Advantages of Obeying Parents


In all Islamic guidelines, Muslim believes that parents are the most valuable person throughout their life. It is therefore natural that everyone Muslim is more likely to be enthralled by their parents than anything else on earth. There are laws that prohibit leaving your abusive parents if they cause harm to you.

If you look at it, you will see that in the majority of the Quranic letters that discuss parenting from an Islamic viewpoint, there’ll be something positive when you praise them. There are also some passages regarding the way Muslims are to behave with their parents regardless of whether they are in agreement or not about the subject.

This is why we’ll discuss some of the advantages of obeying your parents in Islam that are based on the Quran. See them below!

Importance of being grateful

Many Muslims believe that by respect your parents, you’ll receive more blessings in life than you ever did. According to Allah says in Quran Surah Luqman verse 14, you must obey parents, particularly your mother once she has given your birth.

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Allah states that you must be thankful when your mother is gave birth healthy. This makes you realize the importance of being grateful and that Allah give you happiness in your life.

Positive discussion


Being around parents with an entirely different view of many Muslims can give them the capacity to study. They will learn to remain patient and how to deal with them with the proper way to have a positive discussion. Additionally, they can perform certain Dua’s to prevent anger within Islam in their discussions.

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Thus, Allah constantly calls upon Muslims that they must be patient with all the challenges we face in the world. This will help them to be more patient in the time when they are following their parents. This is what’s mentioned in Quran verse 17 below. Luqman Verse 17 in the following verse.

Wahai anakku! Laksanakanlah salat dan suruhlah (manusia) yang makruf dan cegahlah (mereka) dari yang mungkar dan bersabarlah terhadap apa yang menimpamu, sebenarnya yang demikian itu termasuk perkara yang penting.” (QS 31:17)

More blessings from Allah

In many religions, Muslims believe that parents instructed their children to do the right thing only. Children become an exemplary person who shows kindness

Towards one another by the good things they perform every day.

In fact, Muslims believe that doing an act of kindness will make you more blessings from Allah. This is evident within the Quran Surah An- Nisa verse 36 below.

“And worship Allah and do not associate Him with anything. And do good to your parents, intimate friends, orphans, poor people, close and distant neighbors, peers, Ibn Sabil, and your slave servants. Indeed, Allah does not like people who are proud and proud,” (QS 4:36)

4. Get More Security

As Muslims respecting their parents, they will be protected in a variety of ways. For instance when they do something that goes against Islamic guidelines; parents will provide them with the best advice on how to proceed with any step to ensure they are in the Islamic rules for them to stay Istiqomah.

“O our Lord, do not make us (targets) slander for the unbelievers. And have mercy on us, O our Lord. Surely you are all-powerful, all-wise. ” (QS 60:5)

Have a responsibility

Muslims believe that as they’ve grown up, they have a responsibility to make their parents content. If you offer them a help in assisting with your mature items as well, or you don’t. You have to be more considerate to keep them satisfied by at the very least a positive phrase when talking to them.

“And your Lord has commanded you not to worship other than Him and to do good to mother and father. If one of the two or both come to an advanced age in your care, then you may not say to both of them the word “ah” and do not yell at both, and say to both of them a good word.” (QS 17:23)

Prevent Shirk

Certain Muslims might be distracted by doing something they did when they were grown up, for instance, making an idol for something. Parents who are strict will avoid these kinds of actions since parents will constantly remind them not to do things that are against Islamic guidelines.

In reality, idolizing something can lead them to things of the heathen that Allah dislikes so much. You could also create some Dua’s to prevent Shirk like the one mentioned in the Quran Al Isra verse 36 below.

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