Only those with 20/20 vision can solve these sports-themed brainteasers!

These water bottles are keeping the team hydrated, but where are they?

Only the most eagle-eyed can solve these 4 sporty brainteasers! ⚽️

Can you spot all 7 pints of beer at the bar?

Six in ten (60%) took over 10 seconds to find all 7 pints.

One football player is wearing mismatched socks, where is he?

The majority of people (70%) took 5 seconds or less to spot the football player wearing the odd socks! Can you beat it?

There are 6 white towels hidden in the locker room, can you find them all?

Everyone found the hidden towels in under 30 seconds, with two-fifths (40%) taking less than 15 seconds.

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