Llanedi Community Council receive Together for Our Planet funding award 


Llanedi Community Council are celebrating a £5,900 grant raised thanks to National lottery players. The Together for our planet funding programme supports projects like this to take climate action within their local community.

Llanedi Community Council based in Hendy, will build on their existing work of the nature trail. The creation of scrapes and a pond will improve the biodiversity of the area that was once a crocket ground and has now been set aside for nature. These new habitats would improve opportunities for wildlife and would create additional reasons for the community to visit as well as being the focus for activities such as wildlife recording and educational activities like pond dipping. 

Ruth Taylor-Davies, a volunteer of Llanedi Community Council said: “The project is being made possible thanks to the generosity of National Lottery players. The funding will be used to develop new habitats within this fantastic green space, which is at the heart of our community. Owned by the community council and supported by a group of committed volunteers.

The trail has already made strides in improving habitats for wildlife and engaging our community with the nature on its doorstep.”

Thanks to £305,908 raised by National Lottery players, 34 community groups across Wales will take collective action by focussing on the small changes they can make locally. A full list of the awards is attached Announcing the funding John Rose, Wales Director of The National Lottery Community Fund, said: “Thanks to National Lottery players, this funding will enable community groups across Wales to take meaningful and ongoing action on climate change. By thinking locally and focusing on what this means for them, they will collectively build on small actions that will contribute to the wider climate action movement.  

“I look forward to seeing these projects come to life over the coming months. Not only will they make significant environmental improvements, but they will also help communities to thrive.”  

The Together for Our Planet fund aims to support a legacy of ongoing climate action projects in communities across the UK. The Fund, which offered grants of up to £10,000, has now closed.   

  Since 2016, The National Lottery Community Fund has awarded £397 million through more than 6,000 grants which involve environmental action, including action on waste and consumption, energy, transport, food and the natural environment.  

The National Lottery Community Fund distributes funding on behalf of National Lottery players who raise more than £30 million each week for good causes throughout the UK**.   

  To find out more visit www.TNLCommunityFund.org.uk  

Mudiad OrganisationAwdurdod LleolLocal AuthoritySwm y grantGrant amountCrynodeb o’r prosiect:Project summary:
Sirhowy Hill Woodlands CICBlaenau Gwent£10,000 Bydd Sirhowy Hill Woodlands yn defnyddio grant £10,000 i greu hwb cymunedol o amgylch meithrinfa goed, gardd gymunedol a datblygu ysgol coetir i blant. Bydd yr hwb yn cynnal gweithdai i helpu pobl ddatblygu sgiliau a gwybodaeth arddwriaethol am yr amgylchedd naturiol lleol.Sirhowy Hill Woodlands CIC will use a £10,000 grant to create a community hub around a tree nursery, community garden and develop a woodland school for children. The hub will run workshops to help people gain horticultural skills and knowledge on local natural environment.
Aurora Trinity CollectiveCaerdydd/ Cardiff£9,980 Bydd Aurora Trinity Collective yn defnyddio £9,980 i ddarparu sesiynau sgiliau bwyd gan ganolbwyntio ar y berthynas rhwng bwyd, lles, newid hinsawdd a hygyrchedd. Ar y cyd â’r sesiynau, byddant yn cyd-adeiladu tŷ te bach gan ddefnyddio’r amgylchedd naturiol.Aurora Trinity Collective will use £9,980 to deliver food-based skills sessions focusing on relationship between food, wellbeing, climate change and accessibility. Alongside the sessions, they will co-build a small tea house structure embracing the natural environment.
Grange PavilionCaerdydd/ Cardiff£10,000 Bydd Grange Pavilion yn defnyddio £10,000 i ddatblygu rhandir cymunedol sydd eisoes yn bodoli, cynnal gweithdai ar gynaliadwyedd a digwyddiadau i addysgu’r gymuned am newid hinsawdd a sefydlu caffi gweithredu hinsawdd.Grange Pavilion will use £10,000 to develop an existing community allotment, run workshops on sustainability and events to educate the community on climate change and establish a climate action cafe.
The Trinity ProjectCaerdydd/ Cardiff£9,990 Bydd The Trinity Project yn defnyddio £9,900 i gynnal rhaglen o weithgareddau gweithredu hinsawdd yn y gymuned leol. Bydd y gweithgareddau’n canolbwyntio ar gompostio, garddio sy’n gyfeillgar i fywyd gwyllt a bwyta’n dymhorol.The Trinity Project will use £9,990 to host a programme of activities centred around climate action in the local community. The activities will focus on composting, wildlife-friendly gardening and seasonal eating.
Innovate Trust LtdCaerdydd/ Cardiff£10,000 Bydd Innovate Trust Ltd yn defnyddio £10,000 i gynnal gweithgareddau digidol ac wyneb yn wyneb am weithredu hinsawdd. Mae’r prosiect hwn yn ceisio gwneud y drafodaeth am newid hinsawdd yn fwy hygyrch i’r rhai hynny ag anawsterau dysgu, eu gofalwyr, teulu a ffrindiau.Innovate Trust Ltd will use £10,000 to undertake both digital and in person activities about climate action. This project aims to make the conversation around climate change more accessible to those with learning difficulties, their carers, family and friends.
Community Energy Wales – Ynni Cymunedol CymruCaerdydd/ Cardiff£9,950Bydd Ynni Cymunedol Cymru’n defnyddio £9,950 i ddarparu gwasanaeth annibynnol, diduedd ac addysgiadol ar-lein. Bydd y gwasanaeth hwn yn amlygu’r angen brys am effeithlonrwydd ynni a sut mae ôl-osod yn gweithioCommunity Energy Wales – Ynni Cymunedol Cymru will use £9,950 to provide an online independent, impartial and informative information service. This service will highlight the urgent need for energy efficiency and how retrofit works 
Llanedi Community CouncilCarmarthenshire£5,900Bydd Cyngor Cymuned Llanedi yn defnyddio £5,900 i adeiladu ar y gwaith sydd eisoes wedi’i wneud ar y llwybr natur yn Yr Hendy. Bydd creu pyllau dŵr yn gwella bioamrywiaeth yr ardal sydd wedi cael ei neilltuo ar gyfer natur.Llanedi Community Council will use £5,900 to build on the existing work of the nature trail at Hendy. The creation of scrapes and a pond will improve the biodiversity of the area that has been set aside for nature.
Glasbren CICCarmarthenshire£9,965Bydd Glasbren CIC yn defnyddio £9,965 i ddarparu cyfres o weithdai a digwyddiadau cymunedol i rymuso ac ysbrydoli pobl i weithredu’n gadarnhaol ar gyfer y blaned a’r ecoleg leol.Glasbren CIC will use £9,965 to deliver a series of free workshops and community events to empower and inspire people to take positive action for the planet, and the local ecology. 
Llandeilo Town CouncilCarmarthenshire£10,000Bydd Cyngor Tref Llandeilo yn defnyddio’r £10,000 i osod paneli solar ar y Pafiliwn Bowls yn Llandeilo a chreu rhaglen ddysgu mewn tair ysgol gynradd leol i godi ymwybyddiaeth a dealltwriaeth disgyblion am ynni adnewyddadwy.Llandeilo Town Council will use the £10,000 to install solar panels on the Bowls Pavilion in Llandeilo and create a teaching programme delivered in three local primary schools to raise pupils’ awareness and understanding of renewable energy.
Felinfoel Family CentreCarmarthenshire£8,500 Bydd Canolfan Deuluoedd Felinfoel yn defnyddio £8,500 i weithio â theuluoedd yn y gymuned i edrych ar ffyrdd i leihau gwastraff a defnyddio (consumption). Bydd yn canolbwyntio ar rannu adnoddau a helpu teuluoedd i wneud dewisiadau mwy gwyrdd.Felinfoel Family Centre will use £8,500 to work with families in the community to look at ways of reducing waste and consumption. It will focus on sharing resources and helping families make greener choices.
Denbigh Men’s Shed LimitedDenbighshire£9,920 Bydd Denbigh Men’s Shed Limited yn defnyddio £9,920 i ddarparu hwb hyfforddiant ar gyfer y gymuned leol, i godi ymwybyddiaeth a datblygu sgiliau gwytnwch newid hinsawdd ymarferol, gan gynnwys uwchgylchu, ailbwrpasu, trwsio eitemau a chynhyrchu bwyd yn lleol.Denbigh Men’s Shed Limited will use £9,920 to provide a training hub for the local community, to build awareness and develop practical climate change resilience skills, including upcycling, re-purposing, repairing items and community food production.
Drosi Bikes CICDenbighshire£8,380 Bydd Drosi Bikes CIC yn defnyddio £8,380 i weithredu prosiect peilot beiciau E-cargo yn Llangollen, Sir Ddinbych i hyrwyddo trafnidiaeth gynaliadwy, cost isel, a fydd yn lleihau tagfeydd, llygredd aer ac allyriadau carbon o amgylch y dref.Drosi Bikes CIC will use £8,380 to operate an E-cargo bike pilot project in Llangollen, Denbighshire to promote sustainable, low cost transport which will reduce congestion, air pollution and carbon emissions around the town.
1125 CICFlintshire£5,300 Bydd 1125 CIC yn defnyddio £5,300 i fynychu cyrsiau hyfforddiant amgylcheddol i leihau ôl-troed carbon y sefydliad drwy wella polisïau a’r ffyrdd y maen nhw’n gweithredu.1125 CIC will use £5,300 to attend environmental training courses to minimise the organisation’s carbon footprint by improving policies and approaches to the way they operate.
Dangerpoint LtdFlintshire£9,606 Bydd Dangerpoint Ltd yn defnyddio £9,606 i ddarparu gweithdai rhyngweithiol ac ymdrochol i 500 o blant o ysgolion lleol. Bydd y gweithdai’n datblygu gwybodaeth ac ymwybyddiaeth y plant o weithredu hinsawdd, a sut y gallan nhw weithredu.Dangerpoint Ltd will use £9,606 to deliver interactive and immersive workshops to 500 children from local schools. The workshops will develop the children’s knowledge and awareness of climate action, and how they can take action. 
Community Heart ProductionsFlintshire£9,600 Bydd Community Heart Productions yn defnyddio £9,600 i addysgu plant a phobl ifanc am dyfu bwyd, creu cynefinoedd a chefnogi bywyd gwyllt i’w helpu i ddeall newid hinsawdd yn well.Community Heart Productions will use £9,600 to educate children and young people about growing food, creating habitats and supporting wildlife to help them better understand climate change.
The Pontardawe ArenaNeath Port Talbot£9,200 Bydd Pontardawe Arena yn defnyddio £9,200 i gynnal arolwg o Barc Glan yr Afon. Bydd y wybodaeth yn cael ei defnyddio i greu cynefinoedd sensitif i rywogaethau hanfodol a chadw amrywiaeth yn yr ardal gan hysbysu ac addysgu’r gymuned.The Pontardawe Arena will use £9,200 to carry out a survey of the Riverside Park. This information will be used to create sensitive habitats for critical species, preserve the diversity in the area whilst informing and educating the community.
F.A.N Community AllianceNeath Port Talbot£10,000 Bydd F.A.N. Community Alliance yn defnyddio £10,000 i greu rhaglen o ddigwyddiadau a gweithgareddau sy’n ymwneud â’r amgylchedd. Bydd hyn yn cynnwys siaradwyr addysgiadol, theatr plant a gweithdai. Bydd yn datblygu gweithgareddau a gwasanaethau eco sydd eisoes yn bodoli, gan gynnwys garddio ar gyfer bioamrywiaeth.F.A.N Community Alliance will use £10,000 to create a programme of climate related events and activities. This will include educational speakers, children’s theatre, and workshops. It will develop existing eco activities and services, including gardening for biodiversity.
Awel Aman TaweNeath Port Talbot£9,600Bydd Awel Aman Tawe yn defnyddio £9,600 i ymgysylltu disgyblion cynradd ac uwchradd â newid hinsawdd a dysgu sut i leihau defnydd ynni drwy gyfres o weithdai arloesol.Awel Aman Tawe will use £9,600 to engage pupils of primary school and secondary school age in climate change and energy reduction learning through a series of innovative workshops. 
Cwm Arian Renewable Energy LimitedPembrokeshire£10,000 Bydd Cwm Arian Renewable Energy Limited yn defnyddio £10,000 i ddarparu’r prosiect Growing Better Connections (GBC) a fydd yn dysgu, cymell ac ysbrydoli’r gymuned i dyfu, storio a pharatoi cynnyrch organig mewn llefydd sy’n hygyrch yn gyhoeddus.Cwm Arian Renewable Energy Limited will use £10,000 to deliver The Growing Better Connections project (GBC) that will teach, motivate, and inspire the community to grow, store and prepare organic produce in publicly accessible places. 
WellMama CICPembrokeshire£10,000 Bydd WellMama CIC yn defnyddio £10,000 i greu gardd gymunedol fioamrywiol sy’n fwytadwy ac yn feddyginaethol ar gyfer dysgu a rhyngweithio cymdeithasol. Bydd yr ardd yn cynnwys perllan ffrwythau brodorol, banc hadau a meithrinfa goed.WellMama CIC will use £10,000 to create an edible and medicinal biodiverse community garden for teaching, learning and social interaction. The garden will include a native fruit orchard, seed bank and a tree nursery.
FRIENDS OF THE UPPER WYEPowys£9,881 Bydd FRIENDS OF THE UPPER WYE yn defnyddio £9,881 i brynu pecynnau profi dŵr ar gyfer grŵp monitro llygredd cymunedol yn Nyffryn Gwy. Amcan y prosiect yw grymuso gwirfoddolwyr lleol i gasglu data ar ansawdd y dŵr yn yr Afon Gwy.FRIENDS OF THE UPPER WYE will use £9,881 to purchase water testing kits for a community pollution monitoring group in the Wye Valley. The project aims to empower local volunteers to collect data on the water quality in the river Wye.
Zero Carbon LlanidloesPowys£10,000 Bydd Zero Carbon Llanidloes yn defnyddio £10,000 i gyflogi ‘Hyrwyddwr Solar’ i baratoi cynllun i annog gosod cynhyrchiad trydan Solar PV yn Llanidloes a’r cyffiniau. Zero Carbon Llanidloes will use £10,000 to employ a ‘Solar Champion’ to prepare a plan to encourage the installation of Solar PV electricity generation in Llanidloes and the surrounding area.
Llangattock Community CouncilPowys£3,910 Bydd Cyngor Cymuned Llangatwg yn defnyddio £3,910 i helpu codi ymwybyddiaeth o’r argyfwng hinsawdd a darparu datrysiadau ymarferol i helpu pobl yn yr ardal i wella eu harferion.Llangattock Community Council will use £3,910 to help raise awareness of the climate emergency and provide practical solutions to help people in the area to improve their habits. 
Cynon Valley Organic Adventures LtdRhondda Cynon Taf£10,000 Bydd Cynon Valley Organic Adventures Ltd yn defnyddio £10,000 i ddatblygu a darparu cwrs achrededig lefel 1 ar Weithredu Amgylcheddol mewn Cymunedau. Bydd y cwrs yn cael ei ddarparu i aelodau o’r gymuned leol, pobl ifanc ag anghenion addysgol arbennig a phobl ieuenctid sydd wedi ymddieithrio ac wedi cael plentyndod niweidiol.Cynon Valley Organic Adventures Ltd will use £10,000 to develop and deliver a level 1 accredited course on Environmental Action in Communities. The course will be delivered to local community members, young people with special educational needs and disengaged youth people with adverse childhoods.
Artis Community/Cymuned LimitedRhondda Cynon Taf£10,000Bydd Artis Community/Cymuned Limited yn defnyddio £10,000 i ddatblygu caffi trwsio a llyfrgell lle y gallant gynnal gweithdai’n canolbwyntio ar gynaliadwyedd amgylcheddol a lleihau ein heffaith ar y blaned.Artis Community/Cymuned Limited will use £10,000 to develop a repair café and library where they can deliver workshops focusing on environmental sustainability and reducing our impact on the planet. 
Soaring Supersaurus CICRhondda Cynon Taf£9,900 Bydd Soaring Supersaurus CIC yn defnyddio £9,900 ar gyfer gwasg dalen i ailddefnyddio plastigion a’u gwneud yn ddarnau o gelf. Byddant yn creu cystadleuaeth i bobl ddylunio dalenni 1 metr wrth 1 metr ar y thema ‘Newid Hinsawdd’ neu ‘Ein Planed Hardd’.Soaring Supersaurus CIC will use £9,900 for a sheet press to reuse plastics and make them into art. They will create a competition for people to design 1-meter by 1-meter sheets on the theme of ‘Climate Change’ or ‘Our beautiful Planet’. 
Manage Money Wales C.I.CRhondda Cynon Taf£10,000 Bydd Manage Money Wales C.I.C yn defnyddio £10,000 i ehangu oriau agor eu Siop Rhannu Cymunedol, lle maen nhw’n casglu rhoddion ac yn eu rhoi i unrhyw un sydd eu hangen am ddim.Manage Money Wales C.I.C will use £10,000 to expand the opening hours of their Community Sharing Shop, where they collect donations and give them away for free to anyone that needs them. 
The Environment Centre LtdSwansea£9,535 Bydd The Environment Centre Ltd yn defnyddio £9,535 i gefnogi cymunedau amrywiol yn Abertawe sy’n fregus i effaith newid hinsawdd. Bydd yn darparu sesiynau am weithredu hinsawdd, canolbwyntio ar bynciau fel tyfu bwyd, cyrchu mannau gwyrdd, ailddefnyddio a thrwsio.The Environment Centre Ltd will use £9,535 to support diverse communities in Swansea that are vulnerable to the impact of climate change. It will provide sessions around taking action on climate change, focusing on topics such as food growing, accessing green space, reusing and repairing.  
Goleudy Housing and Support LimitedSwansea£10,000 Bydd Goleudy Housing and Support Ltd yn defnyddio £10,000 i annog datrysiad i wastraff bwyd a arweinir gan y gymuned. Bydd hefyd yn cynyddu oriau agor yr oergell gymunedol fel y gall rhagor o bobl gyrchu bwyd ffres a rhoi bwyd diangen.Goleudy Housing and Support Ltd will use £10,000 to encourage a community led solution to food waste. It will also increase the opening hours of a community fridge so that more people can access fresh food and donate unwanted food.
The Centre for African EntrepreneurshipSwansea£10,000 Bydd The Centre for African Entrepreneurship yn defnyddio £10,000 i godi ymwybyddiaeth am newid hinsawdd a helpu pobl i weithredu drwy wella arferion ffordd o fyw, fel gwneud dewisiadau mwy cynaliadwy wrth deithio.The Centre for African Entrepreneurship will use £10,000 to raise awareness about climate change and help people to take action by improving lifestyle habits, such as making more sustainable choices when travelling.
The Shared Plate CICSwansea£9,785 Bydd The Shared Plate CIC yn defnyddio £9,785 i hyfforddi cymunedau yn Abertawe i dyfu bwyd eu hunain, deall tymoroldeb a sut i dyfu mewn mannau bach gan ddefnyddio dulliau permaddiwylliant.The Shared Plate CIC will use £9,785 to train communities in Swansea to grow their own food, understand seasonality, and how to grow in small spaces using permaculture methods. 
Friends of The Green BlaenavonTorfaen£3,804 Bydd Friends of The Green Blaenavon yn defnyddio £3,804 i osod ac adnewyddu gwelyau blodau yn y parc. Byddant hefyd yn trefnu gweithgareddau teuluol fel tyfu blodau gwyllt i’w helpu i ddeall pwysigrwydd amddiffyn yr amgylchedd.Friends of The Green Blaenavon will use £3,804 to install and refurbish flowerbeds at the park. They will also organise family activities such as planting wildflowers to help them understand the importance of protecting the environment.
Gwyrddio Penarth GreeningVale of Glamorgan£9,922 Bydd Gwyrddio Penarth Greening yn defnyddio £9,922 i ddarparu rhaglen blwyddyn o hyd o weithdai, sesiynau agored a digwyddiadau â’r themâu bwyd sy’n garedig i’r hinsawdd, tyfu bwyd a gweithredu hinsawdd.Gwyrddio Penarth Greening will use £9,922 deliver a year long programme of workshops, open sessions and events themed around climate-friendly food, food growing and climate action.
Your Space (Marches) LimitedWrexham£3,280 Bydd Your Space (Marches) Limited yn defnyddio £3,280 i weithio â grŵp o bobl ifanc ar brosiect celfyddydau mynegiannol, gan eu hannog i ddefnyddio deunyddiau, fel plastigion, i’w helpu i ddeall a mynegi eu pryderon a’u meddyliau am yr argyfwng hinsawdd.Your Space (Marches) Limited will use £3,280 to work with a group of young people on an expressive arts project, encouraging the use of materials, such as plastics, to help them understand and express their concerns and thoughts regarding the climate crisis.

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