ChatGPT reveals the scariest AI scams we’re likely to face in 2024

Cybersecurity Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

With the rising costs of AI scams costing Brits £1 Billion in the first quarter of 2024, artificial intelligence scams present a new challenge in how we must protect ourselves online and stay clear of cyber criminals.

Keen to learn more, experts at utilise ChatGPT to uncover what it believes to be the ‘scariest’ AI scams we’re likely to be faced with in 2024.

What are the ‘scariest’ AI scams?

1. Job Scams

One of the most concerning AI scams outlined by ChatGPT is ‘job scams’ in which AI is able to scrape job boards and Linkedin.

These scams can range from phishing attempts, to more elaborate schemes using AI in mimic recruiters, craft legitimate job postings and even conduct fake interviews.

Appearing highly tailored to the victim, this form of scam can frighteningly lead to individuals sharing personal information or paying for counterfeit training programmes.

2. Business Email Compromise using AI

Scammers are able to utilise AI to hack into business email accounts and learn communication patterns between employees and corporate jargon.

Once patterns are identified, cyber criminals are then able to impersonate employees or even directors of the business into sharing sensitive information or transferring funds which can in turn have devastating financial consequences for a business.

3. AI-Driven Investment Scams 

Another of the most frightening scams identified by ChatGPT is AI-Driven Investment Scams. Cyber criminals are able to analyse market trends and create convincing fraudulent investment opportunities.

AI can simulate trading activities or even create fake financial forecasts that lure victims into investing in non-existent schemes.

How to protect yourself against AI scams 

1. Be sceptical of unusual requests

It is important to remain vigilant and be cautious of unexpected texts, calls and emails, even if you think you know the recipient. If the message involves something you wouldn’t usually receive from a colleague, friend, or loved one, double check with the recipient themselves, in case it’s actually a scam.

2. Watch for urgency and scare tactics 

Scams often involve a sense of urgency to pressure you into making quick decisions, so don’t be rushed by anyone – take your time to verify information before agreeing to any requests.

3. Verify sources

Before interacting or sharing information that is being requested, verify the identity of an individual or organisation.

If you believe the recipient is from a verified source and agree to send a financial transaction, be sure to use trusted platforms to ensure they are established and secure.

4. Stay Informed 

As well as educating yourself about common AI scams, it’s important to stay updated with the media.

Be sure to follow news and updates from authoritative sources about emerging AI scams and cybersecurity threats, as well as staying up to date with affected business and individual cases.

Credit: who commissioned the data

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