A Pembrokeshire county councillor has received threats after raising concerns about an ongoing issue of loose horses and fly-grazing in the county.
The county has witnessed a significant increase in incidents of horses being left on public land and highways – known as fly-grazing.
Concerns have been raised many times around the Pembroke and surrounding area, with Pembroke Monkton county councillor Cllr Jonathan Grimes taking to social media over the weekend to highlight residents’ concerns.
He posted: “Out and about again this morning speaking with concerned residents, Pembrokeshire County Council and the Police about the fly-grazing problems on St Daniels Hill and the potential danger to road users of loose horses.
“We are working on a solution to the problem.”
Cllr Grimes said he had been “inundated with complaints over the past week or so” about loose horses, adding: “I do know that there is something afoot with the council and police – looking to have greater powers to stop this.”
His ongoing work on the issue was picked up in the local press over the weekend, leading to the editor of the Pembrokeshire Herald newspaper Tom Sinclair saying he has received threats for reporting on the issue, directed at both him and Cllr Grimes.
Speaking to the Local Democracy Reporting Service after receiving the threats, Mr Sinclair said the caller had asked for the story to be removed.
“The call included threats of violence and intimidation. The caller was also threatening violence against Cllr Grimes for trying to help the community with this problem. We do not remove newspaper articles on threat of violence.”
Cllr Grimes, who said he had previously had a window smashed before Christmas, said the threats to him had been reported to police, adding: “My comment would be that I am taking the threats seriously, have informed the police and county council as part of [new operational measures] in place to protect politicians/elected members.”
He said: “I’m trying to represent my residents as best I can but it’s extremely frustrating; the police are frustrated, they need the council to do something before they can enforce it.
Conservative group member Cllr Grimes added: “I don’t care if you voted for me or not, whether you’re left or right, I will help you; I’ve had quite a lot of stick over this, I’m trying to represent local residents and yet I’m getting this backlash including threats, it’s a bit unfair.
“I’m trying to do what I can to help the community and yet there’s threats and intimidation; we had the recent anniversary of David Amess [MP for Southend West murdered in 2021] he went to his surgery and didn’t come home that night.
“Yes, I do get paid [as county councillor] but it works out well below the minimum wage; I’m not in this for the fame and fortune, because there ain’t any.”
A Dyfed-Powys Police spokesman said: “Dyfed-Powys Police received reports concerning threats made against two individuals on Sunday, February 23. Safeguarding advice has been provided to the two individuals and enquiries are ongoing.”
Late last year, Pembrokeshire County Council teamed up with Dyfed-Powys Police in a bid to tackle the issue.
Over the Christmas period, the agencies worked operationally in a collaborative effort to alleviate the issue.
This joint approach is in response to community concerns and part of a wider initiative over the issue.
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