Kitchen scraps safe to feed birds

Photo by Brett Sayles:

Brits are being told which food scraps they can and can’t leave out in the garden for birds to feed on.

The experts at have warned that whilst birds will appreciate food being left out for them, homeowners should stay clear from giving them foods high in salt.

Birds benefit from food in the garden all year round to help give them energy and feed their young.

They should be fed mealworms and seed mixes but from time to time, food scraps from the kitchen are harmless in small doses.

Chris Bonnett, founder of GardeningExpress said: “Feeding birds is a great thing to do and it can give them a stable source of food.

“It’s generally advised that we feed birds things like mealworms and bird seed mix which is why we offer a great range of these products but from time to time there are some kitchen leftovers that you can leave out for them.

“In order to protect birds we’ve put together a list of leftovers they can and can’t eat that people should familiarise themselves with before leaving food out in the garden.

“Birds will try to eat almost anything but some human foods can be toxic to them which is why it’s so important to be mindful of what you leave out.

“Remember that everything should be low in salt and always cut up into small pieces for easy digestion.”

Foods you can leave for birds:

Pasta and rice

If you’ve made too much pasta or rice, don’t worry the birds will love it! Just make sure the pasta and rice is plain with no added sauce or seasonings. Cut up the pasta into small pieces so it’s easily digestible.


Birds love hard cheese such as cheddar, just make sure it is grated or crumbled up into small pieces. Stay clear of giving them soft cheeses like brie and feta.

Boiled potatoes

Boiled potatoes are perfect for birds as they are packed with carbohydrates for energy. You can leave them boiled or mashed potatoes as long as they don’t contain any salt or other seasonings.

Stale bread

If your bread has gone a bit stale you can put a small amount of it out for birds. Break it up into small pieces and soak it in some water first to soften.

Foods you should never leave for birds:


Although they’re great for us, avocados contain a fatty and acidic substance that can be really dangerous for birds causing health problems and even death.

Salty nuts

While plain nuts are fine to feed birds, stay away from giving them salty ones. Birds can’t digest salty snacks in the same doses that humans can and it can be problematic for their health.

Onions and garlic

Onions and garlic are both extremely toxic for birds and should be avoided at all costs.

Your leftover dinner

As we’ve established, birds need food that is fairly plain, without sauces and added seasoning. Never leave out any whole left overs from home cooked meals.

For more on wild bird food please visit GardeningExpress website here

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