Why Pet Owners Are Taking the Lead in Outdoor Design: 60% of UK Decks Are Built with Pets in Mind

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In recent years, pets have become more than just companions; they have become integral members of the family. This shift is influencing how homeowners design their living spaces, particularly outdoor areas like decks.
A survey conducted by Dino Decking, which included 1,286 participants, reveals that 60% of UK pet owners consider their pets’ needs when planning and constructing their decks. When asked specifically if they factored in their pets’ needs during the design phase, 52.27% of respondents confirmed that they did. This data highlights the growing trend among pet owners to prioritise their pet’s comfort and safety when designing outdoor spaces like decks.
But why is this trend gaining momentum?
The Rise of Pet-Centric Design
Pet owners are increasingly aware of the need to create safe, comfortable environments for their furry friends. For example, choosing decking materials that are gentle on paws or incorporating features like shaded areas and built-in water stations ensures pets can enjoy outdoor spaces as much as their human counterparts.
This focus on pet-friendly design isn’t just about safety it’s also about enhancing the overall lifestyle experience for both pets and owners. With more people working from home, pets spend more time outdoors, making a well-designed deck an essential feature of modern living.
Supporting Data:
  • According to a 2022 study by the Pet Food Manufacturers’ Association (PFMA), 62% of UK households now own a pet, with dogs and cats being the most popular. This growing pet ownership underscores the need for pet-friendly home improvements.
  • Research from the National Association of Realtors (NAR) indicates that 43% of home buyers are willing to pay more for a pet-friendly home, highlighting the economic impact of this trend.
Richard King, the CEO at Dino Decking, said: “We’ve seen a noticeable increase in inquiries from pet owners concerned about the safety of their outdoor spaces. Many customers are specifically asking about decking materials that are safe and comfortable for their pets, especially in terms of heat resistance and durability. This trend reflects a broader shift towards pet-friendly home improvements, as more households consider their pets’ well-being in their design choices.”
The Economic Impact
The growing demand for pet-friendly outdoor spaces is also influencing the decking industry. Manufacturers are responding by developing products specifically designed to meet the needs of pets, such as slip-resistant surfaces and durable, scratch-resistant materials.
For homeowners, investing in a pet-friendly deck can also add value to their property. As the trend continues to grow, homes with these features may become more attractive to potential buyers, particularly those with pets.
Additional Insights:
  • A survey by the American Pet Products Association (APPA) found that 71% of pet owners consider their pets’ comfort and happiness when making home improvement decisions, further emphasising the importance of this trend.
  • Euromonitor International’s Voice of the Consumer: Lifestyles Survey revealed that 71% of pet owners globally consider pets as members of the family.
  • A 2021 study by the National Association of Realtors found that 43% of people would be willing to move to better accommodate their pets.
Looking Ahead
As the bond between humans and their pets strengthens, it’s likely we’ll see even more innovation in this area. Whether it’s through new materials, design concepts, or outdoor accessories, the future of deck design is undeniably being shaped by our four-legged friends.
The trend of pet-centric deck design reflects a broader shift in how we view and care for our pets. By prioritising their needs in outdoor spaces, we’re not only enhancing their quality of life but also creating more enjoyable environments for ourselves. As 60% of UK homeowners can attest, designing with pets in mind is a decision that benefits everyone.
For the full story, be sure to visit our blog.

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