Homeowners are being told of ten surprising ways they can make savings on their home insurance.
Home insurance experts from Quotezone.co.uk are encouraging homeowners to make simple changes to their property to reduce their premiums.
Improving home security significantly affects insurance premiums, with even minor upgrades such as installing additional smoke alarms potentially leading to savings.
Other ways to enhance security and find savings include adding a lockable entrance, installing a high-quality burglar alarm and making sure the ground floor windows have locks.
Even something as simple as joining a local Neighbourhood Watch can lead to discounts because areas where the scheme has been implemented have proven to have lower crime rates.*
The UK has experienced a lot of stormy weather in recent years, so in order to reduce the risk of storm damage, homeowners are encouraged to remove tall trees that are within a five-metre radius of the house, or keep any trees near the house regularly pruned to prevent branches damaging roofs and guttering.
When making any changes to their homes, the experts say Britons must inform their insurance provider to ensure their policy is accurate and up to date. Failing to do so could invalidate policies and leave homeowners vulnerable.
Greg Wilson, CEO and home insurance expert at Quotezone.co.uk said: “Many homeowners don’t realise they could be making savings on their home insurance premiums with really simple changes and security upgrades.
“Securing your home by fitting a burglar alarm or installing high-quality locks on doors and windows shows insurers that you’re taking action to protect your property, minimising the risk of your house being burgled – all of which could help cut down the cost of your insurance premium. Just make sure any security measures you’re installing are approved by recognised bodies such as the National Security Inspectorate (NSI) or British Standards Institute (BSI).
“On the Quotezone quote form we’ve marked key questions that might help you find savings as ‘price sensitive’ with an explanation and examples of what that means, to help you reduce premiums and get an accurate quote that protects everything you need covered.
“You can also save money by trying to reduce the risk of storm damage. With the UK’s turbulent weather resulting in more weather-related claims, you could potentially lower your risk and insurance premiums by taking preventative measures against storm damage, such as cutting down tall trees around your house.
“Remember that something as simple as joining the local Neighbourhood Watch scheme can reduce your premiums as insurers recognise that these schemes typically result in lower crime rates in the area.
“When making any changes to your home, you must inform your insurer – failing to do so could mean you have invalidated your insurance policy without realising, leaving you and your home vulnerable.”
Top 10 home insurance saving tips from the experts at Quotezone.co.uk:
1. Add locks to ground floor windows
Homeowners should secure their ground floor windows against intruders, as windows that are easily accessible are more likely to be targeted for break-ins. Key-operated window locks are generally considered to be the safest, however if they can’t be fitted with your existing windows, speak to your insurer about alternatives.
2. Upgrade locks
Make sure that your existing locks are high quality and upgrade them if they’re not up to the recognised standard. Home insurance providers generally favour locks that meet British Standard BS3621.
3. Invest in a burglar alarm
A burglar alarm acts as a strong deterrent to criminals and signals to insurers that your home is well-protected. It’s crucial to get the alarm system professionally fitted by a recognised company and keep up with the maintenance to ensure it operates effectively.
4. Install additional smoke alarms
While there isn’t a set amount of smoke alarms you’re required to have in your home, you should install at least one alarm in the hallway on every floor. But if you want to enhance safety, you can also fit alarms in every room in your home which minimises fire hazards and could potentially lead to home insurance savings.
5. Lockable entrance
Secure properties with lockable entrances are favoured by insurers because they’re less likely to attract intruders. Gated driveways and reinforced doors can act as an additional barrier to potential break-ins, making them valuable security features for those looking to reduce their insurance premiums.
6. Join the Neighbourhood Watch
Being part of a Neighbourhood Watch program signals to insurers that your home is in a community that actively looks out for security threats and is less likely to be broken into.
7. Get all occupants to give up smoking
If there are smokers in your home, insurers will see it as a red flag because there is a risk that smoking indoors could lead to house fires. Because house fires are often very serious and can end up with the whole house having to be rebuilt, smokers could expect to see higher insurance premiums.
8. Don’t leave your house unoccupied for an extended time
If you need to spend a significant amount of time away from home due to your work or other reasons, you may be quoted higher insurance premiums because leaving your home unoccupied can make it more vulnerable to break-ins and other damage. Best to research some alternative suggestions such as house-sitters and speak to your insurance provider if you’re going away for a long period of time.
9. Cut down or prune trees near the house
Tall trees and overgrown branches can pose risks during storms, potentially causing damage to roofs, windows and guttering. Also, trees over ten metres tall that are within five metres of the house often increase the cost of the insurance premium due to concerns over their roots and their proximity to the house – which could affect the foundations and structure of the property.
10. Avoid unusual materials when renovating
Using non-standard or rare materials for renovations can make repairs and replacements more expensive, increasing insurance costs. Sticking to conventional materials can help keep premiums more affordable.
Quotezone.co.uk helps millions of customers every year compare and find savings on everyday bills and essentials, such as home insurance and non-standard home insurance.
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