16 to 24s in Wales over 3 times more likely to be on zero-hours contracts than over 25s – Wales TUC repor

Shavanah Taj, Wales TUC General Secretary

  • NEW report finds young people are much more likely than older people to be employed on zero-hours contracts and miss out on key employment rights 
  • Wales TUC says banning zero-hours contracts, giving all workers day one rights in a job and removing age bands from the minimum wage would be “life changing” for young workers.  

New Wales TUC analysis published today (Thursday) finds that 16 to 24-yearolds in Wales are around three times more likely to be on zero-hours contracts than over 25s. 

In Wales, around one in 12 (8.2%) young workers aged 16 to 24 are employed on zero-hours contracts compared to one in 38 (2.6%) of over 25s. 

People employed on zero-hours contracts are classified as ‘workers (without employee status), which means they miss out on essential rights – like the right to request flexible working or the right to return to the same job after maternity, adoption, paternity or shared parental leave. 

And many zero-hours contract workers also miss out on key social security rights such as full maternity pay and paternity pay. 

The report highlights that, across the UK, just under half a million young workers (474,000) are employed on a zero-hours contract.  

Employment rights 

The new report also reveals that nearly three-quarters (72%) of young employees aged 16 to 24 across the country miss out on key employment rights at work. 

While some workplace rights for employees begin from day one of employment, others only kick in after two years of continuous service – including protection from unfair dismissal and the right to statutory redundancy pay. 

Employees aged 16 to 24 are far less likely to have built up two years of continuous service in the same job, so are much more likely to miss out on key protections. 

That means nearly three in four young employees (72%) don’t qualify for vital employment rights, compared to around one in four (27%) of working people aged 25 and over. 

Low pay 

And young workers are also paid less. Median hourly pay for 16 to 17-year-olds is £8 per hour and £10.90 for 18 to 21-year-olds, compared to £15.83 for all employees. 

This is partly because the National Living Wage (currently £10.42 per hour) does not kick in until an employee is 23. 

The government has accepted the Low Pay Commission’s recommendations to increase the National Living Wage to £11.44 from April 2024, expand it to 21 and 22yearolds, lift the rate to £8.60 for 18 to 20yearolds, and to £6.40 for 16 to 17yearolds and apprentices. 

These changes follow pressure from unions and campaigners. The TUC says that this is a positive step – but that the top rate must be made available to all working people, regardless of age. 

Even with these current announcements a 20-year-old doing the same minimum wage job as a 23-year-old will still be earning £2.93 per hour (28%) less. 

BAME workers are also particularly hard hit – as they’re disproportionately more likely to be on a zero hour contract than white workers   

Wales TUC General Secretary Shavanah Taj said:  

“Too many young workers are trapped in insecure work, on lower pay and without the workplace rights most of us take for granted. 

That’s not right. 

Banning zero-hours contracts, giving all workers day one rights in a job and removing age bands from the minimum wage would be life changing for younger workers. 

“It would give them a secure contract – so they knew how many hours they’d work each week. It would stop fire at will – making sure every worker is protected from unfair sacking from day one in the job. It would make sure they were entitled to maternity and paternity pay when they have kids. 

“And it would give them a chance to work for a decent future.” 

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