Research Reveals The Bridge Of Communication Between Different Generations 

Modern Landline Phone Photo by Dan Dennis on Unsplash

The gap of communication between different generations is gradually becoming narrower from the baby boomers to millennials who are being brought up in a world of the latest technology. 

With Gen X growing up during the first email being invented in 1971 to the immersion of the internet in 1991.

There are multiple ways to communicate now as things have evolved throughout the years and different generations are adapting to new ways to stay in touch.

Recent research conducted by CallCare, a leading expert in contact centres and customer service, looked into the evolution of communication to see what are some of Brits favourite methods of contacting each other. 

They asked 1000 Brits what their preferred method of communication and have been able to reveal how each age group communicates in 2023. 

Is The Landline Phone Still In Use? 

Research revealed that the majority of the age group of 25 – 34 (30%) responded by saying they didn’t have a landline. Whereas, the age group of 45 – over 54s were the main age group who voted to say they own a landline but don’t use it (41%), the age group 35 – 44 (37%) also have a landline phone but don’t use it. 

It was the youngest generation, the Gen Z, who were the only age group at 18 – 24 where the majority of respondents voted that they use a landline one – four times a week (39%). With most of the respondents from the older generations not using a landline, it shows there could be a potential to the end of phone calls. 

37% of the respondents from all age brackets will phone someone on their mobile phone more than once a day. Although, women aged 45 – 54 (35%) were the only group who chose to call once a day.    

Overall, What Is The Preferred Method Of Communication? 

CallCare revealed that the youngest generation and the oldest generation being over 54s were both very similar in their preferred method of communication with 43% of 18 – 24 year olds and 34% of over 54s prefer communicating via a phone call. 

The messaging service, Whatsapp, has become the popular choice of communication amongst those surveyed including the ages of 25 – 34 (38%), 35 – 44 (44%) and 45 – 54 (34%). Their research shows there wasn’t just a difference between the generations but also between men and women, as the majority of men (38%)  preferred having a phone call, whereas most of the women in the UK (37%)  prefer using Whatsapp messages.

The use of text messages first came into place in the early 90s and in time brought the emergence of emojis and slang terminology as a new way of speaking to one another. 

CallCare found that the youngest generation at 18 – 24 (45%) chose their reason for using emojis was because they found them more expressive than words. However, the rest of the UK at the age of 25 – over 54s (48%) said they used emojis because they were visually appealing.

Overall, all of the generations were similar in choosing their favourite method of communication, which was 90% of Brits choosing their mobile phone / smartphone as the preferred option. 

So, in 2023 the gap between different generations of how they communicate may no longer be a thing as the bridge of communication between the generations are finally becoming equal

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