Can gambling be beneficial or only harmful


Gambling has always been very popular and it is only natural that curious scientists have wondered whether it is psychologically and physiologically beneficial or detrimental to the human body. A number of studies have led them to conclude that gaming, of course, within reasonable limits, can be beneficial.

The benefits of gambling

Gambling is an important part of society, and it is time for the state to stop supporting the opposing viewpoint by manipulating public opinion data to fit the opposing viewpoint. It is precisely this position of government that is holding back the development of gambling in general.

For example, internationally renowned scientists such as Patrick Besham, who is the author of Betting on Health, argues that casino gaming is about the health of individuals and the health of society as a whole. Patrick Besham has done a lot of research on gambling, and bets on the benefits of gambling, even top online casinos.

The essence of the benefits of gambling

Patrick Besham in his research proved that people who gamble are not only socially active, but also quite prone to build strong reliable relationships in life. People who frequently gamble are heavily involved in social life, they build good relationships with their neighbours, and they are often involved in charity work. This is what distinguishes such people from gambling opponents.

Professional poker player Anna Duke, conducting research, proves that gambling is much healthier than drinking alcohol. In her research she gathered data which shows that only 1% of gamblers have problems with addiction, while people who drink alcohol, 7-9%, become alcoholics. So gambling is safer than alcohol, not to mention drugs where the addiction rate is much higher.

It is proved that the elderly who indulge themselves in gambling in the past, whether roulette online casino live dealer, cards or machines, feel much more confident and do not suffer from central nervous system diseases or neurological disorders. And, paradoxically, this is due to a regular feeling of excitement and the emotions it evokes.

The studies involved people who regularly gamble in real casinos or online casinos that accept paypal. Experiments have shown that while playing a game, the body initiates a series of biochemical reactions and an active production of hormones (cortisol, adrenaline and serotonin). This rattling cocktail is released into the bloodstream and spreads throughout the body. The systems and organs respond in a specific way to the hormones, which results in improved performance, a stronger nervous system, and better mental alertness.

If you train your body regularly in this way, you will become calmer, more balanced and stress-resistant in everyday life. Gamblers who play wisely and metered, react more calmly to problems and difficult situations, find solutions faster.

The effect of casinos on thinking and brain function

The process has a positive impact on the way our brain works. This is due to the fact that while playing, a person calculates combinations, thinks through the strategy and each move. Such manipulation is an excellent brain-trainer. People who regularly play cards, roulette or slot machines have a logical mind, are more attentive and focused in everyday life. They easily make decisions in difficult situations, they can justify their actions, they make far fewer mistakes in their work, and therefore they develop faster and climb up the career ladder. Gamblers are not subject to panic attacks, hysterics, depression and nervous breakdowns. After all, all these emotions and feelings find an outlet at the gaming table.

Psychological relief through gambling

This is another aspect of gambling for which scientists have acknowledged its benefits. When you spin the reel, run Gonzo, hold the cards, you relax, forget about other problems and worries, and become completely immersed in the situation. The nervous system and the regions of the brain relax, as if you were under the influence of light alcohol. Of course, you should understand that such relaxation is useful only in dosage amounts. Uncontrolled gamble can lead to dire consequences.

Gambling scare stories

The scare stories about gambling addiction are greatly exaggerated, due to the imposition of public opinion. The reality is that people are not aware of the real nature of things. If the government’s attitude towards gambling were to change and become more loyal, the picture would change dramatically. Alternatively, part of the people addicted to smoking and alcohol could move to a lesser addiction — gambling.

Countries where gambling is banned

Gambling is banned in many countries for a variety of reasons. For example, in many Muslim countries gambling is forbidden, because it is against the Koran; these are middle and near eastern countries.

In Europe, the casinos are mainly located, in coastal and tourist areas. If you take Paris, there are no casinos in the city itself, the closest one is 52 kilometres away.

In Turkey, there’s a general ban on gambling, it’s all in the shadow business and it’s illegal.

In Cambodia you can gamble, but only on water, so all the casinos are afloat.

In Israel, gambling is banned, but online casinos are not.

Singapore also bans land-based gambling, all casinos are afloat.

Even in the US, you can only gamble in Las Vegas and Indian reservations, but there is no ban on online casinos.

China is the most interesting, there is no ban on gambling at all, by the way, the Chinese are considered to be the most gambling people in the world.

So is gambling good or bad: conclusions

Numerous studies have shown that gambling is good for our whole body: it improves brain activity, stabilises the nervous system, increases our tone and improves our mood. But this effect is only achieved if the dosage is respected. If you feel that gambling has become an obsession, you can’t give it up at any time for everyday life, you are nervous and trying to win at all costs, it’s time to think about the consequences. 

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