Mae 14,000 o ddisgyblion ar draws Gorllewin Cymru wedi elwa o...
Mae Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water wedi nodi blwyddyn flaengar ar gyfer ei Raglen Addysg, gan gefnogi 14,000 o ddysgwyr yng Ngorllewin Cymru rhwng Medi...
Cwm Elan yn Dathlu Pen-blwydd yr Argaeau’n 120 oed gyda Digwyddiadau...
Mae Cwm Elan wedi trefnu digwyddiad arbennig dros Ŵyl y Banc i ddathlu 120 mlynedd ers agor yr argaeau'n swyddogol. Dydd Sadwrn, 24 Awst,...
Elan Valley Marks 120th Anniversary of the Dams with Special Bank...
Elan Valley has arranged a special event this Bank Holiday to celebrate the 120th Anniversary of the official opening of the dams. On Saturday, 24th...
Dathlu crefftwyr lleol: Ffair Grefftau’r Haf yn Llys-y-frân
Dydd Sadwrn, 10 Awst, rhwng 10am a 4pm, bydd Llys-y-frân yn cynnal Ffair Grefftau'r Haf. Cynhelir y digwyddiad yma yn ein pabell fawr newydd sbon, a...
The Welsh Liberal Democrats have stated that this Thursday's election represents a historic chance to save Brecon, Radnor and Cwm Tawe's rivers. The Party...
Welsh Water wins share of £40 million in latest round of...
Welsh Water receives £1.5 million from Ofwat to lead an innovative project to cut carbon in water treatment process
Project set to prove...
Cost-cutting wastewater project could slash greenhouse gas emissions
A project which could significantly reduce the amount of greenhouse gas produced during the treatment of wastewater is being pioneered by the University of...
Explore local crafts and tastes at Llys-y-frân’s Spring Fair on Saturday...
In its third year, the annual Llys-y-frân's Spring Fair is set to be a Welsh themed spectacular, with twenty-five stalls adorned with locally made...
Mae rhaglen brentisiaethau arobryn Dŵr Cymru yn ôl ar gyfer 2024
Mae Dŵr Cymru yn agor ei raglen brentisiaethau 2024, gyda 44 swydd wag ar gael
Mae'n Wythnos Genedlaethol Prentisiaethau ac mae Dŵr Cymru...
Welsh Water’s award-winning apprenticeship programme is back for 2024
Welsh Water opens its 2024 apprenticeship programme, with 44 vacancies on offer
It's National Apprenticeship Week and Welsh Water is celebrating the people...
Biliau Dŵr Cymru i ddisgyn o fis Ebrill ymlaen ac mae...
Welsh Water bills to fall from April and support available for customers struggling to make ends meet
Dŵr Cymru’n cadarnhau y bydd y bil...
Welsh Water bills to fall from April and support available for...
Welsh Water confirms typical household bills set to fall by approx 1% from April
145,000 customers already supported through range of affordability tariffs
Welsh Water set to become first fertility friendly employer in Wales
Welsh Water has committed to become the first fertility friendly employer with the work it is doing to provide exemplar support to colleagues who...
Dŵr Cymru’n cynllunio buddsoddi record o £3.5bn rhwng 2025 a 2030...
Cynlluniau i fuddsoddi £3.5 biliwn rhwng 2025 a 2030 - 68% yn fwy na 2020-25
Bydd yn buddsoddi £1.9 biliwn yn yr amgylchedd...
Welsh Water plans record £3.5bn investment between 2025 – 2030 with...
£3.5 billion investment planned for 2025 to 2030 – 68% more than 2020-25
£1.9 billion to be invested in the environment – 84%...
“Fundamental review” needed of Dwr Cymru – Welsh Lib Dems
Ahead of the Senedd debate today (27th September) on the devolution of powers relating to water and the licencing of a water supply and sewage...
Welsh Water to create record amount of graduate opportunities
A record 30 graduate opportunities are available for 2024
99 graduates have completed the programme since 2009
Welsh Water, the only not-for-profit water company...
Dŵr Cymru i greu mwy o gyfleoedd i raddedigion nag erioed
Mae record o 30 o gyfleoedd i raddedigion ar gael yn 2024
Mae 99 o raddedigion wedi cwblhau'r rhaglen ers 2009
Mae Dŵr Cymru,...
Deputy Minister for Mental Health and Wellbeing Lynne Neagle and MS...
The Welsh Government Deputy Minister for Mental Health and Wellbeing Lynne Neagle and MS for Cardiff North Julie Morgan, joined Chairman of Glas Cymru...
Y Dirprwy Weinidog Iechyd Meddwl a Llesiant Lynne Neagle ac AS...
Ymunodd Dirprwy Weinidog Iechyd Meddwl a Llesiant Llywodraeth Cymru Lynne Neagle ac AS Gogledd Caerdydd Julie Morgan â Chadeirydd Glas Cymru Alastair Lyons a...
Welsh Water’s Education Team reach the highest number of pupils ever,...
Dwr Cymru Welsh Water has marked an exceptional year for their Education Programme, reaching a record 93,897 pupils - located across every corner of...
Tim Addysg Dŵr Cymru yn cyrraedd nifer uchaf o ddisgyblion erioed...
Mae Dŵr Cymru wedi nodi blwyddyn eithriadol i'w Rhaglen Addysg, gan gyrraedd 93,897 o ddisgyblion, sef y nifer uchaf erioed – wedi'u lleoli ym...
Water Safety Wales join forces with bereaved mum to highlight dangers...
Water Safety Wales has teamed up with a Pembrokeshire mum on World Drowning Prevention Day to help prevent other families from enduring the tragedy...
Mae Diogelwch Dŵr Cymru’n ymuno â mam alarus i ddwyn sylw...
Mae Diogelwch Dŵr Cymru wedi ymuno â mam o Sir Benfro ar Ddiwrnod Atal Boddi'r Byd i helpu i atal teuluoedd eraill rhag ddioddef...
Anturiaethau gyda Bwystfilod Bychan: Dŵr Cymru a Chadwch Gymru’n Daclus yn...
Mae Dŵr Cymru a thîm Eco-Sgolion Cymru o Cadwch Gymru'n Daclus wedi dod â rhyfeddodau'r awyr agored i fewn i'r ystafell ddosbarth gyda sesiwn...
Indoor Minibeast Adventure: Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water and Keep Wales Tidy...
Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water and the Eco-Schools Wales team at Keep Wales Tidy have brought the wonders of the outdoors indoors with an interactive,...
Trigolion Ceredigion yn cael eu hannog i daflu weips ‘niweidiol’ i’r...
Mae ymchwil yn dangos bod 22% o bobl yng Nghymru yn cyfaddef iddynt fflysio weips i lawr y toiled
Mae hyn er gwaethaf...
Ceredigion residents urged to bin ‘harmful’ wet wipes as Welsh Water...
Research shows that 22% of people in Wales admit to flushing wet wipes down the toilet
This is despite an overwhelming majority of...
Dŵr Cymru’n creu cartrefi pel tennis i llygod medi yng Llyn...
Dŵr Cymru'n defnyddio hen beli tennis i greu tai ar gyfer llygod medi yng Llyn Llandegfedd.
Bydd y peli'n amddiffyn y llygod rhag...
Welsh Water creates unique ‘tennis ball’ homes for harvest mice at...
Welsh Water has installed harvest mouse houses at Llandegfed reservoir using old tennis balls.
The balls will protect the mice from bad weather...
Welsh Water launches its latest £100,000 Community Fund
Fund which will support not-for-profit organisations looking to enhance their local communities
Up to £5,000 grants available
Welsh Water has launched its new Community Fund to...
Dŵr Cymru’n lansio cronfa gymunedol newydd gwerth £100,000
Gronfa ar gael i helpu grwpiau nid-er-elw sydd am gyfoethogi eu cymunedau.
Bydd grantiau o £5,000 ar gael
Mae Dŵr Cymru wedi lansio gronfa gymunedol newydd...
Additional £657,043 invested in Welsh woodlands by TWIG – The Woodland...
Funding for projects in Pembrokeshire, Carmarthenshire and Cardiff
THREE woodland projects in Pembrokeshire, Carmarthenshire and Cardiff are the latest to benefit from a Welsh Government environmental grant programme.
Welsh Water investment to support customers and environmental improvements.
Customers and the environment are set to benefit from major initiatives by Welsh Water, made possible by its not-for-profit business model.
As cost-of-living pressure increases...
Buddsoddiad Dŵr Cymru i gefnogi cwsmeriaid a gwelliannau amgylcheddol
Mae cwsmeriaid a'r amgylchedd ar fin elwa ar fentrau mawr gan Dŵr Cymru, a wnaed yn bosibl gan ei fodel busnes nid-er-elw.
Wrth i bwysau...
Llys-y-frân scoop Croeso Award!
The team at Dwr Cymru Welsh Water's visitor attraction Llys-y-frân were overwhelmed to be awarded the 'Activity/Experience Provider of the Year' Croeso Award at...
Dŵr Cymru’n dathlu Wythnos Genedlaethol Cynhwysiant 2022
Gwnaeth cydweithwyr Dŵr Cymru gymryd rhan yn Wythnos Genedlaethol Cynhwysiant 2022, gyda chyfres o weithdai amserol a sesiynau hyfforddi ar amrywiaeth a chynhwysiant yn...
Welsh Water celebrates National Inclusion Week 2022
As a positive inclusive employer, Welsh Water encouraged participation in National Inclusion Week, an annual event dedicated to celebrating diversity and promoting the importance...
Finalists of the Visit Pembrokeshire Croeso Awards announce second ‘Climb of...
Llys-y-frân has developed its activity offering over the past 18 months, and with the addition of a new Activity Manager - Hope Filby, the...
Tîm Gweithgareddau a enwebwyd ar gyfer Gwobrau Croeso Sir Benfro yn...
Mae Llys-y-frân wedi datblygu ei ddarpariaeth gweithgareddau dros y 18 mis diwethaf, ac ers ychwanegu Rheolwr Gweithgareddau newydd - Hope Filby - mae'r Tîm...
Llys-y-frân partners with National Botanical Gardens of Wales for wildflower meadow...
Llys-y-frân saw its first 'green hay' spreading event last week. Sourced from National Botanical Gardens of Wales wildflower meadows, the green hay was spread...
Llys-y-frân yn gweithio gyda Gerddi Botaneg Cenedlaethol Cymruam brosiect bioamrywiaeth dolydd...
Cynhaliodd Llys-y-frân ei achlysur taenu 'gwair gwyrdd' cyntaf yr wythnos ddiwethaf. Cafodd y gwair gwyrdd o ddolydd blodau gwyllt Gerddi Botaneg Cenedlaethol Cymru ei...
Gwaharddiad Defnydd Dros Dro (gwaharddiad pibau dyfrhau) i amddiffyn cyflenwadau dŵr...
Yn dilyn y flwyddyn sychaf ers 1976, tymereddau uchaf erioed a chynnydd yn y galw am ddŵr, mae adnoddau dŵr (neu gronfeydd dŵr) ar...
Temporary Use Ban (hosepipe ban) to protect Pembrokeshire’s water supplies and...
Following the driest year since 1976, record temperatures and an increased demand for water, water resources (or reservoirs) for the Pembrokeshire area are approaching...
Welsh Water urges customers to join the effort to keep water...
Hot weather places increased demands on water network which can impact supplies to customersWelsh Water calls on customers to help by using water sensibly...
Dŵr Cymru’n annog cwsmeriaid i ymuno yn ei ymdrechion i gadw’r...
Mae tywydd poeth yn gosod galw ychwanegol ar y rhwydwaith dŵr, sy’n gallu taro cyflenwadau cwsmeriaidMae Dŵr Cymru’n galw ar gwsmeriaid i helpu trwy...
One year on and well over 100,000 visitors!
18th June marks the one-year anniversary of the re-opening Llys-y-Frân after a major redevelopment in 2021. Following a £4million investment the site has gone from...
Welsh Water able to support a further 50,000 low-income households
£12 million support for vulnerable customers in 2022-23Households who are struggling encouraged to contact Welsh WaterCompany working with over 300 local organisations to help...
Dŵr Cymru yn gallu cefnogi 50,000 yn rhagor o aelwydydd incwm...
Cymorth gwerth £12 miliwn i gwsmeriaid sy'n agored i niwed yn 2022/23Annog aelwydydd sydd mewn trafferthion i gysylltu â Dŵr CymruY cwmni'n gweithio gyda...
Welsh Water warns of the dangers of swimming in reservoirs as...
Welsh Water is reminding people of the dangers of swimming in reservoirs as warm temperatures are predicted for the Jubilee weekend.On average 45 people in Wales...