6 Primary symptoms of alcohol addiction.


Alcoholism or Alcohol addiction is a disorder that anyone from any walk of life can have. Some factors that ultimately predispose people to alcohol addiction include genetics, gender, and lifestyle. Many get addicted to alcohol without the influence of any of these factors. When asked about alcoholism, suboxone doctors baton rouge say that there is no single cause that leads to alcoholism. Even psychological and physiological factors can make a person alcoholic. 

One thing to note is that alcoholism is a severe illness and needs immediate care. An alcoholic might not be able to control or mediate their actions. The severity of the disorder is not the same for everyone and can vary depending on the person.

Primary symptoms of alcohol addiction 

People across the globe have been using alcohol for ages. Not just that, many traditions and cultures accept and allow the usage of alcohol. Thus, the presence of alcohol is prominent and is often associated with celebration and enjoyment. 

With such a society that accepts alcohol as a part of ceremonies, it could be hard to spot an alcoholic among social drinkers. There are primary symptoms that can help us differentiate an alcoholic from other drinkers. Primary symptoms are symptoms at the early stages of alcohol addiction. Some of them are: 

  1. Inappropriate drinking habits 

Alcoholics at the early stages of addiction tend to resort to inappropriate drinking practices. Some might start drinking everywhere regardless of the people or the ambiance around. Sometimes this can be worse as many start consuming alcohol in religious places. 

A social drinker often prefers consuming alcohol late in the evenings. When a person starts getting addicted to alcohol, this trend might change. For instance, an alcoholic might consume alcohol first thing in the morning. Another notable symptom is that an addict might prefer to be around alcohol at all times. We can see them avoiding gatherings where there is no alcohol. 

If an addict has a well-educated lot around them, they could even resort to hiding their drinking habits. 

  1. Problems with intimacy and relationships 

It is a common symptom that every alcoholic has at the early stages of addiction. Avoiding contact with family or friends is the first thing that many alcoholics do. Less interaction with family and denying physical contact are usual symptoms and need immediate attention. 

Many alcoholics deny sexual contact with partners. Eventually, this might lead to relationship issues and problems. Once a person starts depending on alcohol, their life tends to take a turn from normal. Delusion and absorption in self are the two main precursors of abstinence from intimacy. 

Incapability to enjoy sexual relationships need to be taken care of as it can jeopardize the physical and mental health of the person. 

  1. Increased tolerance of alcohol 

Initially, before a person gets used to the effects of alcohol, they might experience after-effects or hangovers. Once they start getting addicted to alcohol, their tolerance level gradually increases.


Increased thirst, headache, tiredness, and sensitivity to loud noise are some symptoms of a hangover. When a person tries alcohol for the first time, these symptoms can be unbearable and hard to manage. Other symptoms of a hangover: 

  • Muscle pain
  • Dehydration
  • Heartburn and indigestion
  • Bad breath 
  • Increased palpitation 

But, at the early stages of addiction, a person tends to manage the symptoms of a hangover effectively. They feel no change in their bodies even after consuming the same amount of alcohol that they do at the start. 

  1. Less social interaction 

Avoiding conversations with friends and family can eventually lead to a lack of sociability. Some even find a new circle of friends who have similar habits. Most alcoholics prefer being around people who would not restrict them from consuming alcohol. 

Social isolation with time can make the person lose abilities to develop and maintain conversations. Studies say that alcohol reduces the responsiveness of the body to various stimuli like stress and pain. It can cause emotional imbalance and can affect people close to the alcoholic. 

Children of alcoholic parents find it hard to manage their emotions and can lead to emotional distress. Having an alcoholic parent can impact the adolescence of the child in many ways. In some, exposure to alcohol in childhood puts them at a higher risk of abusing alcohol as they grow up. 

Lack of professionalism in workplaces and getting into trouble frequently can be indications of overconsumption of alcohol.

  1. Mental and physical health issues

According to reports, prolonged overconsuming of alcohol can make the person more sensitive to stimuli. Also, it can cause nerve damage and related pain. Alcohol is toxic to other nerve tissues in the body. 

Many alcoholics start feeling tingling pain in their limbs with prolonged overconsumption of alcoholic beverages. Alcoholic neuropathy or consistent pain in the arms and legs is the most common symptom of addiction. The intensity of pain can differ from one to another. 

Lethargic behaviors and emotional issues are other effects that overconsumption of alcohol can cause. With time, people can start experiencing mental stress, anxiety, and depression. 

  1. Frequent consumption of alcohol 

Alcoholics tend to consume alcohol more often than usual. 

Drinking to manage daily activities and excusing themselves to drink more is common among alcoholics. You can spot alcoholics consuming alcohol more than four times per day. Alcoholics can find it hard to manage everyday activities. Delusion, difficulty to remain stable, seizures, and breathing problems are other notable symptoms of an alcoholic. 

Apart from these primary symptoms, there are other health complications associated with alcoholism. Ulcers, diabetic issues, bone weakness, and an increased risk of cancer can affect an alcoholic in the long term. 

Bottom line 

Alcoholism is an actual illness. It needs immediate attention and care. If anyone that you know is an alcoholic, there are a few things that you need to avoid. Do not shame an alcoholic for their habits or activities. Instead, try to help them understand the complications without making them feel guilty or low. 

If you suspect yourself getting addicted to alcohol, approach yourself in a supportive way. Seek help from a health professional or an expert in that matter. Many rehab centers provide support and treatments to addicts to get out of alcohol addiction.  

Further helpful information can be found at: https://addictionrehabtreatment.com/alcohol/binge-drinking/

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