Letter to the Editor

By Carmarthenshire : Wind Farm by Lewis Clarke, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=124354608
Dear Editor,
 What’s the Labour Government playing at?  Sir Keir Starmer and Eluned Morgan visited  Brechfa West wind farm in North Carmarthenshire and Sir Keir said …..”They’re bigger than you think! “
That reveals that he knows very little about wind turbines……mainly due to their extreme scarcity in Southern England ! The biggest wind turbines at Brechfa West are  475 feet high. Meanwhile , up to 400 wind turbines are planned across Wales, close to DOUBLE  that height.…. at 820 feet !! Their 520 ft diameters are more than the heights of the Brechfa West machines!!  Keir Starmer and Eluned Morgan obviously have no clue!!
   They should talk to their own Cabinet Minister , Stephen Kinnock, MP for Aberavon, who has publicly objected to the eighteen 820ft spinning monsters  proposed by Irish Govt linked Coriolis at Bryn Wind Farm,
  above Maesteg and Port Talbot in his constituency.  Mr Kinnock cites TV signal disturbance;  terribly loud  noises; unbearable shadowflicker  and inability to recycle 260 feet long fibre glass blades after 25 years of use….as his four complaints in a public submission to the Government PEDW inquiry into Bryn Wind Farm.  Meanwhile, Helle Thorning-Schmidt ,Mr Kinnock’s Danish politician wife, is a Director of Vestas  Wind Turbines , who will supply most of the 400 820 ft wind turbines across Wales!!??
      What’s going on? Not only is Stephen Kinnock singing from a very different hymn sheet from his wife [whilst sharing her £53000 p.a from Vestas, of course!!], but it seems that he has a totally opposite religious creed from both the UK and Welsh political leaders!! Do they actually  KNOW what they’re doing???  They sound like a terribly unmusical string quartet to me!! Completely unrehearsed and playing very different tunes !! What a cacophony from four disparate fiddles!!
  Welsh people need to buy Welsh newspapers and….through their Letters pages….. express their extreme anger at this completely unacceptable desecration of Wales !!
Yours faithfully,
L J Jenkins,

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