Fresh Air Impact on Sleep Health: Tips on Keeping the Air Fresh During the Summer


According to the experts


While summer might be your favourite season, it is no surprise that many hate the summer night. When the temperatures do not go below 20 degrees Celsius (68 degrees Fahrenheit) at night, we spend hours tossing and turning in bed, struggle to fall asleep, and wake up feeling exhausted. Sounds familiar? This seems to be the case in many parts of the world which are sweltering under a record-breaking heat wave.

Even if you go online, all you will see is people sharing their concerns about the heat and how it affects their sleep. Higher night-time temperatures do not just make it harder to drift off, but they can disrupt your sleep cycles and leave you with low-quality rest. As a result, many of us are searching for the best ways to cool down the house. Luckily for you, we have gathered some of the best experts’ tips on how to stay cool during these hot summer nights along with important information about the airflow importance and the changes our body goes through when sleeping.

Airflow Importance           

Have you ever spent the day out in nature and felt so relaxed that you had the best sleep when you came home? “Being outside in the garden, by a river, by the coast in the natural flow of weather is key to our brain’s ability to enter a state of calm and sleep. Think of airflow as being part of your everyday recovery rhythm.” – said Nick Littlehales, International Elite Sport Sleep Coach and founder of the Game Changing R90-T Human Recovery Performance Technique. 

As a result, allowing fresh air to circulate through your bedroom is one o`f the simplest methods to enhance air quality. Breathing fresh air makes you fall asleep faster and have a deeper, more relaxing sleep. “It creates a natural human emotional and well-balanced feeling of calm, combined with our internal circadian rhythms.” added sleep coach Nick Littlehales. 

Additionally, Dr. Rohrscheib, a neuroscientist and sleep expert, emphasised the impact of airflow too, saying, “While good airflow will not improve sleep apnea, it can help to keep it from getting worse by reducing the likelihood of further congestion.” 

If the air quality is poor and breathing is difficult, you may wake up numerous times every night. “Stagnant air will compromise sleep. It may lead to more awakenings as the brain rouses us to take deeper breaths and clear out carbon dioxide. If the environment is rich in oxygen and low in carbon dioxide, sleep may be deeper, more stable, and more refreshing.” stated Dr. Brandon Peters, a board-certified doctor in neurology and sleep medicine. Here are a few ways to create the proper airflow to ensure a good night’s sleep.


When the summer heat is getting out of hand, and you cannot sleep, the most obvious thing to do is open the window. Sleeping with open windows has long been a popular tradition, particularly on hot summer nights. “Opening a window at night allows trapped heat to escape and fresh, cool air to enter,” said Dr. Rohrscheib. It enhances circulation in your room, which not only changes the temperature of your sleeping space but also improves ventilation and reduces carbon dioxide levels in the air, resulting in a healthier night’s sleep. 

However, this method has its disadvantages. For instance, you do not want to leave a window open if you live in an urban area because of the outside noise. Furthermore, if your bedroom is located on a level easily accessible from the outside, you might want to close the window at night for safety reasons. Moreover, during the spring and summer months, when plant pollen levels are at their highest, people with allergies should avoid opening windows. 

AC and fans

The easiest solution to escape the summer heat is to turn on the air conditioning all night and fall into a deep, restful slumber. But imagine the huge electricity bill each month! You do not want the heat to break the bank. Not to mention the fact that it is not very environmentally friendly. To avoid high AC costs, give your thermostat a base temperature and don’t change it often. Also, ensure the exterior fan unit is clear so that it can run efficiently.

On the other hand, a strategically placed fan can do the job as well. Fans can create the proper airflow needed for a peaceful and relaxed night. Although not as costly as an AC, leaving the fan on for a long time will leave a stain on your finances.

Surprising Changes That Happen to Our Body When We Sleep

We spend a lot of time sleeping, and during this time, our body goes through some interesting changes. “There are endless changes that occur when asleep…your brain completely overhauls you in every way, rejuvenating and regenerating you both mentally and physically.” said sleep coach Nick Littlehales. 

Firstly, our breathing slows down to its lowest rate during deep sleep. Along with it, our heart also slows down, and our muscles gradually relax to the point where they get paralyzed. This prevents the arms and legs from moving in response to the dream content (especially from those Karate Kid dreams).

On the contrary, the brain stays quite active during sleep. Our brain processes and organizes information from the day as we sleep. This happens during the rapid eye movement (REM) stage of sleep. “REM sleep is when we process memory, consolidate learning, and even think creatively. It may allow us to make new associations and discoveries with unique combinations of thoughts.” said Dr. Peters. So, with good sleep quality, the brain might remember the perfect comeback for that one argument that happened five years ago. 

On the other hand, the glymphatic system cleanses the brain tissue by removing dangerous metabolites that accumulate when awake. So, sleep deprivation or inadequate hours of sleep may increase the accumulation of protein tangles and the long-term risk of memory issues like dementia, according to Dr. Peters. 

Additionally, sleep is essential in regulating the synthesis of a variety of hormones. Dr. Peters claims that it is important for the release of growth hormone in children and adolescents and also for building muscles and the repair of tissues in adults.

How Does the Heat Affect Our Beauty Sleep?

There are several ways the summer can affect sleep quality, said Dr. Chelsie Rohrscheib, including overheating during sleep, seasonal allergies, and longer daylight hours. “Overheating makes it difficult for us to fall asleep and causes lighter, more restless sleep, uncomfortable sweating, and frequent awakenings. This is problematic during the summer months, especially if you live in a hot climate,” Dr. Rohrscheib added. 

Additionally, seasonal allergies can make it uncomfortable or difficult to breathe at night, and increased daylight hours can shift our circadian rhythm forward, affecting sleep quality.  “It’s all about being able to breathe easily, naturally, in and out through our nose…Nose breathing increases oxygen levels by up to 40% thus enhancing our biological, mental and physical performance.” added Mr. Littlehales. 

Furthermore, everyone has their sleeping temperature preferences—freezing cold, slightly warm, or saunalike. This becomes the number one reason for conflicts among bed partners. As a result of the continual disputes over thermostat control, these conflicts may raise the question of whether there is a perfect sleeping temperature. Read on to find out. 


When the temperature in your bedroom is not exactly how you want it to be, do you find it difficult to fall asleep? Before you reach the state of deep sleep, your body’s core temperature must drop by two to three degrees. It can be difficult for your brain to tell if you are awake or asleep if your core temperature is too high, which might negatively impact the quality of your sleep. This is why Dr. Rohrscheib emphasized that having good air circulation in your room will help maintain a cooler body temperature. 

Naturally, your core temperature is affected by the temperature of your room. A room temperature of 16 to 18 degrees Celsius is suitable for sleeping because this is the range that best suits your core while you’re asleep. A lower temperature also encourages more peaceful sleep by preventing your body from overheating too early in the morning and allowing you to emerge from a deep slumber gradually. So, airflow plays an essential role in creating the perfect room temperature. 

How To Keep Cool at Night and Sleep Like a Log

There are many ways to keep cool during the hot summer nights. As Nick Littlehales said, “the products we choose to sleep with, the material of those products, our sleeping environment is more aligned with autumn, winter, and spring”. So, here are some tips on how to keep cool during summer nights. 

Take a shower 

“Taking a cool shower immediately before bed will help you drop your core body temperature,” Dr. Rohrscheib suggested. This will allow your body to reach the desired temperature and, consequently, fall asleep faster on hot summer days. 

Choose your bedsheets carefully 

The material of your bedsheets can make a big difference in how cool you are at night. Try to use bedding composed of natural fibers, such as cotton or linen. So, if you have not already, put the winter bedding away and keep it as light as possible throughout the summer. Dr. Rohrscheib added, “For extreme heat, use mattress cooling technology such as a chill pad or an electronic mattress cooler.”

Choose your PJs wisely

As for your nightwear, Dr. Rohrscheib suggested to go for breathable clothing, such as 100% cotton. Cotton material PJs draws moisture from the skin, which allows your body to breathe and maintain the ideal temperature. But if you have troubles finding the right pyjamas, another safe choice is always your birthday suit. 

Maintain a dark environment

Even if your room is the correct temperature, but it is filled with light pollution from outside street lamps or your digital devices, you will probably have trouble sleeping. Dr. Peters added that “It is also best if the room is quiet, dimly lit, and comfortable. Light exposure may disturb our circadian patterns.” As a result, consider investing in blackout shades, a sleeping mask, and light-blocking stickers to prevent such issues. 

Stay hydrated 

Sweating while sleeping can cause dehydration, so make sure you drink plenty of water during the day and have drinks near you in case you wake up thirsty. Drinking enough water can also help you cool down and fall asleep quicker. 


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