Dungeons and Dragons Review.


I must confess. I’ve never been a big D&D fan. I’ve always been curious about it. And I mean to say that even though I’ve never been willing to play D&D, I’d rather watch the movie. That being said, watching it this week, I must admit, I lost interest almost immediately. It had a few funny moments. But that is really the only good thing I can say about this. So much content seemed to be taken from other movies. To name a few, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter and Princess Bride. It all felt like there was no originality to this at all.

Even though this movie may not have impressed me, I will say the cast did a fine job. Chris Pine was amusing. Seemed more like the fool than the hero. But he did okay. Michelle Rodriguez played the tough hardcore chick with a heart of gold, as always. I think we can agree that she’s been typecast in that kind of role which is a real shame. Justice Smith did a decent job playing a sorcerer who can’t get a handle on his magic. That was amusing. But I would’ve preferred to see him do another Detective Pikachu movie, to be honest. I have to admit, I did have a few more laughs from Hugh Grant. It was refreshing to see him play the villain. I don’t see him doing that kind of role enough. But he was amusing! I really think he did a good job.

If I were, to be honest. When it comes to marks out of ten. I’d have to give this film a solid four. It really did not impress me in any way. And It’s something I would not watch again by choice. It’s the kinda film I’d watch if it came on TV and there was nothing else on. I hold no negativity about the cast, but this wasn’t the movie for me. But if you watch this and enjoy it, you have no judgment coming from my direction.

Thanks for reading. And stay safe out there.

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