How Does the Family of Asif Ali Gohar Feel About His Innovative Success


When something happens to one member of a family, it often effects the entire family. When Asif Ali Gohar made his discovery on how rice could be used to create a vegan leather alternative, it affected his whole family as well. They were there for each step of his progress, watching his innovation grow and his product develop along with the processes required to make it. Now as his success grows, they continue to support him and encourage growth for himself and the business, and they change and adapt along with him.

His proud parents are pleased that they raised him to try new things, to trust his own feelings and opinions, and to follow his beliefs. By supporting his choice to follow a vegan lifestyle they helped to steer him along the path that led to his entire business plan and the success that he has gained. When it all started as a school project, they were hopeful for a good grade, and supportive of the search for materials that fit his chosen lifestyle. This all grew into a sustainable product that is gaining popularity around the world as they stood by and encouraged him each step of the way.

Remaining supportive, they are not involved in the day to day operations, but they are a key part of the support system that helps keep the focus where it needs to be. They have always encouraged him to try new things and to trust that he knows what the right next step is. They support his attempting new processes, seeking new methods of production, and going a different way than everyone else. Without this encouragement and the space to sample all of the things that are available, he may have never begun experimenting with rice material in school.

From humble roots, they help to keep him grounded. They ensure that he remembers where eh came from, and how he has achieved the success that he now enjoys. Rather than allowing it all to become overwhelming, they ensure that he still remembers why he has done it all, and as their lives change along with this, they are certain to continue supporting his choices. This unwavering support and freedom to try new things to form his own beliefs, and to look for innovative ways to meet his own goals are key to the success of this business. Without that he would have never had the ability to change his lifestyle and develop a focus on veganism, which would have kept him working for other people and following their own business plans.

Innovators need the freedom to be creative, and to look for new ways of doing things, without being restricted by what is easily available. This freedom is not provided by all families or communities, restricting creativity and limiting new developments. While his success will provide money to send back home and his profits can support his family now, they are still offering their support with regards to the innovative approach he is taking.

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