have these during the day in great amounts, which leads to drowsiness during the day. With the help of neurofeedback, these waves can be brought into balance, which leads to better sleep quality.

As we already mentioned, neurofeedback can help you with anxiety and depression as well. Anxiety occurs when you have racing thoughts or suffer from sleep disturbances on and off. When the brain of a patient with anxiety is looked at using neurofeedback, it is found that fast-moving beta waves are more and alpha waves are less, which are associated with calmness. When people with anxiety undergo neurofeedback, their alpha waves go up, and anxiety symptoms go down.

If interested, you can contact a functional medicine practitioner online and use neurofeedback to find relief from conditions such as anxiety, depression, and insomnia. Some practitioners use functional medicine, functional neurology, and neurofeedback together to bring incredible results. Make sure you consult with an expert first who deals with mental health issues.

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