Letter to Editor – consider giving a Tent for Lent 

Image Credit: Shelterbox

Dear Editor,  

Imagine if you had to give up your home or it gets destroyed or damaged. That’s what happens to 113 million people across the world every year who are fleeing conflict or disasters. It’s getting worse because of climate change and coronavirus. It’s why at disaster relief charity ShelterBox we need to be ready to respond with emergency shelter and essential items like lights, blankets, and water carriers. 

Our supporters help make that happen, including Countryfile presenter Ellie Harrison. She’s giving up chocolate this Easter and making a donation to our Tent for Lent appeal. 

Fear not, going chocolate free isn’t the only way your readers can help us give a tent for lent – they could set their own challenge. Perhaps a sponsored garden campout, sing-athon, or a group fundraiser with colleagues? 

·         £24 could provide a family with a sleeping mat and thermal blankets  

·         £47 could supply a family a water filter and access to clean drinking water  

·         £385 could give a family with a tent, a space for a family to call home. 

Every penny we raise together could give a family a home, and with a home comes a powerful sense of hope. To find out more about our Tent for Lent appeal, visit shelterbox.org.  

Hollie Clements 

Community Fundraising Officer 


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