96% of ex-smokers encourage the switch to vapes – survey data exposes all

Photo by Lemkhanzar: https://www.pexels.com/photo/electronic-vape-cigarettes-in-close-up-shot-12721921/

With on-going speculation as to whether vaping is actually less harmful than smoking, I thought you might be interested in brand new research and expert commentary from a team of researchers at Vaping.com/uk (https://vaping.com/uk/who have conducted their own survey exposing the undisputed benefits of vaping as a cessation method, enabling a smoke-free society by 2030. 

A staggering 96% of ex-smokers would recommend vaping to help ditch the habit! 

In light of a brand new report by the Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA) urging policymakers to focus on boosting vapes and e-cigarettes rather than imposing bans, Neil McLaren from Vaping.com/uk details the results of their survey and why it’s important now more than ever to support smokers in aiding their journey to quit.  

It seems intuitive that vaping is far less harmful than continuing to smoke – cigarettes contain over 7,000 toxic chemicals and kill millions each year around the world. This study just adds to the growing evidence base that smokers are better off as vapers as backed by the Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA) report recently published, which is highlighting the huge push towards higher priced cigarettes, up to £20 per packet.

We know from our own research that vaping isn’t just less harmful than smoking: it is also attractive to smokers who want a fresh start. When we asked our customers, 96% told us that they would recommend vaping to smokers who wanted to quit. Matched to this, the IEA report also states that 28% of smokers have never even tried an e-cigarette, suggesting that the initiative towards current smokers should be the main focus driving the smoking rate down.

We notice that currently, 40% of English smokers falsely believe that nicotine can cause deadly diseases, as well as the fact that vaping is wrongly thought to be more harmful than smoking, as this figure shot up by 17% between 2014 and 2020, due to lack of statistical information on the topic. IEA’s Head of Lifestyle Economics Christopher Snowdon commented more needs to be done to stamp out misinformation about e-cigarettes, and our own survey findings stress the importance of this, as 84% said our site vaping.com/uk and its informational content had been very helpful for them in their switching journey. It’s all the more imperative that research-led and scientific backed studies like this which provide clear data to smokers continue to allow companies like us to help them by writing educational content.”

Neil McLaren has provided 3 ways policymakers can help smokers quit smoking through the use of e-cigarettes:

  • Offer smokers at cigarette counters in supermarkets advice on the smoke free alternatives that best suit them. If smokers are approached in a polite and informative way, they may be more inclined to stop, have a chat and learn what they can do to better their health. 
  • Change advertising rules that stop vaping companies telling smokers the truth – that vaping is less harmful than smoking. Once again, it’s all about education. If we can inform smokers looking to make the switch of the positive benefits, then ultimately a switch is better than smoking. 
  • Make sure doctors and pharmacies are able to offer advice on vaping when smokers wish to talk about their quit attempt. Perhaps in time e-cigarettes will become official cessation devices which could be prescribed on the NHS.” 

I’d love to become a point of contact for Neil McLaren at Vaping.com/uk for future opportunities where you may need credible advice or commentary. I know he’d be more than happy to accommodate a quick turn around where needed as well. 

Source: https://vaping.com/uk/

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