Simple Ways to Remove Beverage Stains from Carpets


Carpets add texture, colour, and cosiness to your home, but they also seem to trap stains easier than anything else in your space. All the drinks we carry around with us carry a potential risk. If you don’t know how to clean liquid stains properly, don’t even think of placing a carpet in your house. Those fat, stinky stains will trap dust, bacteria, and allergens, polluting your air and putting everyone in danger in the long term.

So, as you are already here, we guess you have the carpet and the stains on it, so no more warning, it is time to help you solve those problems you created. We will especially emphasize how to clean any dangerous beverages, minimizing the risk of permanent damage. Luckily for you, there are easy techniques with homemade carpet cleaning solutions that can resolve almost any liquid mess. And you don’t even have to go to the shop, all those cleaning gems are definitely hiding in your cabins already. No more time to lose; let’s get started.


DIY Carpet Cleaning Techniques to Remove any Liquid


Before we tell you about our DIY ingredients, we need to give you some golden tricks that can save you from ruining your beloved carpets. Of course you can always book an end of tenancy cleaning service to resolve your problem, but if you want to go ahead on your own, read carefully. They will also help you solve the mess without giving you a headache.

  • Don’t lose any time! Act fast – you have a much better chance of getting rid of the liquid stain if you act immediately as it occurs. Once it gets dry, you will need to add a few more steps to the cleaning, which means more time. Also, depending on the drink, some ingredients are harmful. They can cause discolouration. The only way to prevent this is to remove them within a few minutes.
  • Be gentle! Avoid harsh scrubbing; this will push the stain deeper into the fibres. Instead, gently pat and blot with a clean cloth.
  • From the outside to the centre. When you are cleaning the spot, use the same technique, moving from the outside to the centre of the stain. If you make the opposite movement, you can easily spread the liquid and make the stain bigger.
  • Test first! When you create the cleaning solution, even more if you use a chemical detergent, first try on a small inconspicuous area of your carpet to check if there is any reaction. This can prevent the following discolouration stains.
  • Your last step should always be to dry the stain. You can let it air-dry or use any kind of machine. It doesn’t matter; just remember to never use the carpet while it is wet. Even if you take off the stain, you create a high chance of mould growing inside the fibres.

After we mentioned all this, it is time to check the most common beverages that get spilt on our beloved carpeting and understand how to remove them.




As the tea contains a high level of tannins, it carries the risk of discolouring the fibres of your carpet. But, no need to stress. You are in good hands. We will teach you a very effective way of removing it without damage.

It might sound surprising, but all you need is salt and sparkling water! It is super unexpected, super simple, and super effective. Here are the steps:

Start by soaking out as much of the tea as you possibly can. Once you feel ready, spread the salt all over the stain. You will soon notice how the salt absorbs the remaining liquid.

When a few minutes have passed, top it off with a little bit of carbonated water. It will help lift the stain from the fibres. Don’t overdo this last step. In 5 minutes’ time, spray cold water and wash the area. After this, blot and let the spot dry.




All coffee lovers know that spilling coffee in the morning is more effective at waking you up than drinking it. But how about you spilling it on your carpet…? It is famous for colouring everything it touches, even your teeth, so you need to take care!

Blot, blot, blot until it is ready for the cleaning mix, which for coffee stains would be half a teaspoon of liquid dish soap and half a teaspoon of white vinegar, topped by 2 cups of warm water. Use a dry cloth to apply a little bit at a time, and repeat until you see the stain spot disappear. Finish up by spraying some cold water into the fibres to rinse the mess.




After every gathering in your home, you will probably notice some cola stains. It is inevitable!

The main difficulty is that most soft drinks are made with sugar, and as they stay on your carpet, they become sticky, trapping all the dirt on their way. These stains can easily attract insects, so don’t waste any time removing them.

As a cleaning solution, you will mix half a cup of cold water and 1/4 teaspoon of your current liquid laundry detergent. That is all! Blot the area first with water and a clean cloth. Don’t press too hard; you don’t want sugar deep into the fibres. After you take out some of the liquid, apply it on a new cloth to the cleaning solution. The enzymes in your cleaning solution will help to dissolve the dirt from the beverage. After the stain has gone dry, they are.

You can apply the exact same method to threaten a spot made up of most alcoholic drinks also.


Don’t want to take this risk?


If you are scared that something during this process could go wrong, do not hesitate to contact a professional cleaning company. Our professional, well-trained team will come to take care of your carpets, leaving them sparkling clean after. We use highly effective equipment to prevent the risk of any damage, exceeding our client’s expectations. Don’t think twice, give us a call, worry no more!

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