Community groups in Carmarthenshire celebrate nearly £50,000 of National Lottery funding

Llanerch Community Group

Community groups in Carmarthenshire celebrate nearly £50,000 of National Lottery funding

The National Lottery Community Fund has awarded a total of £47,575 of funding to local community groups in Carmarthenshire over the past month. The funded projects include improving the local environment and biodiversity, respite and days out for families of people battling addiction, and free boxing sessions for young people. 

Llanerch Community Group

Llanerch Community Group were one of the recipients of the funding and will use their £8,000 grant to continue to provide a local food share service, and work with volunteers to create a community growing space for fruit and vegetables. 

Sharon Burdess & Heather Peters from Llanerch Community Group said, “We are delighted to have been awarded the National Lottery Fund grant and will put it to good use in enhancing the community of Llanerch. 

“Lleidi Foodshare has been set up to help families, young and old in our local community with the rising cost of living. The funds will help the community to come together have a chat, coffee and cake which will reduce loneliness and isolation within the older members within our community. 

“The funds will also be used to set up a community food growing garden which will work alongside our Lliedi Foodshare. Groups of all ages will get involved in this project from the soil preparation to the final stages of picking, then this will be distributed for free through our Lleidi Foodshare.

“Community Biodiversity native plant growing sessions will help tackle decline of bees and bugs which will help improve their population. This will enhance the natural beauty of Llanerch where the community can relax and enjoy the Open Green Space.”

The John Burns Foundation

The John Burns Foundation received a £10,000 grant to support people interested in improving biodiversity in their local community. It will provide practical tuition in traditional crafts and improve the mental health of those participating in outdoor activity. 

Zara, Group Leader at Mencap who’ve worked with The John Burns Foundation explained, “Our staff and team members with a learning disability from Mencap Me Time all benefitted from learning hedge laying, a new skill. We all increased confidence and felt sheer pride at seeing the result. 

The John Burns Foundation

“People we support commented on being one step further to finding a job in the future.”

Stallion Community Hub CIC will use their £9,884 grant to provide 80 free boxing sessions to young people, encouraging participation. They will address the impact of poverty, and instil values, support health and wellbeing, and promote life skills. 

Trallwm Area Community Hall were awarded £10,000 to provide sessions on topics including improving IT skills, mental health and healthy eating.  They will help people get to know each other and ease loneliness. 

C.A.S.M. Support of Carers of Alcohol and Substance Misuse in Llanelli were also successful and will use £9,690 to provide respite and days out, enabling families with loved ones with addiction to take much-needed breaks, in a safe environment. 

John Rose, Wales Director at The National Lottery Community Fund, celebrated all the organisation’s saying: 

“We are proud to be the largest funder of community activity in the UK. The Fund is dedicated to supporting projects like these that bring people together to support their communities, create stronger social connections and help develop new skills. National Lottery players raise over £30 million each week for good causes like these throughout the UK”   

These projects are just some of 56 projects awarded across Wales in the past month totalling £1,821,550 of funding raised by National Lottery players. To read the full list please see the attached document.   

56 grant werth £1,821,550 wedi’i godi gan chwaraewyr Loteri Genedlaethol

56 grants totalling £1,821,550 raised by National Lottery players

Awdurdod Lleol Local AuthoritySwm y grant Grant amountCrynodeb o’r prosiect:Project summary:
Llanhilleth Miners Institute LtdBlaenau Gwent£10,000.00Bydd Llanhilleth Miners Institute Ltd ym Mlaenau Gwent yn cynnal rhaglen i blant yn ystod gwyliau’r ysgol sy’n cynnig cymysgedd o grefftau, chwaraeon, coginio, darllen a gweithgareddau awyr agored. Bydd £10,000 yn ariannu staff, gweithdai ac adnoddau, pecynnau bwyd a chostau cyffredinol y prosiect.The Llanhilleth Miners Institute Ltd in Blaenau Gwent will run a children’s school holiday programme offering a mix of crafts, sports, cookery, reading and outdoor activities. £10,000 will fund staff, workshops and resources, packed lunches, and project overheads.
Rassau Resource Community Centre CICBlaenau Gwent£8,495.00Bydd Rassau Resource Community Centre CIC ym Mlaenau Gwent yn creu gweithgareddau cymdeithasol a datblygu i fabanod, plant bach a’u rhieni yn y gymuned leol. Bydd £8,495 yn ariannu sesiynau chwarae ac adnoddau, lleoliad, rheolaeth y prosiect a chyhoeddusrwydd.Rassau Resource Community Centre CIC based in Blaenau Gwent will create social and development activities for babies, toddlers, and their parents within the local community. £8,495 will fund play sessions and resources, venue, project management and publicity.
Contemporancient Theatre Community Interest CompanyBridgend£8,600.00Bydd Cwmni Buddiannau Cymunedol Contemporancient Theatre ym Mhen-y-bont ar Ogwr yn defnyddio £8,600 i ddarparu gweithdai symud a cherddoriaeth i bobl ifanc, gweithdai llais a gwaith corawl i bobl hŷn, yn ogystal â chreu ffilm rhaglen ddogfen. Byddan nhw’n gweithio gydaContemporancient Theatre Community Interest Company in Bridgend will use £8,600 to provide workshops for young people in movement and music, workshops for older people in voice and choral work and make a documentary film. They will work with young people
phobl ifanc a thrigolion Blaengarw.and residents of Blaengarw.
Bron Fair Allotment AssociationBridgend£10,000.00Bydd Bronfair Allotment Association ym Mhen-y-bont ar Ogwr yn adfywio darn o dir nad yw’n cael ei ddefnyddio mwyach o fewn y rhandiroedd. Byddan nhw’n creu man gymunedol a rennir i aelodau gymdeithasu a thyfu cynnyrch gyda’i gilydd a sicrhau bod eu maes parcio’n hygyrch i’w haelodau anabl. Bydd £10,000 yn talu i adfywio’r maes parcio, gwelyau uchel, compost a phlanhigion, cadair a meinciau a phren.Bronfair Allotment Association in Bridgend will rejuvenate a disused piece of land within the allotments. They will create a shared community space for members to socialise and grow produce together and ensure their car park is accessible for their disabled members. £10,000 will fund renovating the car park, raised beds, compost and plants, chair and benches, and timber.
Broadlands Community HubBridgend£9,750.00Bydd Hwb Cymunedol Broadlands ym Mhen-y-bont ar Ogwr yn cynnal diwrnod cydlyniant cymunedol, y digwyddiad cymunedol cyntaf ers y pandemig. Bydd £9,750 yn ariannu adloniant, gweithgareddau, ardal wyddoniaeth a system PA.Broadlands Community Hub in Bridgend will hold a Community Cohesion day, the first community-wide event since the pandemic. £9,750 will fund entertainment, activities, a science area and a PA system.
Blackwood Arts CentreCaerphilly£7,450.00Bydd Canolfan y Celfyddydau’r Coed Duon yn darparu rhaglen o weithgareddau creadigol fel celf, ysgrifennu, symud meddylgar a sesiynau ysgrifennu creadigol, i gefnogi menywod ym mwrdeistref CaerffiliThe Blackwood Arts Centre will provide a programme of creative activities art, journaling, mindful movement and creative writing sessions, to support women in the Caerphilly borough
sy’n profi’r menopos a’r perimenopos. Bydd £7,450 yn talu am ddeunyddiau’r sesiynau, marchnata ac arddangosfa.experiencing menopause and perimenopause. £7,450 will pay for session materials, marketing, and an exhibition.
Seren in the Community CIOCardiff£88,038.00Bydd Seren in the Community CIO yng Nghaerdydd yn darparu sesiynau chwarae mynediad agored am ddim i blant. Bydd y sesiynau a arweinir gan blant yn cynnwys chwarae elfennol, celf a chrefft, gemau grŵp, adeiladu den, chwarae dychmygol a chwarae yn y goedwig.Seren in the Community CIO in Cardiff will provide free, open access, play sessions to children. The child-led sessions will include elemental play, arts and crafts, group games, den building, imaginative and forest play. There will be a focus on training and volunteering opportunities for young people and parents from the local community. Over three years, £88,038 will fund staff and project delivery costs.
Breathe Creative Community Interest CompanyCardiff£100,000.00Bydd Breathe Creative CIC yng Nghaerdydd yn darparu sesiynau ar-lein ac wyneb yn wyneb ‘Celf ar gyfer Lles’ wythnosol gyda phob un o’r sefydliadau partner (Gwasanaethau Allgymorth Iechyd Meddwl Tŷ Canna, Mental Health Matters, The Wallich, BAVO a thimau Presgripsiynu Cymdeithasol lleol). Byddan nhw hefyd yn hwyluso hyfforddiant staff a gwirfoddolwyr a rhaglen fentora a chymorth ganBreathe Creative CIC in Cardiff will deliver weekly online and face to face ‘Arts for Wellbeing’ sessions with each of the partner organisations (Ty Canna Mental Health Outreach Services, Mental Health Matters, The Wallich, BAVO and local Social Prescribing teams). They will also facilitate a staff and volunteer training and a mentoring and peer support programme. Over two years,
prosiect, costau cyffredinol a
Local Welcome CIOCardiff£9,848.00Bydd Local Welcome CIO yng Nghaerdydd yn hyfforddi gwirfoddolwyr i drefnu prydau bwyd cymunedol gan ddod â thrigolion lleol ynghyd â ffoaduriaid sydd newydd gyrraedd, gan eu galluogi i ffurfio cyfeillgarwch, ymarfer sgiliau iaith a dysgu mwy am yr ardal leol. Bydd £9,848 yn ariannu staff a gwirfoddolwyr, lleoliad, bwyd, cyfarpar coginio, gwiriadau DBS a marchnata.Local Welcome CIO in Cardiff will train volunteers to organise community meals bringing together local residents with newly arrived refugees, enabling them to form friendships, practice language skills, and learn more about the local area. £9,848 will fund staff and volunteers, venue, food, cooking equipment, DBS checks, and marketing.
Touch Trust LimitedCardiff£9,990.00Bydd Touch Trust Limited yng Nghaerdydd yn darparu sesiynau chwarae creadigol i deuluoedd a brodyr a chwiorydd plant gyda salwch sy’n cyfyngu ar fywyd. Byddan nhw’n cynnig man gymdeithasol i rieni. Bydd £9,990 yn ariannu staff, lluniaeth, cyfarpar, marchnata a theithio.Touch Trust Limited in Cardiff will provide creative play sessions for the families and siblings of children with life limiting illnesses. They will offer a social space for parents. £9,990 will fund staff, refreshments, equipment, marketing, and travel.
Versus ArthritisCardiff£10,000.00Bydd Versus Arthritis yn gwario £10,000 i ddarparu diwrnodau gweithgarwch a phenwythnos preswyl i bobl ifanc ledled De Cymru sy’n byw gydag arthritis. Bydd y grant yn talu am gostau’r gweithdy, penwythnos i ffwrdd a gweithiwr ieuenctid.Versus Arthritis will spend £10,000 to provide activity days and a residential weekend for young people from across South Wales living with arthritis. The grant will fund workshop costs, a weekend away and a youth worker.
UCAN ProductionsCardiff£9,930.00Bydd UCAN Productions yng Nghaerdydd yn cynnig hyfforddiant cymwys mewn gweithgareddau celfyddydol a chreadigol i 40 o bobl ifanc â nam ar eu golwg ledled Cymru. Bydd £9,930 yn ariannu costau’r gweithdy, achrediad, costau gweinyddol, yswiriant, gwiriadau DBS, cyfarpar, teithio a hyfforddiant.UCAN Productions in Cardiff will offer accredited training in arts and creative activities for 40 visually impaired young people across Wales. £9,930 will fund workshop costs, accreditation, administration, insurance, DBS checks, equipment, travel, and training.
Greenwich Leisure LimitedCardiff£9,999.00Bydd Greenwich Leisure Limited yng Nghaerdydd yn darparu sesiynau gweithgarwch corfforol a phrydau bwyd iach i hyd at 600 o blant a phobl ifanc o gefndiroedd difreintiedig. Bydd £9,999 yn talu am fwyd, costau danfon, staff a chyfarpar.Greenwich Leisure Limited in Cardiff will provide regular physical activity sessions and healthy lunches for up to 600 children and young people from disadvantaged backgrounds. £9,999 will fund food, delivery, staff, and equipment.
The Ajuda FoundationCardiff£9,800.00Bydd The Ajuda Foundation yng Nghaerdydd yn cynnal gweminarau misol gyda siaradwyr ysbrydoledig ac arbenigol i addysgu gweithwyr proffesiynol a phobl sy’n profi salwch meddwl. Bydd £9,800 yn ariannu staff, cyfarpar TG, marchnata, costau gweinyddol a chyflenwadau swyddfa.The Ajuda Foundation in Cardiff will run monthly webinars with inspirational and expert speakers, to educate professionals and people experiencing mental ill health. £9,800 will fund staff, IT equipment, marketing, administration, and office supplies.
Stallion Community HubCarmarthenshire£9,885.00Bydd Stallion Community Hub CIC yn SirStallion Community Hub CIC in
yn ariannu staff.
C.A.S.M. Carers of Alcohol and Substance MisuseCarmarthenshire£9,690.00Bydd C.A.S.M. Support of Carers of Alcohol and Substance Misuse in Llanelli yn defnyddio £9,690 i ddarparu seibiant a diwrnodau allan, gan alluogi teuluoedd ag anwyliaid sy’n gaeth i alcohol neu sylweddau gymryd seibiannau mewn amgylchedd diogel. Bydd y grant yn talu am wyliau seibiant, therapi, costau sesiynau a ffôn symudol.C.A.S.M. Support of Carers of Alcohol and Substance Misuse in Llanelli will use £9,690 to provide respite and days out, enabling families with loved ones with addiction to take much-needed breaks, in a safe environment. The grant will pay for respite holidays, therapy, costs for sessions and a mobile phone.
Llanerch Community GroupCarmarthenshire£8,000.00Bydd Grŵp Cymunedol Llanerch yn Sir Gaerfyrddin yn parhau i ddarparu gwasanaeth rhannu bwyd lleol, ac yn gweithio gyda gwirfoddolwyr i greu man tyfu llysiau a ffrwythau cymunedol. Bydd £8,000 yn ariannu bwyd a lluniaeth, cyfarpar garddio, coed a phlanhigion.Llanerch Community Group in Carmarthenshire will continue to provide a local food share service, and work with volunteers to create a community growing space for fruit and vegetables. £8,000 will fund food and refreshments, gardening equipment, trees and plants.
The Elemental Adventures Project CICCeredigion£10,000.00Bydd The Elemental Adventures Project CIC yng Ngheredigion yn cynnal sesiynau coetir awyr agored i oedolion a phlant, i helpu gwella eu lles corfforol a meddyliol. Bydd £10,000 yn ariannu staff a deunyddiau.The Elemental Adventures Project CIC in Ceredigion will run outdoor woodland sessions for adults and children, to help improve their physical and mental well-being. £10,000 will fund staff and materials.
British Epilepsy AssociationConwy£5,200.00Bydd Cymdeithas Epilepsi Prydain yn gweithio yng Ngogledd Cymru, gan ddod â phlant a phobl ifanc ag epilepsi, eu brodyr a chwiorydd, eu rhieni a’u gofalwyr ynghyd am ddiwrnod allan. Bydd dau Nyrs Epilepsi Arbenigol ar gael i ddarparu dysgu’n ymwneud ag iechyd drwy gydol y dydd. Bydd £5,200 yn talu am leoliad, deunyddiau, staff a threuliau gwirfoddolwyr.British Epilepsy Association will work in North Wales, bringing together children and young people with epilepsy, their siblings, parents and carers for a day out. Two Epilepsy Specialist Nurses will be on hand to provide health related learning throughout the day. £5,200 will fund venue, materials, staff and volunteer expenses.
Ysgol LlanddogedConwy£9,995.00Bydd Ysgol Llanddoged yng Nghonwy yn gwario £9,995 i brynu a gosod canopi i ddarparu lloches i bobl sy’n mynychu’r amrywiaeth o ddigwyddiadau cymunedol a gynhelir ar y safle. Byddan nhw’n gwella safle sy’n cael ei ddefnyddio gan nifer o grwpiau lleol sy’n dod â’r gymuned ynghyd.Ysgol Llanddoged in Conwy will spend £9,995 to buy and install a canopy to provide shelter for people attending the variety of community events held on the site. It will improve a site that is well used by a number of local groups which brings the community together.
The Denbigh WorkshopDenbighshire£10,000.00Bydd The Denbigh Workshop yn cynnal Ysgol Haf Celfyddydau Creadigol i bobl ifanc difreintiedig yn Sir Ddinbych. Byddan nhw’n helpu datblygu sgiliau bywyd a chymdeithasol a lleihau unigrwydd ac ynysrwydd. Bydd £10,000 yn ariannu hyfforddwyr.The Denbigh Workshop will hold a bilingual Creative Arts Summer School for disadvantaged young people in Denbighshire. It will help develop life and social skills and reduce loneliness and isolation. £10,000 will fund trainers.
THE OSBORNE TRUSTDenbighshire£10,000.00Bydd The Osborne Trust yn Sir Ddinbych yn darparu cefnogaeth emosiynol ac ymarferol i blant a phobl ifanc y mae gan eu rhieni ddiagnosis o ganser. Bydd £10,000 yn ariannu staff, cyfarpar TG ac ategolion.The Osborne Trust in Denbighshire will provide emotional and practical support for children and young people whose parents have a cancer diagnosis. £10,000 will fund staff, IT equipment, and accessories.
Young And Mindful CICFlintshire£10,000.00Bydd Young and Mindful CIC yn Sir y Fflint yn darparu sesiynau meddwlgarwch parhaus i ddisgyblion ysgol uwchradd ar draws y sir. Bydd £10,000 yn ariannu staff, costau cyffredinol a gwerthuso.Young and Mindful CIC in Flintshire will provide ongoing mindfulness sessions for secondary school pupils across the county. £10,000 will fund staff, overheads, and evaluation.
Friends of Dysynni DogsGwynedd£2,839.00Bydd Friends of Dysynni Dogs yn cyflwyno ‘dog hoopers’ (ffurf o ymarferion ystwytho i gwn) ar draws ardal wledig yn ne Gwynedd. Bydd hyn yn dod â phobl at ei gilydd yn rheolaidd, i gymryd rhan mewn gweithgarwch cynhwysol, awyr agored, gan helpu mynd i’r afael ag unigrwydd ac ynysrwydd a achoswyd gan y pandemig a datblygu iechyd, lles a hyder. Bydd £2,839 yn ariannu cyfarpar, ategolion a chyhoeddusrwydd.The Friends of Dysynni Dogs will introduce dog hoopers (a form of dog agility) across a rural area in south Gwynedd. It will bring people together regularly, to take part in an inclusive, outdoor activity, helping tackle loneliness and isolation caused by the pandemic and developing health, wellbeing and confidence. £2,839 will fund equipment, accessories and publicity.
WELSH CENTRE FOR INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS /Gwynedd£9,998.00Bydd Canolfan Materion Rhyngwladol Cymru’n cysylltu pobl, cymunedau aThe Welsh Centre for International Affairs will connect people, communities
CANOLFAN MATERION RHYNGWLADOL CYMRUsefydliadau ledled Cymru trwy gyfres o weithgareddau a digwyddiadau a arweinir gan y gymuned yn ystod Taith Werdd Climate Cymru. Bydd y prosiect yn amlygu straeon lleol ar blatfformau cenedlaethol, ehangu rhwydwaith Climate Cymru a datblygu perthnasoedd ymysg grwpiau gweithredu hinsawdd cymunedol yng Nghymru. Bydd £9,998 yn rhentu cerbyd trydanol ac yn talu am wefru, staff, nwyddau, llety, cyfieithu, rheoli a chostau cyffredinol.and organisations across Wales via a series of community-led activities and events during the Climate Cymru Green Tour. The project will highlight local stories on national platforms, expand the Climate Cymru network and develop relationships amongst climate action community groups across Wales. £9,998 will rent an electric vehicle and pay for charging, staff, merchandise, accommodation, translation, management and overheads.
The Bevan FoundationMerthyr Tydfil£9,813.00Bydd The Bevan Foundation ym Merthyr Tudful yn gweithio’n agos â phobl sydd angen tai, i ddysgu o’u profiadau o geisio cyrchu cymorth gyda chostau tai, yn dilyn pandemig COVID-19. Gan weithio gyda nhw, a’r sefydliadau sy’n gweinyddu tai cymdeithasol, byddan nhw’n datblygu argymhellion ymarferol ac y gellir eu darparu i wella’r maint o gefnogaeth a’r mynediad ati. Bydd £9,813 yn ariannu staff, costau cyffredinol, cyhoeddusrwydd a theithio.The Bevan Foundation in Merthyr Tydfil will work closely with people who need housing, to learn from their experiences of trying to access help with housing costs, following the COVID-19 pandemic. Working with them, and with the organisations that administer social housing they will develop practical and deliverable recommendations to improve the amount of and access to support.£9,813 will fund staff, overheads, publicity, and travel.
Mind Health And WellnessMonmouthshire£9,919.00Bydd Mind Health Wellness CIC yn SirMind Health Wellness CIC in
CICFynwy’n darparu sesiynau therapi i bobl sy’n profi anawsterau iechyd meddwl oherwydd trawma ac anhwylder straen wedi trawma (PTSD). Bydd £9,919 yn ariannu cyfarpar therapi a hysbysebu.Monmouthshire will provide therapy sessions for people experiencing mental health difficulties resulting from trauma and post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). £9,919 will fund therapy equipment and advertising.
Cwtch Angels Abergavenny CICMonmouthshire£10,000.00Bydd Cwtch Angels Abergavenny CIC yn parhau i ddarparu cefnogaeth ymarferol i’r rhai hynny sy’n profi caledi ariannol a thlodi bwyd, trwy gynnig eu gwasanaeth Oergell Gymunedol. Bydd £10,000 yn ariannu costau storio, cerbyd, stociau bwyd a thrydan.Cwtch Angels Abergavenny CIC will continue to provide practical support to those experiencing financial hardship and food poverty, by offering their Community Fridge service. £10,000 will fund storage, vehicle, food stocks and electricity.
Bridges CentreMonmouthshire£8,800.00Bydd The Bridges Centre yn Nhrefynwy’n parhau i ehangu ar eu prosiect ‘Cylchoedd Cymdeithasol’. Bydd y grŵp yn cyfarfod ddwywaith yr wythnos i frwydro yn erbyn unigrwydd ac ynysrwydd i’r rhai hynny dros 55 oed, sy’n profi pob math o dementia, a’u gofalwyr. Bydd £8,800 yn ariannu staff, costau’r gweithgareddau a chostau gweinyddol.The Bridges Centre in Monmouth will continue to expand on their ‘Social Circles’ project. The group will meet twice weekly to combat loneliness and isolation for those aged over 55, experiencing all types of dementia, and their carers. £8,800 will fund staff, activity costs and administration.
Awel Aman Tawe CyfNeath Port Talbot£100,000.00Mae Awel Aman Tawe Cyf yn defnyddio £100,000 i gwblhau’r adnewyddiad, ganAwel Aman Tawe Cyf are using £100,000 to complete the refurbishment, turning
droi’r ysgol gynradd flaenorol yng Nghwmgors yng Nghastell-nedd Port Talbot i ganolfan amgylchedd ac ynni ac yn lleoliad ar gyfer y sefydliad. Bydd y ganolfan yn hwyluso gweithredu hinsawdd trwy addysg, datblygu sgiliau, menter gymdeithasol, cefnogaeth ymarferol a gweithdai cymunedol. Bydd hyn yn cynnwys cyfleusterau archebu desgiau, swyddfeydd i fusnesau lleol ac unig fasnachwyr, neuadd i’w llogi i grwpiau cymunedol lleol a digwyddiadau cymdeithasol, caffi, stiwdios i artistiaid, banc bwyd a lleoliad ar gyfer y clwb ieuenctid lleol.the former primary school in Cwmgors in Neath Port Talbot into an environment and energy centre and the base for the organisation. The centre will facilitate climate action through education, skills development, social enterprise, practical support and community workshops. It will include hot desking facilities, office space for local businesses and sole traders, hall space can be hired by local community groups for activities and social events, a café, artist studios, foodbank and space for the local youth club.
Newport Yemeni Community AssociationNewport£8,000.00Bydd Newport Yemeni Community Association yn cynnal Gŵyl Yemeni Cymreig un diwrnod. Byddan nhw hefyd yn trefnu sesiynau coginio Yemeni Cymreig a theithiau diwylliannol lleol i bobl ifanc gysylltu â’u hetifeddiaeth Gymreig. Bydd £8,000 yn talu am adloniant a seilwaith digwyddiadau, cynnyrch coginio, llogi lleoliad a rhaglen o deithiau.The Newport Yemeni Community Association will deliver a one-day, Welsh Yemeni Festival. They will also organise Welsh Yemeni cooking sessions and local cultural excursions for young people to connect with their Welsh heritage. £8,000 will fund entertainment and event infrastructure, cookery products, venue hire and a programme of excursions.
Newport KeralaNewport£9,904.00Bydd Newport Kerala Community yn dod â’iThe Newport Kerala Community will
Communityaelodau ynghyd mewn dathliadau cymdeithasol a diwylliannol i helpu rhannu traddodiadau gyda chenhedloedd iau a’r gymuned ehangach. Bydd £10,000 yn talu am leoliad, arlwyo a system sain ar gyfer dau ddigwyddiad diwylliannol.bring together its members in social and cultural celebrations to help share traditions with younger generations and the wider community. £10,000 will fund venue, catering and a sound system for two cultural events.
No-Comply. Newport.Newport£9,886.00Bydd No Comply Newport yn cynnal cyfres o weithdai sglefrfyrddio a throed-rolio, ynghyd â sesiynau celf a dylunio. Bydd £9,866 yn talu am adeiladu hanner piben a ramp, offer TG, lleoliad gweithdy, staffio a hyrwyddo.No Comply Newport will host a series of free skateboard and roller-skate workshops, alongside art and design sessions. £9,866 will fund construction of a half pipe and ramp, IT equipment, workshop venue, staffing and promotion.
Pentre Farm CICPowys£27,500.00Bydd Pentre Farm CIC ym Mhowys yn defnyddio £27,500 i brynu blwch ceffylau ail-law i ddarparu ymweliadau allgymorth o’i wasanaethau fferm gan alluogi ysgolion a phobl mewn cartrefi gofal i ymgysylltu â gofal anifeiliaid.Pentre Farm CIC in Powys will use £27,500 to buy a second-hand horsebox to provide outreach visits from its farm services allowing schools and people in care homes to engage in animal care.
Black Mountains College ProjectPowys£549,419.00Bydd Coleg y Mynydd Du ym Mhowys yn darparu gweithgareddau sy’n proffilio ei economi gylchol. Bydd y prosiect yn byrhau cadwyni cyflenwi i lenwi bylchau sgiliau a chreu swyddi newydd. Bydd ffocws arBlack Mountains College in Powys will deliver activities profiling its circular economy. The project will shorten supply chains to fill skills gaps and create new jobs. There will be a focus
fioamrywiaeth, gweithredu hinsawdd, maeth, lleihau gwastraff, dysgu ac allgymorth. Dros bum mlynedd, bydd £549,419 yn ariannu staff, monitro a gwerthuso, cerbyd trydanol, teithio a llety, marchnata a ffioedd proffesiynol, cyfieithu a chostau cyffredinol.on biodiversity, climate action, nutrition and waste reduction,teaching and outreach. Over five years, £549,419 will fund staff, monitoring and evaluation, an electric vehicle, travel and accommodation, marketing, professional fees, translation and overheads.
Montgomery Community Buildings Preservation Trust (MCBPT)Powys£10,000.00Bydd Montgomery Community Buildings Preservation Trust (MCBPT) ym Mhowys yn defnyddio £10,000 i osod system sain a gweledol yn neuadd y dref i alluogi amrywiaeth o weithgareddau i gael eu cynnig, gan fynd i’r afael ag anghenion unigolion â namau ar eu clyw.Montgomery Community Buildings Preservation Trust (MCBPT) in Powys will use £10,000 to install an audio and visual system in the town hall to allow a variety of activities to be held, while addressing the needs of individuals with hearing impairments.
The Windfall Centre LtdPowys£9,900.00Bydd The Windfall Centre Ltd ym Mhowys yn darparu therapi chwarae, celf a theuluol i gefnogi teuluoedd sy’n profi anawsterau oherwydd trawma, cam-drin neu adfyd. Bydd £9,900 yn talu am gostau therapydd a staff, rhent, deunyddiau a chostau gweinyddol.The Windfall Centre Ltd in Powys will provide play, art and family therapy to support families experiencing difficulties arising from trauma, abuse, or adversity. £9,900 will fund therapist and staff costs, rent, materials and admin costs.
Llanfechain Memorial HallPowys£8,051.00Bydd Neuadd Goffa Llanfechain ym Mhowys yn gwella cyfleusterau eu neuadd i fod yn fwy hygyrch, fforddiadwy a chroesawgar iLlanfechain Memorial Hall in Powys will improve their hall’s facilities to be more accessible, affordable, and welcoming
drigolion lleol yn dilyn y pandemig. Bydd £8,051 yn prynu byrddau, cypyrddau ac offer cegin.for local residents following the pandemic. £8,051 will buy tables, cabinets and kitchen equipment.
Churchstoke Little ExplorersPowys£2,960.00Bydd Churchstoke Little Explorers ym Mhowys yn ail-leoli eu grŵp rhieni a phlant bach i alluogi mwy o deuluoedd i ymuno. Bydd £2,960 yn talu am logi’r lleoliad, gweithgareddau, tegannau, taflenni a baneri.Churchstoke Little Explorers in Powys will relocate their parent and toddler group to allow more families to join. £2,960 will fund venue hire, activities, toys, leaflets and banners.
Radiate Arts C.I.C.Powys£9,996.00Bydd Radiate Arts C.I.C ym Mhowys yn cynnal cyfres o weithdai creadigol i bobl sy’n profi heriau fel iechyd meddwl gwael, camdrin domestig a chamdrin sylweddau. Bydd £9,996 yn ariannu staff a gwirfoddolwyr. costau cyffredinol, marchnata, deunyddiau ac offer.Radiate Arts C.I.C. in Powys will run a series of creative workshops for people experiencing challenges including poor mental health, domestic violence, isolation, and substance misuse. £9,996 will fund staff and volunteers, overheads, marketing, materials and tools.
Cantref Sports CommitteePowys£1,300.00Bydd Pwyllgor Chwaraeon Cantref ym Mhowys yn cynnal cyfres o ddigwyddiadau i ddod â phobl leol o bob oedran ynghyd yn eu cymuned wledig. Bydd £1,300 yn ariannu eitemau addysgiadol i blant, addurniadau, hamperi a chyfarpar chwaraeon.Cantref Sports Committee in Powys will hold a series of events bringing together local people of all ages in their rural community. £1,300 will fund educational items for children, decorations, hampers and sports equipment.
Gelli Life for LivingRhondda Cynon Taf (RCT)£9,990.00Bydd Gelli Life for Living yn Rhondda Cynon Taf yn darparu gweithgareddau a theithiau i grŵp o oedolion sy’n agored i niwed. Bydd hyn yn hyrwyddo rhyngweithiad cymdeithasol cadarnhaol a chynhwysiant. Bydd £9,990 yn ariannu lleoliad, staff, prydau bwyd wythnosol, teithiau a thrafnidiaeth.Gelli Life for Living in Rhondda Cynon Taf will provide activities and trips for a group of vulnerable adults. This will promote positive social interaction and inclusion. £9,990 will fund venue, staff, weekly meals, trips and transport.
Just SingRhondda Cynon Taf (RCT)£9,995.00Bydd Just Sing yn Rhondda Cynon Taf yn trefnu digwyddiadau cymunedol yn ymwneud â chanu mewn grŵp a chymdeithasu. Bydd y digwyddiadau’n cael eu hanelu at godi ysbryd, gan ddarparu cefnogaeth a gwella gwytnwch yn dilyn pandemig COVID-19. Bydd £9,995 yn talu am staff, marchnata, digwyddiadau a llogi lleoliad.Just Sing in Rhondda Cynon Taf will organise community events based around group singing and socialising. The events will be aimed at lifting spirits, providing support and improving resilience following the COVID-19 pandemic. £9,995 will pay for staff, marketing, events and venue hire.
Coedylan Primary SchoolRhondda Cynon Taf (RCT)£10,000.00Bydd Ysgol Gynradd Coedylan yn Rhondda Cynon Taf yn creu gardd gymunedol i ddisgyblion a’r gymuned leol i’w defnyddio ar gyfer digwyddiadau a chlybiau ar ôl ysgol. Bydd £10,000 yn ariannu pergola, dodrefn i’r ardd a gwelyau uchel.Coedylan Primary School in Rhondda Cynon Taf will create a community garden for pupils and the local community to use for events and after school clubs. £10,000 will fund a pergola, garden furniture and raised beds.
Cynon Valley PALS Play and Leisure for Children with DisabilitiesRhondda Cynon Taf (RCT)£10,000.00Mae Cynon Valley P.A.L.S.Play and Leisure for Children with Disabilities in Rhondda Cynon Taf yn trefnu gweithgareddau i wella iechyd a lles plant ag anableddau a’u teuluoedd, yn dilyn pandemig COVID-19. Bydd £10,000 yn talu am weithgareddau, hyrwyddo, costau gweinyddol ac yswiriant.Cynon Valley P.A.L.S.Play and Leisure for Children with Disabilities in Rhondda Cynon Taf are organising activities to improve the health and well-being of children with disabilities and their families, following the COVID-19 pandemic. £10,000 will pay for activities, promotion, admin and insurance.
Citrus Arts LimitedRhondda Cynon Taf (RCT)£9,980.00Bydd Citrus Arts ym Mhontypridd yn darparu hyfforddiant syrcas a rheoli digwyddiadau i bobl ifanc, leol nad ydynt mewn addysg, cyflogaeth na hyfforddiant. Bydd £9,880 yn talu am staff, hyfforddiant, teithio, deunyddiau a chyfleustodau.Citrus Arts in Pontypridd will provide circus and events management training for local, young people who are not in education, employment or training. £9,880 will pay for staff, training, travel, materials and utilities.
ASD RainbowsRhondda Cynon Taf (RCT)£10,000.00Bydd ASD Rainbows yn Rhondda Cynon Taf yn defnyddio £10,000 i gyflogi aelod ychwanegol o staff i helpu cefnogi mwy o deuluoedd sydd wedi’u heffeithio gan Anhwylder Sbectrwm Awtistig a chyflyrau perthnasol eraill.ASD Rainbows in Rhondda Cynon Taf will use £10,000 to employ an additional staff member to help support more families affected by Autistic Spectrum Disorder and other related conditions.
Kin CymruSwansea£9,550.00Bydd Kin Cymru yn Abertawe’n gweithio gyda gofalwyr sy’n cael trafferth ariannol trwy eu cefnogi i gyrchu a mwyafu incwmKin Cymru in Swansea will work with carers who are struggling financially by supporting them to access and maximise
eu gofalwyr. Bydd £9,550 yn talu am staff a gwirfoddolwyr, hyfforddiant, cyfieithu ac offer.their carers income. £9,550 will pay for staff and volunteers, training, translations and supplies.
Cae Felin CSA CICSwansea£10,000.00Bydd Cae Felin CSA CIC yn gweithio mewn partneriaeth â Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Bae Abertawe i helpu trigolion Abertawe i ddysgu sgiliau newydd trwy wirfoddoli. Bydd y prosiect yn hyrwyddo bioamrywiaeth. Bydd £10,000 yn ariannu costau staff a gwirfoddolwyr, cyfarpar ac offer garddio hanfodol.Cae Felin CSA CIC will work in partnership with the Swansea Bay University Health Board to help the residents of Swansea to learn new skills through volunteering. The project will promote biodiversity. £10,000 will fund staff and volunteer costs, equipment and gardening essentials.
Morriston War Memorial Hall and Community CentreSwansea£10,000.00Bydd Neuadd Goffa Rhyfel a Chanolfan Gymunedol Treforys yn Abertawe’n adnewyddu llawr eu neuadd a gafodd ei ddifrodi pan oedd yn cael ei ddefnyddio fel canolfan profi Covid-19. Bydd £10,000 yn ariannu’r adnewyddiad.Morriston War Memorial Hall and Community Centre in Swansea will refurbish their hall flooring which was damaged while being used as a Covid-19 testing centre. £10,000 will fund the refurbishment.
Torfaen Youth ServiceTorfaen£10,000.00Bydd grŵp ‘Kings, Queens and everything in between’ LHDTQ+ Gwasanaeth Ieuenctid Torfaen yn rhoi mynediad at gefnogaeth, cyngor, sesiynau creadigol wythnosol a chyfleoedd i gymdeithasu. Bydd £10,000 yn talu am offer gweithgareddau a gwasanaethau cymorth.The Torfaen Youth Service LGBTQ+ group ‘Kings, Queens and everything in between’ will provide access to support, advice, and weekly creative sessions and social opportunities. £10,000 will pay for equipment, activities and support services.
Women’s Art and Craft GroupTorfaen£10,000.00Bydd Grŵp Celf a Chrefft i Fenywod yn Nhorfaen yn cynnal grŵp celf a chrefft i ddarparu hafan ddiogel i fenywod sy’n profi episodau iechyd meddwl trawmatig. Bydd £10,000 yn talu am staff, bws mini, gweithgareddau a hyrwyddo.The Women’s Art and Craft Group based in Torfaen will run an arts and craft group to provide a safe haven for women experiencing traumatic mental health episodes. £10,000 will pay for staff, mini bus, activities and promotion.

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