If Your Name Is David, You’re More Likely to Die First in a Horror Movie – New Study Reveals
A new study has revealed that certain names are practically a death sentence in horror films, and unfortunately for you, David, Dick and Holly are top of the list.
A deep dive into the top 100 highest-rated horror movies on IMDb has revealed the names most commonly linked to the first on-screen deaths. Conducted by Funeral Guide, the study exposes an eerie pattern in the audience’s favourite horror victims.
Funeral Guide has analysed both classic and modern horror flicks, pinpointing which named characters met their demise first. Here are the unluckiest names:
- David – Whether it’s Shaun of the Dead or The Lost Boys, Davids in horror movies tend to have the life expectancy of a teenager in a slasher film. If you’re a David, maybe let someone else answer that ominous knock on the door.
- Dick – If your name is Dick, just stay far, far away from haunted hotels. The Shining’s Dick Hallorann didn’t make it out alive, and The Fog’s Dick Baxter didn’t fare much better. If you ever get invited to a vacation at an isolated lodge, decline immediately.
- Holly – Bad news, Hollys. From Psycho to The Descent, horror movie Hollys tend to meet their doom early on.
And if you think having a title instead of a first name will save you, think again. The study also found that priests rarely make it past the first act. Ask The Exorcist’s Father Merrin, The Exorcist III’s Father Kanavan, or The Omen’s Father Brennan.
A spokesperson for Funeral Guide commented on the findings: “Horror films are built on patterns and tropes, and names are no exception. Our research highlights the sinister trend of certain names being the first to go.”
What Should You Do If Your Name Is on the List?
- Do NOT investigate mysterious sounds. That’s how it starts—every time.
- Never say, “I’ll be right back.” Because, spoiler alert – you won’t.
- Avoid being the skeptic. If someone says, “There’s something in the house,” don’t be the one who rolls their eyes.
- Consider a name change. Maybe try “Laurie” or “Sidney” – horror movie survivors seem to like those names.
So, if your name is David, Dick, or Holly, maybe sit the next haunted house trip out. Or, you know, just bring a ‘final girl’ friend to increase your odds of survival.
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