How to naturally deter slugs away this spring

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Homeowners have been told how to naturally repel slugs from vulnerable plants in the garden this spring.

Experts atĀĀ have named seven natural ways to stop slugs from damaging plants and shrubs.

The strong smell and taste of garlic will stop slugs from invading plants, and growing pungent herbs such as rosemary and thyme also act as a natural deterrent.

Slugs also find it difficult to cross over bark or gravel mulch so creating a barrier around the garden will help to prevent damage.

Used coffee grounds can be sprinkled across the soil to repel slugs; while also promoting healthy growth for many plants, shrubs and flowers.

A spokesperson forĀ Garden Buildings DirectĀ said: “Slugs are particularly a problem for gardeners during the spring, as the warm and damp climate creates the perfect environment for them.

“Luckily there are several actions gardeners can carry out without having to use expensive slug pellets which contain lots of chemicals.

“Try blending up garlic cloves mixed with water to create a strong solution. The scent of the garlic will naturally repel slugs once sprayed around your garden.

“Slugs are also repelled by citrus fruits so place the peels and rinds of oranges, lemons and limes around the most vulnerable plants to stop any pest damage.

“Another tip is to scatter mulch which is hard for the slugs to cross over – such as wood chips, gravel or bark. Eggshell barriers also work as a natural deterrent to slugs and snails.”

Here’s how to natural deter slugs from your garden:

  1. Garlic

Blend up garlic cloves and mix with water to create a strong-smelling solution. This garlic mixture can be sprayed on plants and around the garden where slugs are often found. The pungent smell and taste will naturally repel slugs.

  1. Coffee grounds

Used coffee grounds should be spread into the soil to act as a natural deterrent to slugs and snails. The caffeine will also work as a fertiliser to the soil to promote healthy growth for your plants and shrubs.

  1. Rough mulch

Mulch such as bark, woodchips, grit and gravel create a natural barrier for slugs, who find it hard to cross over. Layer up the mulch around your garden barriers to prevent damage from the pests.

  1. Citrus peels

Slugs will be repelled from the acidity found in citrus fruits such as lemons, oranges and limes. Place peels and rinds next to any vulnerable plants to deter slugs. The citrus fruits can also be blended up into a juice to spray over the area too.

  1. Herbs

Planting herbs in and amongst your other plants, flowers and shrubbery can help to keep slugs away and stop them from feeding on your garden. Slugs are repelled by the strong scents from herbs such as rosemary and thyme.

  1. Copper

Slugs will avoid getting too close to plants which are surrounded by copper, as they will get an electric shock. Place copper tape or wire around the base of the plants to act as a deterrent.

  1. Eggshells

Scatter eggshells across the garden for a natural slug deterrent. The shells will create a difficult barrier for the pests to cross. However, be mindful of where you scatter the eggshells as plants which require acidic soil (such as geraniums, azaleas, and hydrangeas) won’t react well.

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