8 Ways To Keep Your Business Secure


Security refers to many different aspects of a business. The main security focus for businesses in the last number of years has been cybersecurity, but that does not mean that you should your other protocols slip. Data isn’t the only thing that can be stolen, after all.

Efficient security is more accessible than it has ever been, you just need to know how to implement it. This article will go through all the ways you can keep your business secure so you can continue to focus on staying profitable.

Password Management

Everyone knows that a password works as a brick wall to anyone trying to log in to your servers. However, some passwords are stronger than others, and it only takes one company password to fail for your data to fall into the wrong hands. Your employees will have access to more than just their personal data, so it is up to everyone to practice good password management.

As an employer, you should stress the importance of strong passwords to everyone in your company. A strong password should include more than eight letters, at least one number, and a special character. The more you diversify this string of digits, the harder it is to decrypt.

Perform Background Checks

There are several steps to the hiring process, all of which you should be familiar with. One of the most important steps is checking references. These individuals can provide you with an accurate record of the employee’s past performance, but what about their previous criminal record?

You can always protect your company further by performing background checks on potential new hires before you bring them into the building. It is highly likely that these checks will turn up anything sinister, but a quick background search can reveal if they have a history of data breaches or cybercrime. Most hackers choose to work from within a company, so a background check can help root out anyone that is disingenuous about their reason for working for you.

Virtual Credit Cards

Another type of security breach in modern business is fraud. It is difficult for someone within your company to commit this crime and not get found out; however, it can happen through company spending. Your staff will need to make purchases on behalf of your company, which means that you will need to reimburse them for these expenses. Unfortunately, employees can make fraudulent claims which cost you money.

That is why you will benefit from using a virtual visa card from Payhawk. These virtual cards unite everyone on your staff under one expense management solution. This means that you can track all company spending without having to worry about reallocating funds among your employees. What’s more, it cuts out the possibility of fraudulent expenses completely.

Back-Up Your Power Supply

You should already know about the importance of backing up your data systems, but did you know that it is equally as important to back up your power supply?

A power outage can cause your encryption software to fail, which means that anyone can get at your data with the right tools. Unfortunately, power cuts and generator failures are too common for you to take the risk and let your data fall into the wrong hands. Always provide your company with a backup power supply to keep your staff on task and your data safe. Also, make sure you check your

data and security systems after a power outage.

Set Up A Security Policy

As a business leader, you are the most responsible individual onsite. However, that does not mean that you are to manage your company’s security issues alone. The more people you have working toward making your business a secure place to work, the less likely it is that you will encounter a security breach.

Be realistic with your goals, and your team can help you enhance your security protocols. You never know, someone else in the company may put forward some ideas that you haven’t thought of. Therefore, it is important to encourage the sharing of suggestions.

Limit Personal Smartphone Usage

It is almost impossible to ask your employees to leave their personal smart devices at home. Almost everyone owns one, and they have so many uses that many people will struggle to leave home without it. What’s more, these devices are now your employee’s only means of communication. However, these devices can be used as a gateway into your computer systems. Your employee’s device may not have the same updated security features as your systems, which means they are a prime target for digital hackers. So what are you supposed to do?

Instead of banning smartphones from the office, try and limit their use as much as possible. There will be times when your employees need to use these devices, but make sure you communicate with them how important it is that they only use them in an emergency. Also, try and set up an area that is removed from the main office for anyone that needs to use their smartphone. This distance prevents your computer systems from being associated with these devices, and communicating your wishes helps bring everyone up to speed on the issue of cybersecurity.

Educate Those Around You

The issue of cybersecurity is going to be brand new to anyone that hasn’t worked with computers for the last ten years. These abstract concepts are difficult to grasp when you aren’t faced with them daily, and this lack of knowledge can lead to mistakes. It is easy to forgive mistakes; however, they can be harmful to your business when it comes to data protection.

Therefore, your company will benefit from regular security seminars. You can host these yourself or bring in an outside professional. Either way, the aim is to coach your staff and reiterate the importance of cybersecurity protocols in your company. These meetings are especially useful when something new is introduced into your business.

Know What Do In An Emergency

Unfortunately, you can do all the above and still become the victim of a cyberattack. That’s just how advanced this crime is becoming. However, it shouldn’t matter too much if you know how to recognise or resolve a threat.

Some cyberattacks will try to bait you into giving up more information by staging a false attack, while others will steal your data and keep it at a ransom. While you are trying to prevent these issues from occurring, take the time to educate yourself about these types of attacks. Doing so will inform you of the best ways to resolve any complications that you face and reduce any further damage from occurring. Cybercrime is always evolving, so make sure that you are evolving with it. Educate yourself before you educate your employees, and you will have a higher chance of surviving one of these security breaches.


Staying secure in modern business is easy once you know how to update your systems. You should now be aware of the multiple directions from which you can encounter a security breach, so make sure you stay up to date to further protect your business in the future. it shouldn’t take up too much of your spare time, and you will be glad you did if you are ever forced to face such a threat.

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