Stepping-up your Mould-free Household Practices


Cleaning your home is never an easy feat especially maintaining its immaculateness and speck-free space. No matter how many seasonal clean-ups you do – scouring every corner of your house, there would be spaces that we will miss and overlooked miniscule dirt may lead to a major issue over the time. Just like how a flap of butterfly’s wings can cause a hurricane, a strain of airborne contaminants can cause a heavy infestation that causes serious health complication to inhabitant inside a large building. A prime example of this, is a mold infestation within our houses.

Molds are microscopic fungus that proliferates by spreading its spores in air that will attach in areas that caters to their living conditions. This microorganism will thrive on damp and moisture areas such as under your sink, roofs, abandoned leaking area, on shower curtains, pipes, and even in your vents. Molds can be everywhere, both outside and inside, they are airborne until they found areas where they can land and flourish. They come in different kinds, color, and appearance. It may appear as black splotches on your firewalls, green mossy spots under your sink or frequently flooded areas, or perhaps white or orange fuzzy patches on your wooden frames, either way, molds can produce allergens and toxic substances that may trigger respiratory and allergic problems. Even though you don’t have any respiratory problem, mold exposure can still irritate your skin, nose, and eyes, and sometimes cause nausea and dizziness. As such, it is more essential to look out for early signs of infestation and removing them before they have the chance to proliferate.

Just like how bed bug infestation and termites’ infestation is a frequent occurrence in a household, mold infestation is no different from it. Molds are very recurrent menace to every homeowner. This article will talk about several ways to step-up your cleaning regime and level-up the cleanliness in your area.

1. Regularly clean your living space

By constantly doing a spring-cleaning: sweeping, dusting, changing fabrics, and mopping your area; you will be able to notice things that you might have overlooked from your previous clean-up session. With this, you get to have a detailed observation of your surrounding and make sure

you are not hosting any bacteria or fungus.

2. Keep your area dry and clean

One of the conditions for mold to thrive is to have a damp and humid area. By not providing enough moisture to your living space, you are also inhibiting molds from growing. As molds tend to cultivate in leaky roofs, broken pipes, and flooded-prone areas, it is wiser to regularly check on this area and repair broken things promptly. Swift drying is highly advised and keep indoor temperature under control with proper ventilation.

3. Remove damp carpets and upholstery

In circumstance wherein your carpets and furniture are soaked either from flood or water spill, you need to dry them immediately or remove them until they are no longer wet, to avoid molds from attaching their selves and further damaging them.

4. Ventilate your area properly

Keep your home well-ventilated by installing exhaust fan and vents that lead outside. Not only you can allow air in your home to flow freely, you are also restricting the accumulation of molds in your home by not providing the adequate living area for the molds and be concerned of rusty and musty smell.

5. Employ a mold inspection service

For real estate owners, doing home inspection is a must before they lease or sell it to interested buyers. With this not only they are able to save up money with cost segregation tax strategy, they won’t be risking losing a good deal just because of some miniscule mold invasion. By hiring professionals, you can rest easy that every nook and cranny of your house will be checked, air quality to be assessed, and all mold colony will be located no matter how widespread they are in your home. As they can be persistent and sporadic in nature, they may infest several areas and have caused a considerable damaged on their growing surface; mold experts can handle them easily and guarantee that it will be eradicated before they wrap up their service. Having a professional mold inspector to oversee the inspection can be a game changer for you and your property.

Bottom line

The importance of total asepsis and sterilise abode will not only keep you safe from any health risks, it also proves to be good practice to keep your home durable and damaged-free from any invasive organisms. As moulds are known for damaging and eating the area they thrive in, it will wear down the materials and gradually worsen the structural condition of your property. Mould can be a serious problem, and when it gets unnoticed it may pose to become a hazard that affects not only you but also your immediate surrounding. Doing a mould remediation and removing it is a paramount importance to contain them before it can grow out of control costing you to spend thousand of dollars for repairs and maintenance.

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